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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
what I mean is I never said that "I love you" or "I love that person" to anyone, whether online nor to another person such as friend. To me, the word "love" is not easy to say, it supposed to come from within, your deepest feeling. And my deepest feeling is not easy to come out.
But the word "like" is another case.
ya udh belajarnya sampe sini dulu aj
mgkn emg blm nyampe, blm waktunya
nanti jg lama2 ngerti kok
ga ush dipikirin
sikat gigi, cuci kaki, trs bobo dulu sana
sumbangin aja dikit sis kl emg keberatan
mangap ya OOT bgt itu komen2 sayah
gapapa mah klo ngeOOT, soalnya kan gue jg suka oot di warung org xD
@BleezeB udah kalo ga ngerti minta terjemahin ke mbah google
yaudah semoga @BleezeB ngerti
gw mulai mencium bau perkomplotan nih
untuk menjatuhkan tahta