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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
sangat pengen, dan sangat bersedia! 8)
gwa tau itu adalah sebuah kerja keras yang amat sangat, tapi...kalo memang bisa, kenapa nggak...gwa mau dan bersedia banget...
Me and my fiancee are thinking about it. Hopefully we'll do it within the next 3-5 years. Financially-wise, we can afford to have 1 or 2 kids, however, emotionally speaking, at this moment we're still in quandary 'bout it.
But one thing for sure, both me and my fiancee are heavily leaning towards the surrogate method rather than adoption.
im just wondering..
kalo anaknya sadar that they are having two papas... what would they feel & do?
what would their friends say about him/his two papas?
emang 2 orang papanya itu bisa pikir "its their own right to think that way" / "let them be" / "suka2 mereka dahhh emang gw pikirinnnn"
tapi gimana dengan anaknya itu sendiri? berapa % chance mereka bisa cuek menghadapi itu?
*terutama di indonesia*
*tapi di luar negeri pun gw rasa sama aja*
wow, cool...
it's a good thing that you're living in a country whose people are much more open minded about sexual orientation, i guess it'll be quite alright for you and your fiancee to have kids..maybe your kids will have to endure a little pressure from their peer groups (well, who doesn't?), but they still have large chance to survive those things...
but, i think, if you do the same thing in Indo, hmmm...i have to say that it might be much much harder, not only for you and your partner, but also (or even more) for your kids to be able to live normally...and by normally, i mean getting decent treatment from the environment, and getting things that are supposed to be your right..I imagine that there'll be no school that are willing to accept and educate your kids, knowing that their parents are, well, gay...
in my opinion, it'll be better for us, if we want to have kids, to move to another country which respects and upholds the principle of freedom as one of human rights better than Indo does..and of course, the country will have to be non-religiously based (have their law written with no significant religious influence)..if you move to another country such as Egypt or Vatican..well, it'll be a lot harder to survive..haha...
personally, i've thought about this a lot...and one day, i'd like to have my own kids, with someone whom i love..and of course, i don't want my kids to suffer from inequalities and injustice..i'd want them to have a happy life, grow normally, n freedom to choose whatever they want to be..
and i just want to share my thoughts, that there might be things, besides our mental preparations, willingness and those kinds of things, that still need to be considered..
that's just my harm intended ^.^
tapi iya juga ya,
kalo dipikirin masa depan mreka kayak gimana pandangan masyarakat atow lingkungan/ teman mereka tau kalo ortunya GAY, dan anaknya jugapasti merasa gimana gitu pada saat dewasa nanti.... :roll:
well, gw juga pengen banget punya anak, 1 boy, kalo gak bisa twin boys. Tapi as long as orang2 yang KLOSET mind masih ada (belon di holocaust), gw gak bakal berani ngelakuin ntu...kasian ma anak gw ntar...emang kalo masih kecil seh gpp, tapi nti kalo dia masuk SD ato SMP ato SMU, wew...gak tega mikirnya...
exactly...makanya kita harus pilih lingkungan yg tepat biar anak kita bs dpt perlakuan yg selayak mungkin..walaupun perlakuan yg 100% normal (at least menurut gw) agak ga mungkin untuk didapat karena kita emang "berbeda" dari masyarakat pada umumnya...
kl mau ngelakuin ini di indo...well, gw ga merasa itu satu hal yg layak dicoba..karena pasti nyusahin hidup lu doang..dan lebih parah lagi, bisa ngancurin masa depan anak lu...
ya oloh....
itu bukan keinginan gw lagi....(*gak ada Kepikiran untuk itu)
cuma pendapat aj....
iya bener sekali loe....
kasian anaknya juga, tapi ntah kalo LINGKUNGANnya gak kayak di indonesia
Surrogate ( surrogacy method ) means planting your sperm ( or in my case mine and my bf's ) in a woman's womb through artificial insemination method.
We're partial to this method for a sole reason that the child will be having my ( or my bf's ) DNA's link. In other words, the child will be my own flesh & blood.
Tp klo soal jd orgtua yg baik, gay ada yg bs jd orgtua yg baik ada yg gak, sama kayak str8 ada yg bs ada yg gak. Gak tergantung sexual orientation.
Daripada anak2 nggak terurus mendingan diurus gay couple.