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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
and now, there're several "wanita berkerudung" yg sepertinya baik. and one of them show me that she likes me... what to do?
why don't u try to accept her?
who knows she'll be 'the one'
btw my GF (now) has different religion with me, she's christian, I'm moslem, but we're fine with it.
what do u think?
btw lanjut nanti malam ya,, I've gotta go nih, c u ,..
tapi kebnyakan cwe skrg sikh emang kyk gtu..
@DhegaDiggory dia udah kumantrai obliviate supaya ga bisa mengenang cerita2 indah saat itu *eeaaa
cwo matre tendang k jurang aja dekh.. betul kgk @donisantoso ??
but, it's ok lah,, bagi2 rezeki, hhehe.