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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

i'm a closet-case entering 30s dari Surabaya. tell me, am i pathetic or what??



  • @THEBOYCALM69 duh, profpict nya bikin sawan :)
  • hahahaha ;;)
  • Enjoy the ride!
    Kuncinya cuman satu : Accept Who you really are. Capek denial abis2an. Mulai belajar untuk mengacungkan jari tengah and say it out loud the F word.
  • theonebdg wrote: »
    Enjoy the ride!
    Kuncinya cuman satu : Accept Who you really are. Capek denial abis2an. Mulai belajar untuk mengacungkan jari tengah and say it out loud the F word.

    proud and loud sayin' "fuck me" gitu?? :))
    iye, bro... thank you.
  • judging from the previous comments,
    it's impossible to live like that in this damned country....
    negara kita negara yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai keagamaan dan blah blah blah blah....
    100 ataupun 1000 tahun lagi, sepertinya keadaan nggak akan berubah disini, "homosexual is wrong, it's a sin, you'll be damned by god" itulah pola pikir sebagian besar orang indo....
    aaand if you're planning to "run away" from the so called "straight marriage" you'd better move to countries that support same sex marriage....
    sorry for deceiving you bro....
  • ayaya wrote: »
    judging from the previous comments,
    it's impossible to live like that in this damned country....
    negara kita negara yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai keagamaan dan blah blah blah blah....
    100 ataupun 1000 tahun lagi, sepertinya keadaan nggak akan berubah disini, "homosexual is wrong, it's a sin, you'll be damned by god" itulah pola pikir sebagian besar orang indo....
    aaand if you're planning to "run away" from the so called "straight marriage" you'd better move to countries that support same sex marriage....
    sorry for deceiving you bro....

    kalo kata Anderson Cooper, "In a perfect world, I don't think it's anyone else's business." tapi kan dunia ini ga sempurna...
  • Just sharing ya: I'm already 32 bro. People who know me, except u gays in this forum are: my parent, my brother, one of my best friends, my bf and my bf's best friends. So is it called discreet enough? Hehe..
    Anyway, it is still very classified in my work environment. I will never say it loud or saying yes to any person in the job place. But I don't feel as a guilty criminal by covering myself, since I don't harm anyone, not cause somebody in danger or anything else like that. I am just making good to myself.
    However, sometime harder since some bosses act as match-maker (actually she is the only one boss here who keep doing it), the worst there is one single woman in my office who is enough qualified, say yes to me (of course I'm not the man who ask her).
    I don't know about my future, just keep trying to make it as good as I want. However as the one who already said before me, God is the path maker, and I still believe his is the best. So, only if the miracle to marry a woman comes to me, I will say yes and keep trying my best to walk on it. If it never happens, I am still (I wish) a very happy man.
    Today, I also want to share my happiness in this BF, happy birthday my love...
  • WYATB wrote: »
    Just sharing ya: I'm already 32 bro. People who know me, except u gays in this forum are: my parent, my brother, one of my best friends, my bf and my bf's best friends. So is it called discreet enough? Hehe..
    Anyway, it is still very classified in my work environment. I will never say it loud or saying yes to any person in the job place. But I don't feel as a guilty criminal by covering myself, since I don't harm anyone, not cause somebody in danger or anything else like that. I am just making good to myself.
    However, sometime harder since some bosses act as match-maker (actually she is the only one boss here who keep doing it), the worst there is one single woman in my office who is enough qualified, say yes to me (of course I'm not the man who ask her).
    I don't know about my future, just keep trying to make it as good as I want. However as the one who already said before me, God is the path maker, and I still believe his is the best. So, only if the miracle to marry a woman comes to me, I will say yes and keep trying my best to walk on it. If it never happens, I am still (I wish) a very happy man.
    Today, I also want to share my happiness in this BF, happy birthday my love...

    Kamu beruntung bro....nyak babe sdh tahu, satu porsi beban sdh terangkat. Trus punya bf lagi....kalo ditambah cakep wahhh komplet dah...

    Count your blessing alias bersyukur deh....

    Gue selalu akan berusaha bekerja yg baik, berbuat baik, cari pasangan yg baik....pokonya yg baik baik semua dahhh...

    Kalo terus mikirin yg buruk buruknya saja mengenai ke binanan, hidup jadi buruk juga nantinya. Skali skali galau yaa wajar, usir dgn tindakan dan pikiran positif.

    So lets get older and happy and Fabulous

  • kl boleh tny,ada keinginan pny anak ga broo? have you accepted whoever you are now,and make peace with that fact?
    sometimes,we need to re-learn ourselves just to make sure wherd we stand now, what've we done in the past,and combining that two facts,trying to compose what should you do for tomorrow.
    you are not alone, my dear friend.
  • @WYATB "only if the miracle to marry a woman comes to me, I will say yes and keep trying my best to walk on it" << good luck, bro... wish you all the best soalnya kalo aku ga mungkin berani. menikah kan sesuatu yang serius dan kalo bisa durasinya sekali seumur hidup. aku ga mungkin berani memulai sesuatu kalo dari awalnya aja aku ga yakin bisa menjalaninya. apalagi di situ pertaruhannya kebahagiaan. ga cuman kebahagiaan kita, tapi juga pasangan dan keluarga. kalo misalnya aku bisa mencintai seorang wanita, mungkin aku bisa melakukannya. tapi kalo cinta aja enggak, gimana nanti kalo di jalan ada masalah? pasti aku akan menyerah dengan mudah.

    ya pokoknya gitu lah, bro... semoga keajaiban itu beneran bisa terjadi padamu dan kamu sukses menjalaninya. GBU.
  • goyescas wrote: »
    WYATB wrote: »
    Just sharing ya: I'm already 32 bro. People who know me, except u gays in this forum are: my parent, my brother, one of my best friends, my bf and my bf's best friends. So is it called discreet enough? Hehe..
    Anyway, it is still very classified in my work environment. I will never say it loud or saying yes to any person in the job place. But I don't feel as a guilty criminal by covering myself, since I don't harm anyone, not cause somebody in danger or anything else like that. I am just making good to myself.
    However, sometime harder since some bosses act as match-maker (actually she is the only one boss here who keep doing it), the worst there is one single woman in my office who is enough qualified, say yes to me (of course I'm not the man who ask her).
    I don't know about my future, just keep trying to make it as good as I want. However as the one who already said before me, God is the path maker, and I still believe his is the best. So, only if the miracle to marry a woman comes to me, I will say yes and keep trying my best to walk on it. If it never happens, I am still (I wish) a very happy man.
    Today, I also want to share my happiness in this BF, happy birthday my love...

    Kamu beruntung bro....nyak babe sdh tahu, satu porsi beban sdh terangkat. Trus punya bf lagi....kalo ditambah cakep wahhh komplet dah...

  • @mbelgedez enggak, bro... aku ga ada keinginan buat punya anak. seandainya aku nekat menikah dan punya anak, atau lebih nekat lagi dengan mengadopsi anak, aku takut ga bisa membahagiakan anakku, dan yang lebih mengerikan alagi aku takut gedenya anakku malu punya bapak kayak aku. jadi enggak, bro, aku ga berniat punya anak.

    soal make peace with my self, aku sudah sepenuhnya menerima kenyataan kalo aku beda sudah lama. aku rasa kita semua sebenernya sejak kecil juga sudah bisa menyadari kalau sebenernya kita itu beda. beda dari nilai agama dan sosial tentang bagaimana seharusnya seorang lelaki itu menjalani hidupnya. tapi kan masalah kita ga akan selesai cuman hanya dengan bisa menerima kebedaan yang ada pada diri kita, bro... yang aku rasain sih gitu. kalo misalnya bro punya pandangan berbeda, mohon pencerahannya. btw, thank you and GBU, bro... :)
  • @dimasarganandra: dulu pas umur 25, gw prnah nyoba lari dr kenyataan dan nyibukin diri dgn lembur gak jelas. umur 27,kenalan dgn mahasiswi yg walaupun nakal, tp open minded dan lgsg nyambut gw dgn bilang, "kmu gay kan?"
    so what? live must go on. and guess what? ntu cewek malah bikin gw nyaman, dan pertama kalinya gw ngerasa hidup dan butuh cewek sbg tmpat brgantung. emang sih, kita paling kluar makan bareng di malioboro, naek becak bdua keliling bulevard, ngopi dan ngobrol gak jelas dipagi jalan kaliurang jogja. simple yet i needed her so much,as if she is the air I breathe.
    di usia gw skrg 32, gw dah begitu pengen nimang anak gue sendiri, ngerasain sarapan bdua istri, walo cuma telor ceplok ma nasi anget. tp mgkn karma gw yg dah nyuekin cewe/cowo, skrg susah bro mo dpt bini.... hihihi
    trims, GBU
  • alco wrote: »
    I'm not afraid of getting old

    good for you

    too blessed to be stressed, but damn... it's kinda lonely riding this crazy roller coaster of life sometimes.
    well, greeting from Badjoel City.

    cheer up bro

    I hope you'll find a way to find happiness in your life

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