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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
sarannya masuk akal dikit dunk ah
perasaan lu selalu aja gitu
Sbenarny loe harus bangga ma dirimu sendiri...
Jgn mw menyerah dan hancur,karena yg rugi jg diri km sendiri..
Tetap tegar aja jalani hidup,dan sering2 curhat di sini biar bs ngeluarin segala uneg2 jd hati terasa lbh plong..
Tp y paling penting,tetep aja bersikap baik ma mreka2 y mengolok2mu..
gw malah dulu di skolahan ga punya temen
kemana2 sendiri
dibawa hepi aja
sibukkan diri dengan pelajaran
apalagi kalo lu menonjol di satu mata pelajaran aja
pasti ntar mereka bakal dekatin lu
paling ngga dengan cara itu ntar pasti bakal ada yang tertarik sama kita, dalam artian untuk mulai berteman
dia jadi tau kalo sebenarnya kita baek walo kita seorang gay
What's wrong with moving out? If u r not happy in where u r right now then there's nothin' wrong in moving out of that place. It's simple AND logical. :?:
Agreed. Allowing & letting urself be used by others is just plain pathetic. :!: :!: :!:
means that he's not grow up
how could he live alone out there
or could u explain more details about where he could go?
how could he live alone out there
or could u explain more details about where he could go?[/color][/quote]
LIVES ALONE??? who said anything about he's living alone? and why should he lives alone?
Moving out to another school does NOT necessarily means moving out of the house! He can moves to another school and yet still living at home with his parents!!
Unless, of course, there's only one school in his town ( which I think is highly unlikely).
next time I suggest that you use your logic before putting down your thought in writing! :!: :!: :!:
when u said move out i got in my head that u mean he got to moves out of his home
well, i'll try to use my logic later
anyway, although he may moves to another in his town
people might have knew about him as a gay
maybe, move to another place is far better
that's what makes me think ur talking move out of home
lagian pengurus sekolah juga ngga mempermasalahkan toh
Being smart and having the ability to make a decision is also important, esp if it's concerning your own life.
setelah gw baca, koq gw agak ANEH ya. kayak gak masuk akal gitu..., kalo satu sekolah dah tau loe GAY, berarti guru2nya juga tau donk? dan ORTU loe juga donk,masa gak ada yang kasih LAPORAN ke ORTU loe? dan klo temen2 loe ngejauhin dalam RUANG belajar, masa guru loe diam aj?
tapi kaloupun iya, ya gw turut sedih aja dengernya....
lakuin yg terbaik aj, gak usah aneh2, pasti mreka nanti sadar sendiri...
ya walaupun pasti masih ada yg NGEJEK, ya itu semua cobaan, km harus bisa melaluinya....(memang gak mudah, tapi YAKINlah KAMU pasti bisa, sugestinya ada di kamu) toh masih ada temen km yang BAEK sama kamu kan...
jagn sia siakan kebaikan dia ya.....
Emotional bullying can be every bit as dangerous ( and as excruciating ) as physical one.