looking for sexy male to be sex partner
Dipost Oleh: lelaki_ingin_penis ®
10/26/2003, 15:09:36
gue 21 m jkt sel lagi horny banget makanya gue butuh temen cowok yg seksi biar bisa bikin gue horny and we can make a hot love scene together.
gue butuh cowok :
-19-25 y/o
-seksi, ganteng, nice looking guy
-also looking for foreigners or they what we called 'bule'
-gak sissy syarat penting
-like playing sex but not maniac
-expert in safe-sex games
-like to trying something new
-i would be plaeasure if you have place for us to play
-in south jakarta,near pondok indah would be nice
-sexy voice would be nice
-non money oriented
-pic of your body and face would be a plus value[/list:u]
if you the one,contac me soon at 08161193454
email : cang_kirku@yahoo.com
just come by soon...i can't hardly wait....