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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
film "Speechless" rar nya koq ga bisa diextract?
padahal udah semua didownload.
tapi akhirnya bisa setelah di-joined pakai program "hjsplit"
thx bro. tapi aku dah ada video movie nya, tapi raw, blm ada Eng sub nya :P
ada yg punya link download Eng / Indo subtitle "Dunno Y Na Jaane Kyun" ga? format .srt .sub
khusus yg account share, gw mesti rename folder dan nama file di dalamnya satu per satu biar ga sama dgn yg file originalnya....
ini yg makan waktu selain masalah teknis spt bandwidth yg harus digilir buat download, upload dan browsing....
tp kadang kala ada hal2 non teknis yg jadi kendala, misalnya sibukatau lagi dilanda rasa jenuh dan malas.....
barusan uda gw tambahin link film2 yg gw posting minggu lalu:
- Chemin de Croix aka Crossway
- Das Trio aka The Trio
- Leave It on The Floor
- Bayaw (Uncensored Version)
- Muli
- Das Wahre Leben aka Life Actually aka Bummm!
gay yg india, "dunno y na jaane kyun"?
ini dia (new link added Oct 25 '12):
gw ga ingat filmnya uda hardsub ato ga, tar cek dulu ya... @angelofgay, gw uda posting link "Muli" dan "Das Wahre Leben", tp sayangnya blm ada eng subnya.....
utk selanjutnya file2 yg akan gw upload formatnya .rar semua
(thanks buat seseorang di forum ini yg pernah beri masukan ttg hal ini, tp gw lupa di halaman berapa jadi ga bisa mention namanya....)
Emang untungny apa?
Jeleknya suka corupt kalo rar
Emang untungny apa?
Jeleknya suka corupt kalo rar
iya, bisa di-extract stelah di join dulu pakai program.
link ini subtitel English nya "Dunno Y Na Jaane Kyun" kan?
English subtitle:
bisa minta tolong diperbaiki? :P
thankss so much @tongzhi
ditunggu film2 lain nya yaa
@1979, ini dia link english subtitlenya:
@Shank, jadiin .rar dulu trus split dan baru kemudian gw upload....
napa mesti begitu?
ini cuma buat meminimalisir kemungkinan kena sweeping MF lgi....
coba elu search GTM apa aja di FilesTube ato FileCrop, yg tersisa cuma link file yg ekstensionnya. rar, .srt, .sub......file2 video spt .avi, .mkv, .
u r welcome...
baru sempet donlot part 1 dari rapidshare....:(
renew lagi dong gan...
tp keduanya uda mundur dari dunia persilatan....
tar kalo sempat gw upload lagi..... @claude, film thai yg judulnya apa, kan banyak?
ada yg pake sub english ada yg ga....
Forest fires burn in Sumatra; a smoke covers Kuala Lumpur. Grifters beat an immigrant day laborer and leave him on the streets. Rawang, a young man, finds him, carries him home, cares for him, and sleeps next to him. In a loft above lives a waitress. She sometimes provides care and attention. More violence seems a constant possibility. They find another man abandoned on the street, paralyzed. They carry him. While no one speaks to each other, sounds dominate: coughing, cooking, coupling, opening bags; music and news reports on a radio, the rattle and buzz of a restaurant. It's dark in the city at night. We see down hallways, through doors, down alleys. Who sleeps with whom?
new link added Oct 25 '12:
Note: English subtitle hardcoded