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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
What's the buzz and fuss all about? jujur aja, gue ngga banyak nangkep komedi dan humor yg dituturkan di acara ini. Lucu ngga, Menyentuh juga ngga, jalan cerita masih rada cliche' huff! so what is it then?
Tapi mungkin gue masih belum nangkep kandungan cerita dan maksud dari humor mereka, tapi yang pasti genre-nya belum jelas buat gue (mungkin romance-comedy?) is it the kind of black comedy with off-color and dry humour..haha i bet NO.
Anyway, beside that, i seriously have a huge crush on Robin. She's really a major hottie!! i wish i could meet her someday..anywher... before i die. tapi dia agak ngingetin sama temen cewek berdarah filipina-nicaragua di kelas film, yang hehe.. gue taksir berat (yeah.. she's a journalist. well yaa smart girl always give me jolly and.. orga..*cough* sm..:D)
Trus, udah nonton sampe season berapa nih? ntar mau coba ikutin juga .. siapa tau jadi tertarik. En o ya sori kalo di atas gue kasih review yang rada "tajem" en "berlawanan". Jujur gue maniac-film..hehe udah terlahir kaya gini nampaknya, ngga bisa dibelok2xin lagi. Yaa.. jadi kalo udah nge bahas film sering terlalu "serius".. hehe
Salam kenal aja deh..:) *shake*
udah gitu klo barney mnrt gw tuh kocak bgt....
i'm so in love with him...LOL
klo Robin, yaaa dia itu kan reporter yg gak agak2 skuter *selebs kurang trkenal*...apalagi tokoh robin ini dciptain buat jokes2 ttg canadian gt....hahahaha
iya gpp sih klo bro gak suka....selera org kan beda2...
btw,robin dsini kan kayanya ga dgambarin sepinter itu deh broo...wong cita2 utamanya kan jadi artis, bukan reporter kacangan yg ngeliput berita2 ga penting *poor Robin*
gw sih udah nonton ampe season 6, di starworld katanya udah sampe season 7, tp gw lupa kpn tayang perdana nya...
Salam Kenal juga deh ..:) *shake*
Barney Stinson keren! Neil Patrick Harris peranin dia bagus bgt, smpe2 kl liat NPH di film lain msh kebawa Barney Stinson The Womanizer. Hebat ya seorang gay bs peranin karakter mcm Barnet Stinson
Btw suaminya NPH, David Burtka main juga di HIMYM as Scooter, Lily's ex on High School
Gue suka sm smua main characternya. Smuanya unik dan punya jokes2 khas gaya mrk sndiri2
How I Met Your Mother best bgt lah
Anw, di Starworld dah mulai season 7 sejak 20 Feb
hoooo iya!! scooter..hehehehe
udah liat si di starworld juga....
coba nonton yg ini bro....hehehehe
Hahaha.. maybe that's why. but, i already tried watching (almost) the whole season 1 last week and believe me or not, i was sitting through the whole episode, thanks to you!! Jujur aja, gue juga udah mulai nangkep jalan ceritanya - karena dulu kebanyakan gue nontonnya lompat2x- tapi tetep model humor dan komedi-nya yg..well, in my opinion, a bit cut and dried plus very blunt.. sorry,maybe i need to watch a lot more of episodes for this show..
Big Bang Theory, jujur gue lebih bisa menikmati (ngga nyangka nih acara buat orang dewasa, gue pikir G-rated show hehe) Kalo clueless..jujur banget gue belom sama sekali nonton. Tapi seinget gue, dulu ada film remaja tahun 90's judulnya clueless. Emang ada serial tv-nya juga? Filmnya juga belom pernah nonton sih.. hehe sorry, although i'm a huge moviebuff but chic-flick never been in my list.
Tapi, sejauh ini kalo untuk sitkom favorit sih masih Friends (hehe) dan sekarang aja masih sering nonton re-run episode-episode dari semua season. Kayanya ngga pernah bosen ketawa, ditonton berkali-kali pun..
Wah kalo aktris yg memerankan Robin bener2x bikin .... @-) bener2x tipe cewek keren yg gue pengen..well, i definitely would ask woman like robin to move in with me, shortly after our third date hahaha..
anyway, karakter dia emang ngga pinter sih disini - ngga tau juga aslinya gimana..- tapi yaa setidaknya secara fisik dia ngingetin cewek yg pernah gue taksir berat di kelas film (she was already almost 30 too that year..oups!) cuman dia pinter en kritis...
Ini ada link video pemeran Robin -nemu di youtube, dari kemaren google terus tentang dia hehe-
bikin meleleh berat khan? hehe.. especially with that canadian accent (well i don't know but i tend to think woman with american accent are the hot..)anyway, she said that she was going to MAKE OUT a lot with barney in next season? Barney tuh yang cowok blonde bukan? dia gay kalo ngga salah ya di kehidupan nyata? Wow,, he's one (super)lucky gay dude!! i envy this guy
But i think i have every reason to not.. being a big fan with this barney guy
Gue pernah liat di video bloopers how i met your mother, si barney nyenggol boobs-nya Robin...WTF!!! #-o SON OF A BITCH! It should have been me..
anyway nih gue kasih link video bloopers-nya how i met your mother en' cek di bagian 1:10..really makes me.. :-w LUCKY ASSHOLE!! pengen gue timpuk ni orang
Gue ngga tau lo udah pernah liat video2x yang gue kasih link-nya ato belom. But it's just for fun.. kadang dalam beberapa kasus malah tambah fanatik sama acara-nya, abis liat bloopers-nya (at least it works for me..hehe). Btw, buat tambahan aja, ini link video bloopers how i met your mother season 3. I think this is one of funniest bloopers video i've seen..ever! Totally cracked me up!
and check out at 2 : 07 hihihi.. i bet that actor who played marshall (am i right?) is the most secure guy to get on first base with a gay dude. ( or maybe when you get drunk, you just shove your affection up to someone's..well have been there actually.. :P )
Btw, season yg keberapa yg menurut lo paling keren en seru?
tapi HIMYM emang buat gw serial komedi yang konyol dan menghibur sih
baru nonton season far its good for afterworking the character..