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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

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  • numpang ngakak
  • @wiccazu tapi coba deh kita lirik sebentar dari era reformasi, Indonesia is too much mixed the politic with civil innovation, sangat berbeda dengan apa yang terjadi di EU sana, well i'm not a politician, as 19y.o i'm just see the world of politics from my heavens eyes. Kenapa sih kita gak pernah berdemokrasi secara baik macam di New Zealand, or like in French, everybody hates Nicholas Sarcozi but they never talk it much as they loved Francois Holland, and they live in the harmony. If you has visited Paris, you know how much peoples care on you when you lost? That's how they do at the politics area! Mereka cuma yakin, mereka milih ini, sementara temen milihnya beda, yaudahlah ya.. Yang penting kita kongkow bareng, live at the same ville, and we not talk each other before, so why we must make it hard or worst like a math differential! After we knew who's the next president is, ya kerja.. Kerja lagi, perubahan dikit (yaudahlah ya, namanya keputusan president- ini selama survey gue disana selama satu taun), so far gak menggangu Fundamental Kehidupan?! Yegak? What the european do when the time of "Big Day" come? *nb: i love your way of talking, but i didn't know is the angel inside still give up of the evil above? :*;)
  • ya pemilu nya manusia masa suruh milih malaikat...

    kekhawatiran tidak d dukungny proker salahsatu capres karena mayoritas suara parlemen merupakan lawan koalisinya itu jg masih mengambang. soalnya kita lagi bicara politik, ga ada yg pasti dalam politik. gw menunggu janji jokowi utk tidak bagi2 kekuasaan, pada saat yg sama masing2 fraksi menimbang secara objektif thdp proker tanpa embel2 koalisi politis. harapannya kan gitu.
  • politik?
    sejak kapan?

    politik ya selalu tentang kepentingan.
  • Makasi mas udah mensen akuh @fikkaruswan. singkat kata, yg mau disampein bang fika, jgn sampai pilpres ini bikin kita terpecah belah gitu ya? Kita bisa berbeda pilihan sekaligus tetap berteman, tanpa harus saling ngata2in idiot, gitu kan? *moga aja ga salah*lari ke bangku penonton*kembali menyimak debat*
  • edited July 2014
    I appreciate people whove lived abroad. and its only natural comparing 2 nations that youve lived in. but whats so good abt american? abt european? that we seemed to always have to feel inferior, lessens, or even obsessed by everything they do? maybe they are better, now, but who knows whatd happen in 15, 25, 50 years from now?

    the democracy that our founding fathers created wasnt called "demokrasi pancasila" for nothing. and as stated in the phylosophical foundation of our very own nation, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", unity in differences, means that our founding fathers already anticipated the possibilities of disagreement based on differences, whether it be in skin color, believes, or even political choices *like nowadays*. so being different isnt wrong, at all.


    What happen now, isnt *im 100% sure* anything that was to be expected when our ff first discussed abt the birth of this nation. They were expecting a strong, independent, and united nation. with its people as its core of development. looking at it in a bigger picture today, we are presented with corruptions, racial discrimination, imbalance development and prosperity, etc. The problem had always been here inside our own skin, the problem is in our mental. we are a great nation, we were, and we will always be, but its people arent. though we were destined to be one, but were still not even halfway there.

    2014, with all its shenanigans, is the momentum of political education. we are exposed by any issues from the media everyday 24/7, whether its right or wrong, objective or leaning to specific party, but here is the momentum. after being oppressed by an otoritarian government, which leaving a great deal of problems, followed by a corruptive regimes and local monarchs, we are given a chance to redeem, to reset, to start fresh. and we, and by we i mean every single one of us, are given one, only one vote, to determine the fate of the nation.

    And here we are, gays, a minority, given the same rights with the majority, with one crucial vote. and discussion, elaboration, argument building are all parts of political education. i highly think of every one of us in this thread, because it means that we are aware of our nations fate regardless of political choices. let us make this a succesful "pesta demokrasi". educate yourself here, build your argument, learn more from others perspective.

    may us always be blessed.
  • Giovan wrote: »
    I appreciate people whove lived abroad. and its only natural comparing 2 nations that youve lived in. but whats so good abt american? abt european? that we seemed to always have to feel inferior, lessens, or even obsessed by everything they do? maybe they are better, now, but who knows whatd happen in 15, 25, 50 years from now?

    the democracy that our founding fathers created wasnt called "demokrasi pancasila" for nothing. and as stated in the phylosophical foundation of our very own nation, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", unity in differences, means that our founding fathers already anticipated the possibilities of disagreement based on differences, whether it be in skin color, believes, or even political choices *like nowadays*. so being different isnt wrong, at all.


    What happen now, isnt *im 100% sure* anything that was to be expected when our ff first discussed abt the birth of this nation. They were expecting a strong, independent, and united nation. with its people as its core of development. looking at it in a bigger picture today, we are presented with corruptions, racial discrimination, imbalance development and prosperity, etc. The problem had always been here inside our own skin, the problem is in our mental. we are a great nation, we were, and we will always be, but its people arent. though we were destined to be one, but were still not even halfway there.

    2014, with all its shenanigans, is the momentum of political education. we are exposed by any issues from the media everyday 24/7, whether its right or wrong, objective or leaning to specific party, but here is the momentum. after being oppressed by an otoritarian government, which leaving a great deal of problems, followed by a corruptive regimes and local monarchs, we are given a chance to redeem, to reset, to start fresh. and we, and by we i mean every single one of us, are given one, only one vote, to determine the fate of the nation.

    And here we are, gays, a minority, given the same rights with the majority, with one crucial vote. and discussion, elaboration, argument building are all parts of political education. i highly think of every one of us in this thread, because it means that we are aware of our nations fate. let us make this a succesful "pesta demokrasi". educate yourself here, build your argument, learn more from others perspective.

    may us always be blessed.

    adem banget
  • It's all about people power. Bahwa ada seorang calon pemimpin yang hadir di tengah rakyat, berasal dari rakyat, ia tahu betul kesusahan rakyat karena kesusahan rakyat adalah kesusahannya. Ia tidak mengaku sebagai juru selamat, tidak menjanjikan akan menyelamatkan kita semua, tapi ia mengajak untuk percaya bahwa kita mampu menyelamatkan diri kita sendiri. Berhenti pesimis, berhenti apatis.
  • ndak apple to apple kalo membandingkan sistem politik (demokrasi) kita dengan Eropa karena di Eropa sana menurut salah satu guru besar yg sekolah di Jerman, masalah perut sudah beres. Jadi, politiknya bisa lebih enak. Indonesia lebih rempong permasalahannya. Black campaign memang iyuh banget. Partisipasi dan apresiasi politik dari generasi muda harus dihargai daripada apatis. Harus inget koridornya juga jangan menyimpang ke mana-mana.
  • Giovan wrote: »
    I appreciate people whove lived abroad. and its only natural comparing 2 nations that youve lived in. but whats so good abt american? abt european? that we seemed to always have to feel inferior, lessens, or even obsessed by everything they do? maybe they are better, now, but who knows whatd happen in 15, 25, 50 years from now?

    the democracy that our founding fathers created wasnt called "demokrasi pancasila" for nothing. and as stated in the phylosophical foundation of our very own nation, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", unity in differences, means that our founding fathers already anticipated the possibilities of disagreement based on differences, whether it be in skin color, believes, or even political choices *like nowadays*. so being different isnt wrong, at all.


    What happen now, isnt *im 100% sure* anything that was to be expected when our ff first discussed abt the birth of this nation. They were expecting a strong, independent, and united nation. with its people as its core of development. looking at it in a bigger picture today, we are presented with corruptions, racial discrimination, imbalance development and prosperity, etc. The problem had always been here inside our own skin, the problem is in our mental. we are a great nation, we were, and we will always be, but its people arent. though we were destined to be one, but were still not even halfway there.

    2014, with all its shenanigans, is the momentum of political education. we are exposed by any issues from the media everyday 24/7, whether its right or wrong, objective or leaning to specific party, but here is the momentum. after being oppressed by an otoritarian government, which leaving a great deal of problems, followed by a corruptive regimes and local monarchs, we are given a chance to redeem, to reset, to start fresh. and we, and by we i mean every single one of us, are given one, only one vote, to determine the fate of the nation.

    And here we are, gays, a minority, given the same rights with the majority, with one crucial vote. and discussion, elaboration, argument building are all parts of political education. i highly think of every one of us in this thread, because it means that we are aware of our nations fate regardless of political choices. let us make this a succesful "pesta demokrasi". educate yourself here, build your argument, learn more from others perspective.

    may us always be blessed.

    ini tu keren banget

    Buat naskah lomba pidato bhs inggris 17 agustus nanti
  • Topiknya udah keburu basi kali kalo mau dibawa ke lomba 17an, lol..

    Biar ga oot, saya juga mau kasih pendapat..

    Menggunakan bahasa tidak membuat orang terlihat kampungan, norak, ataupun kurang 'gaya' dan semua orang akan mengerti sehingga mereka dapat memberikan pandangan mereka terhadap pernyataan tersebut..

    Apakah pendapat saya akan dicounter oleh pernyataan 'english aja nggak bisa, jangan sok2an ngomong politik' dan sejenisnya?

  • pepper wrote: »
    Topiknya udah keburu basi kali kalo mau dibawa ke lomba 17an, lol..

    Biar ga oot, saya juga mau kasih pendapat..

    Menggunakan bahasa tidak membuat orang terlihat kampungan, norak, ataupun kurang 'gaya' dan semua orang akan mengerti sehingga mereka dapat memberikan pandangan mereka terhadap pernyataan tersebut..

    Apakah pendapat saya akan dicounter oleh pernyataan 'english aja nggak bisa, jangan sok2an ngomong politik' dan sejenisnya?


    ini tuh udah oot bgt, lol. Mending bikin trit baru aja, misal; "mengapa kita lebih mudah mengekspresikan pikiran atau perasaan kita dalam bahasa asing/inggris?"
  • @hakenun habis situ kemana aja? Tidur gak bangun bangun.

    Itu naskah keburu basi dong, 17 agustus Udah ada presiden baru. Di tambah dalil buat 17 ramadan aja, Hihi
  • hakenun wrote: »
    pepper wrote: »
    Topiknya udah keburu basi kali kalo mau dibawa ke lomba 17an, lol..

    Biar ga oot, saya juga mau kasih pendapat..

    Menggunakan bahasa tidak membuat orang terlihat kampungan, norak, ataupun kurang 'gaya' dan semua orang akan mengerti sehingga mereka dapat memberikan pandangan mereka terhadap pernyataan tersebut..

    Apakah pendapat saya akan dicounter oleh pernyataan 'english aja nggak bisa, jangan sok2an ngomong politik' dan sejenisnya?


    ini tuh udah oot bgt, lol. Mending bikin trit baru aja, misal; "mengapa kita lebih mudah mengekspresikan pikiran atau perasaan kita dalam bahasa asing/inggris?"

    walah, gambarnya ga keluar, pantes -w-
    *gagal lempar meme*
  • @sinjai emang 17 ramadhan sbelum apa sesudah 9 juli sik? *malesngitung* kalau sesudah, ya sami mawon

    @pepper meme nya nyusul lewat pm bisa deh kayanya ;-)
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