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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
jadi inget si onoh.. onoh dsb
*peluk bg biea
Gak jg sih kak iuss, tp aku kn masih dbwah umur , masa dibuly gt..
*lap ingus
ampuni baim ya Allah...
Ampun bang, maap jgn di bully
How outrageous!
Thou shall repent thyself in cemetery!
Anyway, just take it easy. If you were noticing how he act as usual you should be less offended. I knew it's so bad, annoying and unoriginal but somehow I think how I feel when I comments things like that.
And please, don't point out my bad enggres. I knew it.
Apa kayak take chill pill? Take a chill pleasee..
Iyalah he's simply replying what you've asked...
Napa.pulak gw dibawak2 hah!!!