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Worst Singers In Asia « see full list
Agnes Monica (Indonesia)
She doesn't have her own style, no uniqueness, have no something
special/different, just so-so, arrogant, don't wanna hear critics, only
take credits, only hear what she likes to hear, someway think she's just a
puppet, surrounding by people who mislead her
I think she's the worst singer ever. Her voice doesn't has any
character. She's trying to copy Britney, Xtina, Beyonce, Rihanna, J-Lo.
Also she has no eyes for fashion! Her style is totally BAD! Her outfits
always make her uglier every time. Agnes Monica needs some fashion
stylists, please!
Actually she is pretty and her voice is quite good. BUT, she has no
original character/identity as a singer and/or a performer. She copies
American RnB singers too much and her taste of fashion is bad. Batik vest
with studded bra and hot pants? Unbelievable! AgnezMo, just stop
dreaming, start packing your luggages and going home to your developing
country please. F
I've seen her once. She might be come from one of south east asia..
People of her country must shame on her.. She copies Beyonce too
Agnes Monica Muljoto is the best plagiarist celebrity and she has a lot
of anarchist fans, She has poor taste of fashion and made our
Glorious cloth, Batik to be the worst dress in grammy week
She copy everyone.. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, J-Lo, and
Beyonce.. Her show is always boring
She can only emulate previously diva.. She has no character... We can call
her Ms. Plagiarism
Such a bad rule model! A confused singer without character! Talk too much
about her stupid unrealistic dream, I was wondering how can she go
international with her copying talent!
Even Rebecca Black must better than her... She is absolutely the worst.
And to all agnes fans :'please realistic.
I am Indonesian, feel shame on Agnes Monica.. She copies Beyonce TO
One word to describe her... Copycat...
She is too much dream n she very big liar. And her fans is really worst
ever, they always bullying other artist what
Too much copying western artists, but she wants to go international? Not
gonna happen. Oh and poor fashion sense. I don't understand why can't
she hire a professional fashion stylist. Drab!
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOSH, OH MY MOM, OH MY DOG! She is absolutely
failed singer. According to me, she is the biggest plagiarist in the world and
has the worst taste of fashion and dance, and her face expression when
she's singing is very very disgusting! And she is the most arrogant celebrity
made our country embarassed with her por' batik!
Well, what do you expect of her? Queen of hoax with no proofs,
embarrassed herself with her costumes whenever she attends parties,
failed performance and else.. Sigh...
Shes a mediocre singer and a copycat
She's definitely without a doubt the most awful-pathetic singer. She's too
depend on her crazy-fanatic-horrible fans that she "allows" them to bully
other celebrity beacause without them bullying and crazy voting, she got
none award she and her annoying-fans proud of.
She's copycat queen, No Character, plus arrogant too, Her management
spread HOAX STORY to prove that she is so famous around the world. And
her fans called NIC are very stupid fans in the Asia even the world, I mean
"kampungan". All that comes from her fans is bad words (animal words)
shame on her and her fans
A copycat singer.. Yes yes yes.. She is boring
I hate hate hate hate when she tries to hit high note (try to make it
sounds like soul singer - FAIL) she just scream like crazy..! Hate it!
The only Indonesian singer who has characteristic n originality that go
international is anggun (by far).. other Indonesian singers are mostly
copycat, either they copy style from Korea, Japan or USA, etc.. Agnes never
wear batik as much before and only has her skin tanned since she starts to
go international (what the... ? ) The only thing I must admit from her is
her "never give up" attitude..
Well we can see who's the worst now. Definitely agnes monica the queen
of copycat.
The worst plagiarism ever..!
She said that her mom is half Ireland half Japanese and her dad is half
German and half American?
Miss hoax, and queen of copycat. She can sing and dance but nothing
special with her voice
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She's copycat queen, No Character, plus arrogant too,
Her management spread HOAX STORY to prove that she
is so famous around the world. And her fans called NIC
are very stupid fans in the Asia even the world, I mean
All that comes from her fans is bad words
(animal words) shame on her and her fans,-rini-wulandari-041000353.html
bisa menjawab, tapi PLIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS banggetz buat para balangondek nicong jgn suruh gw cari bukti chart nya, mungkin bisa langsung tanya ke Reeneez Wu krna d artikel dia bilang
"Makanya, pas aku lihat ada nama aku, Rini Wulandari aku senang banget. Cuma aku satu-satunya yang namanya jawa, hehehe," kata Rini di sela pembuatan videoklip `Oh Baby` dan Tetap Bahagia di Kebun Raya Cibodas, Jawa Barat, Senin (13/10/2014).
@GuyBerryman bener yg di bilang @puck untuk memposting dalam bahasa Indonesia, tapi this river i forgive you #sembunyidibalikselimut
Agnes monica (indonesia)
1 Dia tidak punya style sendiri, gak unik, gak punya sesuatu yang berbeda/spesial, biasa aja, cuma mau denger hal hal yang bagus tentangnya, kadang seperti merasa sebagai sebuah boneka (atau lebih tepat nabi), yang selaku dikelilingi sekumpulan orang bodoh yang mengelu elukannya.
2. Gaya berpakaiannya bener bener ANCUR. kostum panggungnya makin hari makin menjijikkan. agnes monica butuh penata kostum
3. Rompi batik dipadu dengan kutang berduri dan celana gemes? plis deh! udah deh, mending berhenti ngayal dan beres beres buat balik ke negara berkembang lo
4. orang orang dari negaranya pasti malu, terlalu nyontek gaya beyonce
5. tukang contek paling parah, fans nya bar bar ngalahin FPI, selera fashionnya menjijikkan, sampai image batik yang harusnya elegan jadi menjijikkan di grammy week
6. kebanyakan contek artis, shownya membosankan
7. tukang contek
8. role model yang jelek
9. masih mendingan rebecca black
10. nyontek beyonce parah
11. tukang contek
12. tukang ngayal plus tukang ngibul
13. gak bakal bisa go internasional deh
14. artis paling nyolot, ekspresinya pas nyanyi menjijikkan
15. cuma tukang ngumpulin piala
16. konstum ancur, performance jelek
17. antara penyanyi ama tukang contek
18. terllu bergantung sama nicong, ngebolehin nicong buat bully artis lain sama ngevote gila gilaan
19. fansnya kampungan dan cuma bis nyumpahin orang pake bahasa binatang
20. ngebosenin
22. semangat pantang menyerahnya keren walau kaget kok tiba tiba pake batik dan kulitnya jadi berwarna gelap?
23. tukang contek
24. tukang contek
25. emaknya blasteran irlandia sama jepang, trus bapaknya blasteran jerman sama amrik? (gue mah bapak gue siam, trus emak gue angora, tapi gak pamer pamer, catatan penerj.)
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