I apologize for posting this here, but I thought I might be most likely to find suitable people in a community like this. I need one or more men in Jakarta to write reviews of local beauty salons and beauty products (those that are locally available). Visits and purchases of products are not reimbursed, only the time to write the reviews. This job is suitable for people who frequently visit beauty salons and/or habitually buy a lot of beauty products. This is a way for you to earn some extra income from something you enjoy doing anyways.
This job does not require any particular skills, although intermediate English skills are desirable, as I do not speak Indonesian. The reviews themselves should be written in Indonesian, though. However, the single most important thing is that you really are into male grooming/beauty. If you are interested, please describe how grooming is important in your life, how often and for what purpose you visit beauty salons, what kind of beauty products you use, etc. The more detail you can provide, the better.