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dua taon loh nunggin niih film. akhirnya bs nonton juga
Tinggal googling sih sebenernya XD
One man was in love with the new one, but another one was in love with the old one. Finally, their love could be ending with the word “us” or notThe proof of true love between Gump and Nai, after they already opened-mind to be in relationship together. Their love was very smooth until Gump was requested (with order) by his mom to take care and help Sunz who’s just broken-hearted and be the nephew of mom’s friend. Sunz was still fanciful that make other people worry and concern about him.Sunz was a bit disliked by Gump because he made himself be in trouble. However, Gump’s feeling was changed after their first meeting. The annoying and joking of Sunz had a charm and could make Gump feel shaken. On the other hand, Nai was still confused about his feeling after he met Ball, his old high school friend that he came back to find out something.The situation was very confused, so finally their close friend which is Zee, Ped, Arm and Soda need to come to solve this confusion. However, Could they clear the problem and make both of their love to become the same or not ? or both of them will end up their love with the new guy. Please come to encourage them together in Love Love You (Just want to tell you I love you)
Nemu ini:
Sweet Boy (2015)
Ada yg punya linknya? Summon @aname2001 ada bro? Ato yg laen ada yg tau?
Btw bro @aname2001 dah lama nih gak share2 film lagi hehehehe
Halo, @angelofgay, apa kabar? Sejujurnya saya merasa film-film Thailand bukan pilihan yang menarik buat saya. Saya selalu terganggu dengan intonasi dan dialek mereka. Bukan bermaksud rasis atau diskriminatif, hanya saja mungkin makanan tertentu tidak cocok untuk orang tertentu. Film-film dari negara Asia lainnya seperti Korea, Taiwan, China bahkan Philippines pada umumnya masih bisa saya cerna. Entah mengapa Thailand sangat mengganggu di telinga saya. Tapi mungkin akan saya cek juga film yg kamu maksud di beberapa sumber saya. Kalau saya temukan akan saya bagikan di sini. Hanya, tolong jangan tanya ceritanya karena mungkin tidak akan saya tonton
O, saya sudah lama tidak berbagi film ya di sini? Baiklah, nanti saya lihat film apa yang bisa bagikan.
About an adventure of a man who left his previous life to seek something he doesn't know yet. Pretty weird, huh?
Love develops between two college students but one of them seems like loosing his future.
Haha iya emang dialek nya terdengar lucu ditelinga.. Oke bro TIA yah...
Iya, bro dah lama gak share wkwkwkwk.. Sy spt nya blom nonton film2 yg baru bro share, makasih bgt loh share-an nya..
Btw, yg Four Days in France gak bisa dibuka linknya bro
ini juga ga keluar2 filmnya. iklannya dah dr tahun kemaren.