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Adam deserves it!
Adam was so amazing throughout the whole season, and everybody knows it.
But, in the finale night, America votes AGAINST the person they didn't want to win, the person with "different sexual preference", yes, they vote AGAINST Adam!
So, with the amazing performances he ever did, Adam didn't win just because HE IS A GAY! AND HE WASN'T SHY TO TELL THE WORLD THAT HE IS!
(not like a former gay in Idol, like Clay for example, who didn't reveal their true identity when they were still in the competition just to kept their opportunity alive, ironically, Clay ripped Adam)
I'm so so so disappointed with America. They always say that they're a liberal country, a democratic country, but...they didn't allow a great singer like Adam to win American Idol, just because the boy is a gay.
But, it's okay, Adam finished as a runner-up.
But, I know, we all know, HE WILL MAKE IT FARTHER AND BETTER THAN KRIS and several former Idol finalists. I do believe!
I'm so proud as a gay with Adam. He's gay and he didn't shy about it and he just shows his amazing talent and voice. And also, he has nice attitude.
So, America, and the whole wide world, please welceme your TRUE IDOL, the talented ADAM LAMBERT!
Love love love ADAM! :P
Adam ga menang,gw pikir bkn gara2 dia gay.toh line voting adam n kris ga jauh beda,kris lbh unggul dikit.
Adam udah ktauan gay dr top5 klo ga salah,tp dia tetap melaju kok.jd jgn salahin gay nya.
Scara teknik, adam emang lebih baik dr kris.
Mnrt gw,they're both outstanding.
Kris is so loveable,fun,humble,tipikal co yg cute,rada nakal,tp baik hati.
Gw udah suka dr babak workshop,di tiap performance,ga taw napa,aura bintangny keluar.he' a great performer,charming.even dg dandanan yg biasa bgt.
Klo adam,he's really a great singer.
Tadiny gw jg pikir adam yg menang,tp klo akhirny kris yg menang,gw seneng bgt.
Good guy like him,deserve it!
And i'm such a fan of him since the first time i saw his performance..
i don't think so,,
lbih pantes adam yg menang lah,,
y sih emank mrka beda beda tipis, n result nya kmarin tu gw rasa g ada hubungan nya ma adam gay cuma g lucky aja dy,,
Kata gw lebih cocok Adam, atau mungkin Danny Gokey, ato mending Allison yang jadi idol, based on skill nyanyinya
Tapi kadang ada benernya kata temen gw yg kerja di dunia entertainment, dia bilang gini
"Di dunia showbiz, outer looking megang 70% chance lo bwat terkenal, ditambah good attitude n a lil bit controversy, jadilah lo selebritis terkenal"
Jadi yaa ga heran Kris menang, karna slain musisi yang paten dia juga...GANTENG 8) 8)
gw yakin dari 100% vote nya bwat Kris, mungkin bisa sktar 40-50% orang vote karna ganteng n humble nya Kris, bukan karna singing skill nya
setuju,, ini emg final impian gw,,
Was kris deserved it?
Based on the vocal, he was totally not deserved it,,
Based on his performance at american idol show, he was almost deserved it,,
but based on american idol in person he was really deserved it,,
he has the personality, the attitude, the gud looking, everything,, and he is really a current artist,, so? i prefer adam to be the 8th american idol but, kris, actually, deserved it too,,
i will miss adam so much
gw rasa peluang pemenang title idol disini emg udah tinggal faktor luck aja,, dr 3 besar bahkan 4 besar emg dah pantas jadi idol smua tuh,, tp kl sampe si gokey yg jd idol :? :? g mauuuu :evil: :evil:
untung beneran ngga,, :P :P
Adam bs lbh terkenal lg
Oh ya? Minta sumber-nya dong...
ganteng banget ya
biasa aja ah
O ya gue liat di tv kemaren tu' anak (ADAM) lagi nyanyi pas graduation-nya di SMU (video rekaman). Asli-nya pirang ya? :shock:
gw sukaaa bgt ama warren!!!!!!!!!
kris...??syapa yaah.... :?: :?: :?:
gw sih dari awal udah dukung Kris ama Adam
Adam soalnya keren bgt suaranya, Kris soalnya lucu bgt
tapi mungkin yg dibilang di atas itu bener
Kris itu udh paket lengkap
klo Adam menurrut gw tetep bisa terkenal
sama kaya David Archuleta, dua2nya talented bgt soalnya
deserve2 ajah, he3... :P
mereka berdua bagus untuk 2 hal yang berbeda, jadi klo mau di-compare, agak nggak relevan...seperti ngebandingin jeruk sunkist ma limau...hehehe, ukurannya sama, tapi warnanya dan isinya udah beda banget...