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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
mestinya "White Night 2012" yg GTM, bukan "White Night 2009" yg film mistery...
tp thanks uda berbaik hati bantu cariin....
eh iya itu film apa ? kamu download nya dimana? @tongzhi
Matthia is about to move to Madrid by his boyfriend Eduard, so you do not have to reveal to the family of being gay. Eduard, however, is convinced that their marriage has the blessing of all family members. When the day before leaving for Spain, Eduard announces his arrival in Rome to know the "laws", Matthia must choose whether to finally come clean with his companion, or confess to being a formidable liar
Pengen download GTM korea dong
aku punya itu film israel, durasi nya 1 jam 10 menit, tapi torrent, bagaimana?
Torrent... musuh besar internetku... hahahah
Won-gyu, a steward, returns to Seoul 2 years after he left with a painful memory. He meets Tae-jun acquainted on the Web and they have a special night at the place of Won-gyu's bad memory. A queer film by Leesong hee-il inspired by an actual case of random street assault by a homophobe in Jong-no
Gw dapat torrentnya dari asiatorrents, size film 1.16GB...
sepertinya blm ada link download http...
Sempat nonton sekilas, kayaknya lumayan bagus....
Kalo mau nunggu, mgkn gw bisa bantu upload, tp blm tau di MF atau Mega....
jika kamu lolos tes, yg artinya link yg nantinya gw kasih beneran kamu copy dan ga didownload langsung, kamu bisa request judul2 berikutnya....
la yo kwi, sebenarnya torrent itu bagus sih, tapi paling yang ku benci, seed nya sering nya gak ada, makanya paling sebel nya itu !
ada film bagus, namun belom ada yang keluar http nya, tapi aku ngebet banget, ya udah lah oakai torrent, tapi seed nya gak ada berhari2 pula baru kelar. dah gitu size nya gede. ya udah lama ! @levyr
tapi jujur dech yossie itu gak rekomended banget, jelek abis, sia2 aja aku download percintaan di camp tentara israel. flat dan durasi nya cuma 70 menit.
boleh lah torrent nya @tongzhi
@tongzhi udah gue message gan. Ada gak yah kira-kira? semoga aja dalam bentuk rar
But thx anyway, mungkin gw bisa bedah idws siapa tau nemu