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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
I like Franky appearance...sejujurnya Skins salah satu show yang agak lambat gw tonton (i'm too lazy to download the subs, and it is in British English sumtimes i have to think harder to understand it)
i watch Gen 3 to 5.... on waiting list is 1st, 2nd, and 6th (i read the review though )
Yeah i know about Pure Rise Fire, haven't seen it though it's about Cassie, Effy. and that super hot Cook right?
Defiance is on April 15th, Da Vinci is April 12th .. but the first 30 minutes Pilot is showing last tuesday and wednesday on SyFy and Starz Official Sites (it's ppv, cheap though just 2.50 USD)
oh I forgot:
- BUNHEADS (i love gilmore girls so naturally Bunheads is my thing )
and if reality show included:
- So You Think You Can Dance (Bunch of Hot Athletic Dude dancing in thight and sometimes very little garment on their bodies is kinda hard to resist)
- Dog Whisperer
@egalite yah maksudnya lambat itu yah ntar lo bakal ngerasain bedanya sama season 1, but I gave it a chance dan sekarang keren lg kok. Lo gabung thread gt nggak tkt spoiler? Kaskus males ah, terlalu homophobic, IDWS ftw! Di revenge tuh banyak sih yg ngeselin (IMO Victoria nggak ngeselin bagi gue) kyk Jack, Declan, Faux-manda, Ashley urgh untung yg 1 udah...... hehehe :P
- Ghost Whisperer
- Warehouse 13
- Big Bang Theory (walau kok gw mulai bosan yah?)
story-wise, gen 1 is best IMO, so please watch it! Yoi, paling penasaran sama Cook krn ending season 4 itu paling geje! Cougar Town I LOVE ELLIE! Meski kdg rada jayus makannya season 4 ini gue blm liat... When it comes to early 2000s drama I'm more of OTH than Gilmore Girls...
Ok, ntar gw cari Revenge, tunggu antrian film lainnya. Thanks.
Faux-amanda mati ye ye ye , emg ga suka sama ni orang, awalnya doang baik gitu akhir2nya ngeselin. Hahah sama ding gue juga suka sama Momma V , entah kayaknya kalo dia gk ada gabakalan seru Revenge niii.. Justru yang ngeselin si Ashley lah for sure.
Well okay deh bakal ngikutin teruuus o.ob
Kadang2 kena sih, yah jangan buka tag spoiler nya dong -_-a , gue ga gabung di IDWS bro -_- emang iya sih kaskus phobic nya to the max tapi tapi ya mau gimana lagi
@FeiXXXholiC aaa gue juga suka itu Cougar town haha kocak . Bunheads , ahh eumm Ga terlalu sih ._. Cuman nonton sekali2 doang, suka itu siapa nama karakter utamanya yang sceptical tapi lucu itu, mau aja ya diajak kawin langsung. Anyway ini serie emg girly bgt kayaknya, ttg balette gitukan -_-
@egalite BUKAN gue yah yg bilang, gue jg demen liat kalo Nolan ngmg kok hehe. Udah migrasi ke idws aja bro, lebih rapi dan gampang nyari trit" tertentu dan postnya selalu ditanggepin hehe kakus mah muna pdhl isinya banyak PLU jg *eh kok jd bashing forum ttangga*
geez "Sex and The City", "Bunheads" , "Gilmore Girls" i'm sooooooo girl
ketahuan tua banget yak!!! Lol