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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Makasih... I love you too, muach muach :x
Hahaha iya ngikutin bro @ArDewa, tegang banget tuh dari leading 20-16 kesalip jadi 20-21. Tapi Alhamdulillah, akhirnya duo daddies bisa menang. Hooh, ciyan Nozomi udah maen 111 menit, kalah dengan skor nyesek pula, sakitnya tuh disindang. Btw minggu ini ada Singapore SS, moga bisa dapet hasil yang lebih baik. Sejak Asian Games, Owi/Butet kena begal duo ZZ terus tuh
Oh iya, by any chance ngikutin tennis juga gak? Lagi demen nih ama Pospisock, they're cute. Chemistry-nya bikin menggelinjang, lol apadeh. Sayang banget kemaren di final Miami kalah super tie-break ama Bryan Bros. Duh sorry jadi oot di warung Mario, gara-gara lu sih, lol )
Yang bawah ikutan tegang gak? *abaikan*
Iya, oppa boyband hebat sih bisa dapat 5 poin beruntun. Kasiham si Nozom. Salut sama Li pesek, belum 100% fit tapi udah bisa sampe final. Walaupun kalah sama Marin yg teriakannnya bikin gendang telingan pecah.
SingaporeSS babak qual udah mulai besok. Kalo lancar Owi/Butet bisa ketemu lagi sama Duo ZZ di SF.
Iyanih, Owi/Butet sejak AG belum berhasil Revans dari duo ZZ.. Beda ama Ahsan/Hendra!!
Tennis? Ngikutin juga sih. Tapi jarang tau nama pemainnya. Nonton, sekedar nonto doang )
Gak masalah lah oot di lapak Mario )
@ArDewa kok Aryan nya say love ke Iril?? dan malah main pimpong sama @keposeliro ?? wakaka.
@Seiranu duh apalah arti foto saya.. sipo sipo ntar dimensen.
@Leo kyk yg di bilang si Palembang nih, aku gak bisa komentar banyak, ntar dibilang baca contekan (ngambek).. pengennya sih dilanjut sekarang, tp ini ada panggilan alam. huft.
sy sampai Mei (sepertinya) di Medan.. ada kerjaan kantor
penasaran sama Baim... jutek jutek misterius gitu
dan 1 lagi.... ga sabar nunggu ulang tahun panji euy
tetap semangat ya...
aku merindukan (cerita)mu
sy sampai Mei (sepertinya) di Medan.. ada kerjaan kantor
penasaran sama Baim... jutek jutek misterius gitu
dan 1 lagi.... ga sabar nunggu ulang tahun panji euy
tetap semangat ya...
aku merindukan (cerita)mu
@Unprince @octavfelix @harya_kei @Adamx @balaka @nick_kevin @bianagustine @Tsunami @Tsu_no_YanYan @cute_inuyasha @d_cetya @Wita @lulu_75 @arifinselalusial @fian_gundah @animan @kiki_h_n @rulliarto @bianagustine @jamesx @ffirly69 @littlemark04 @Rika1006 @Akhira @earthymooned @myl @exomale @AgataDimas @pujakusuma_rudi @yo_sap89 @DoniPerdana @kaka_el @fauzhan @muffle @notas @diodo @DM_0607 @greensun2 @Adhika_vevo @3ll0 @LeoAprinata @uci @kristal_air @MajestyS @nawancio @4ndh0 @daramdhan_3oh3 @Vanilla_IceCream @TigerGirlz @Hehehehe200x @Widy_WNata92 @sonyarenz @RegieAllvano @AvoCadoBoy @Ndraa @arbiltoha @Sicilienne @Rifal_RMR @JimaeVian_Fujo @zeva_21 @ardavaa @RogerAlpha @sunset @Arie_Pratama @gatotrusman @ragahwijayah_ @Polonium_210 @Hehehehe200x @addaa @JengDianFebrian @rendra123 @SteveAnggara @keposeliro @abiDoANk @RenoF @hendra_bastian @obay @DanniBoy @05nov1991 @farizpratama7 @andi_andee @meandmyself @NanNan @Bun @rone @momon_ombinx @Polonium_210 @Otho_Wnata92 @VeneNara @Asu12345 @hon3y @Valdi_Ananda23 @Otho_Wnata92 @kerr @joenior68 @abyyriza @Putra_ina89 @edeum @diditwahyudicom1 @dhina26 @Joewachecho @Seiranu @ArDewa
Let me know ya buat yg gk ingin kena seret. Danke
PS. Karena udah plus plus, kemungkinan minggu ini gak ada update. TS mau siap-siap balik ke Jakarta. Kangen juga sama Jakarta yang udah ditinggal hampir sebulan. All in all, happy reading all.
Btw, yang di bonus chapter, please ignore all grammatical error. I did that purposely.
Read the full story at
panjiwjy Hey @crlgibran & @baimm91, here are #20factsaboutme n u guys should make ur own too. I’m waiting for that. Here we go:
1. Adrian Panji Adiwijaya is my full name
2. Was born on January 7, under the stars of Capricorn
3. I love Japanese food, klappertart, & any delicious-high protein-low carbo-food
4. My favorite colors are balck & brown
5. I like Japanese pop song, Payung Teduh, Depapepe, & Westlife.
6. I watch anime a lot. Being crazy with Detective Conan and One Piece.
7. I like ivy flowers & planted much in my backyard garden
8. Books I love vary from history, mystery, economy, politics, fiction, etc.
9. Good listener
10. Blood type is O
11. Current favorite cities: Kamakura & Osaka
12. My favorite sports are karate, jogging, chess & swimming
13. I like writing fiction & I have finished some novels
14. I have sharp memories; easy for me to remember all things even in details
15. Hard for me to say no; have difficulties in refusing, but good in avoiding requests
16. My family is the best: gentle dad, smart mom, & foxy sister (poke @mayangwjy :P)
17. I’ve been joining so many organizations since elementary school that friends start calling me from ‘student-activist’ to ‘student-activmasokis’
19. I have many good friends. I love them all. My besties are Iril, Baim, Ajeng, & Nabil.
20. Iril is my craziest buddy. Ever. I firstly tot I just met him in my first day of varsity freshman. Yet coincidentally, we had met several time before; in middle & high school. Now, we are separated & I wish to meet him soon.
baimm91 Never did I expect @panjiwjy would make something like this (LOL cc @crlgibran), but here goes my #20factsaboutme :
1. My full name is Ibrahim Anwar. I share the same patterned name with my brother.
2. My zodiac is aries and I was born on 19-4-91.
3. I’m crazy with pizza and beans/peanut. I can eat high carbo food as long as low fat.
4. My favorite color is red.
5. My favorite music are Maaron 5, Gun n roses, Simple Plan, MCR, and Ada Band.
6. I hate electronic cinema and almost all indonesian movies, yet I had been watching them so much since kids. Poor me. Anw, I love action and thriller movies.
7. I don’t like flower, but if I should choose, I’ll pick daisy flowers.
8. I hate reading.
9. Not good at starting a conversation but become talkative when I get into the topic.
10. I have no particular favorite city.
11. My blood type is A.
12. Love traveling.
13. My sports are taekwondo, basket, and billiard (or sometimes karambol :P)
14. I barely control my emotion. So sorry for people I accidentally punched or kicked, I don’t mean it, that’s just some ways I show our intimacy.
15. Panji and Iril are my best friends. I love them both.
16. I don’t know why I somehow feel uncomfortable with older fat guys. So sorry for them.
17. My family is somewhat capitalist, the more financially independent I am, the lesser control they put on me.
18. I’ve been running a small business dealing with agricultural products for almost 3 years. I also have an online shop that sells and rents traveling stuff. Visit ya
19. I studied International Relations in university but I don’t think my heart was there. I plan to continue master degree in economics and business.
20. My English sucks! I learn it autodidactly.
crlgibran hey @baimm91 @panjiwjy sorry for being late in responding your tags. Here are my #20factsaboutme :
1. My fullname on official documents (birth certificate, passport, etc) is Chairil Gibran Prabaswara. It’s taken from Chairil Anwar n Kahlil Gibran as mom&dad are big fan of them. While Prabaswara is my grand dad’s name, meaning light, and he prayed me to be like one.
2. I was born on the fourth of July, same with independence day of US right? It makes the whole US celebrate my bday :P
3. I don’t eat sushi, blue cheese, mayo, tomato sauce, and salad. Love yogurt, chicken, n gudeg.
4. White is my favorite color n my favorite flowers are lily n white rose.
5. Fan of Jason Mraz n M Pokora.
6. I love watching Science-Fiction n Comedy Romance. I hate horror shows.
7. I’m very bad both in counting numbers n in spending money.
8. I love reading article, news, and magazine. I subscribe some National Geographic publications.
9. Love to sleep. Zzzz.
10. My favorite cities are Jogja, Andalucia n DenHaag. Currently living in Bristol n it rains so much.
11. Blood type: B. With this, I often justify why I’m very easy going, like cat so much, n do many crazy-clumsy things.
12. Political tendency: sinistra. And btw, I hate most of Indonesian politicians (hehe kidding)
13. Sports: Sprint, Football, n Badminton. I was an school athlete fyi.
14. My zodiac is cancer n I read horoscope a lot when I was in high school. I even subscribed daily horoscope at that time. LoL.
15. My favorite season is winter, yet I’m the type that easily caught cold.
16. I have traveling family, n I had moved so much during my life: Jakarta-Jogja-Palu-Bali-Bandung-Jogja-Medan-Jogja-Depok-Bristol.
17. I first learned English from my Dad when we played PlayStation RPG n he would translate things for me.
18. I finished my elementary grades in homeschooling, I had only less than five friends at that time.
19. Panji n Baim are my best+closest friends. Thanks God you made me met both of them.
20. Mbah Kung is my inspiration n always be the one. Thanks for being my light and raising me to be the ‘light’ he wanted. Thanks to him for always caring and loving me.
gua lanjut baca dulu ah
Yo bang dlanjut dgn semangat !
@RogerAlpha @keposeliro @MarioBros thx bang buat doany. Bakal usahakan yg trbaik deh buat ujian ntar.
Utk cerita2ny ntar ya. Blm ad kepikiran. Selama ini ttg hal gitu cuma nulis di diari aja...
@edelsteinf nih kenalin, abang2 yg jempol...
Bahahahahahhaha.... Btw aku ultah satu mei loh hihihi. Sok atuh kalo mau ke palembang juga kabarin hihi. Si panji pasti excited jg kalo kamu daten hehe. Makanyaaaaaa, break thru the line, kamu mah tipe tipe syatria tau gak, yg rajin penurut dan gak mau break the rule, tuh aku suka kesel mah sama si syatria, kemarin jg kerjaan nya ngomelin dia mulu yg serba takut salah huh. Anyway, nanti aku baca chappy 22 nya yahh