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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
@malkymilky emang u mau film apa??
relain kuota 700mb cuma buat liat erection scene doang, haha.. sayang bro.
barusan baru nonton the falls (cuman sayang nggak ada subtitle nya). kirain film nya bakal sekeren latter days eh ternya ta jauhh..
sekarang lagi nyari2 link amnesia,, baca2 katanya mayan sedih ni film.
A recreation of the decade-long love affair in the 18th century in a Cape Town penal colony on Robben Island. The two lovers were a Dutch sailor imprisoned there for sodomy and a young Khoi herder. The Khoi were part of the Hottentot tribal group and as such were the untouchables of that time. The two were placed on trial and this love affair and the legal battles are the grist of Greyson and Lewis' film based partly on court transcripts from the time. In South Africa, during the 1700s, sodomy was a crime deemed worse than murder, and the fact that these two young men had indulged in it was also complicated by the fact that this was an interracial love affair.
download link: ask me!
On the day of Roy's birthday, an unexpected event happens in the lives of the people in his house. Unbeknownst to Diego, a hunk gay waiter, Roy, a student, is the only key to the truths surrounding the lies and deceits in the house. Drugs and hidden motives involving Diego and Sandro, a callboy and student, will be revealed which eventually lead to the death of the latter. Upon knowing that Diego's life is in danger, Orlando, a band member in love with Diego, decided to postpone his intentions of taking his life in order to help the love of his life. Orlando saves Diego from death, but sadly, all is too late. Orlando is weakening and is dying of AIDS. Regardless of the time given to them, Diego and Orlando use the precious remaining time to show their love for each other.
Note: No English subtitle
download link: ask me!
A look at the life of James Dean as he was on the cusp of achieving fame.
Note: No English subtitle
download link: ask me!
@tongzhi : gw krg tahu apa udh di posting ap blm, tapi kyknya pernah ada yang nanyain disini....
katanya ni pilem cuma semacam atribut, ato gambaran si james dean, bukan biopic... jd blm jelas kebnrannya (maksutnya soal seksualitas si jammie...)
ni pilem gede gtu sizenya.... pas ntn kaga ngarti alurnya... hadeh... riweh atuh...
(1) bikin account dulu di free.
(2) kontak @tongzhi via pm untuk minta link film yang anda inginkan.
(3) KOPI file dari link @tongzhi ke akun mediafire anda.
(4) baru setelah itu downloadlah film tersebut dari akun anda sendiri.
(5) jangan sekali2 mendownload film langsung dari link milik @tongzhi. anda bisa kualat.
(6) jangan lupa bilang terimakasih pada @tongzhi.
hahaha....dirimu adalah my guardian angel @dundileo...