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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
of course
gua permisi cabut
thanks buat suggestion nya
gua mau fokus ke cewe lebih nikmat bro
thanks buat pm lo pade
gua doakan lo pade normal
walaikum salam
gua permisi cabut
thanks buat suggestion nya
gua mau fokus ke cewe lebih nikmat bro
thanks buat pm lo pade
gua doakan lo pade normal
walaikum salam
selamat jalan ..... kalao mamu mampir lagi ... silakan .... kapan kapan
heterosexual is not normal, it's just common
apa cuma gw aja ya yang keberatan kalo gay disebut ga normal???? :?:
Btw, good luck ya drug user, moga2 elo bisa lebih toleran sm People Like Us ^^
sip, thx for reply nya... Good Luck.
Edit :
wew, ternyata ada Inbox 2. ga kliatan bro... thx for doanya...
yup, normal is relative, but sadly, PLU often refer themselves as not normal, just look at some threads here, a lot of titles consist of: "gay or normal?" or "why am I not normal?", or something as pathetic as those, well, I'm sure you got the idea...
well, I'm trying here, I even kind of got into a debate because of this in some other forum...