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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
the picture, That's so sweet, hhehe...
Nah kan... @RandyOdyssey aja setuju tuh, Hhaha..
ga mau ah, cari karakter kartun lain, aku dekisugi, randy nobita n doni doraemon aja gimana?? )
eh, pake iphone juga?? pake aplikasi line ga?? minta id nya..
om randy brarti ol di playbook? msa ga bisa ym?? LINE juga ga ada?? whatsapp?? ah, buang aja tuh tablet.. wkwkwk.. piss..
My phone is gonna be raped by @matcha_lover !!! Help,,, *Lol
Yap, I use iphone 4 now,, whatsapp, line, I do have too, but, sumimasen Sakura-Chan, I can't give them to U.... #sorry
@RandyOdyssey Ps Vita? gw punya tuh,, #gadgetholic
ih, korban teknologi.. hahaha
sama2 jorok nih pikirannya, mandi dulu sanaa.. hahaha.
@RandyOdyssey black friday?? ada blue friday ga? beli 2 yah, bungkus *eh
@matcha_lover next time deh dibikin..
kalo gini brarti si bpk @donisantoso ga bakal mau ktemu kita ya bro @RandyOdyssey?? =((
wah wah, ada diskon apa aja tuh, nitip apa yaa..
kapan aja tuh black friday? *buru2 telp tante*
@matcha_lover I think so, I will never attend the gath held by the members in this forum
I'm totally discreet, sumimasen Sakura-Chan
itu gw juga ga bakalan pernah ikut..
*nangis di pojokan..
@RandyOdyssey @donisantoso