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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
yap !!!
that's right my friend !!! 8)
I agree with u !!!
me too !!!
And this is NOT menghujat. albeit personally? Yeah, right.
Di sini, di Indonesia norma dan kesusilaan masih terjaga.
Personal attack is included in 'Norma dan kesusilaan masih terjaga?' Nice example.
I guess it's easier to preach than to practice, right?
Terus... hati-hati menulis apapun, harus pintar memilah-milah kata, karena perasaan orang beda-beda.
The same goes to you.
He always dreams about his gay life, marriage, & perfect mates. But he can't make those happen.
How poor he is !!
He thinks he's great, awesome, & smart, by talking / writing in English. But in fact, he's just a small ant..!!
A dreamful dummy guy!![/color][/quote]
I definitely think this falls into a 'menghujat' category, on a personal level that is.
Is this your example by 'menjaga norma dan kesusilaan'? and or 'pintar memilah-milah kata' ? Great example of hypocrisy.
Lagi2 rectory ini kyk reaktor.gampang bgt g dalam hal ini,lagi2 melihat kalo,bkn dy yg salah sepenuhnya.ini c pembuat thread dikalimat awal aja uda tulis soal dy bawa2 islam c rectory lsg sewot.mungkin u mestinya lbh pandang dgn pk otak...jgn dliat muslimnya,tp u bawa2 agama...dmana2 ga boleh u bawa2 agama bwt judge sana sini..trz sapa lagi tu yg ngatain rectory awal2 itu,yg blg dummy ass or sapalah,gw ga ngepaste krn ga ngrti pk hp c..back 2 d topic..lo mending kl punya dendam jgn memperkeruh dgn offense org duluan.itu namanya memancing di air keruh..bkn ribut aja..rectory juga,g stuju pd hampir kbnykn pdpt u tlalu "langsung" gw ga tau u drmn,tp di indo emg ga bgt bisa dterapkan gtu..jd aga maklum bwt ktololan gay2 malu2in dgn pdidikan rendah dsn y..maap bkn sok bebas berpendapat!
Too often, we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and bitch-slap that motherfu@#er upside the head.
I definitely think this falls into a 'menghujat' category, on a personal level that is.
Is this your example by 'menjaga norma dan kesusilaan'? and or 'pintar memilah-milah kata' ? Great example of hypocrisy.[/quote]
Hebat... Salute euy....
Ini dia jawaban yang gw tunggu-tunggu...
Gak percuma RECTORY lama tinggal di luar negeri yang sedang menunggu musim semi.
Two thumbs up for you !!!
GBU !!!
Maklum, gw paling gak bisa & menerima kalo ada orang yang saling menghujat tentang agama. Gak Islam, Kristen, Hindu, Budha, dll.
Ya.. walaopun dengan kata-kata halus sekalipun, apalagi pake bahasa Inggris yang notabennya sering menimbulkan banyak salah tafsiran.
Sorry kalo ada yang merasa tersinggung.
I definitely think this falls into a 'menghujat' category, on a personal level that is.
Is this your example by 'menjaga norma dan kesusilaan'? and or 'pintar memilah-milah kata' ? Great example of hypocrisy.[/quote]
ya kalo ini juga saya setuju ama RECT