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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
> Welcum @varvic_avenue . Semoga betah jadi anggota BF dan banyak contributionnya. Volunteering di Indo? wow cool dan semoga bisa mengajak lebih banyak orang untuk volunteering.
Thank you Mr Adrian. Yes, volunteering in Indonesia. I hope later this year I can expand my volunteering scoop into other countries, just like you
> Wahh.. i think you are smart boy.. nice to meet you..
Aamiin. Although I believe almost everyone is smart si hehe nice to meet you, even though technically we haven't met hehe
> nice to meet you too darling hehe
Is it for me or for @physic_squad ? Hehe Well anyway, nice to meet you
I love travelling too
> > @Auuuraaa menulis:
> > nice to meet you too darling hehe
> Is it for me or for @physic_squad ? Hehe Well anyway, nice to meet you
for you of course
@Auuuraaa Aah for me yaa, thanks aura kasur hehe
@physic_squad di daerah duren sawit. Lo di jaktim juga?
> Aura mistis @varvic_avenue hahahah btw ceritain dong kiaah bromancemu siaa tau masuk best stories ever
Haha banyak cerita si qaqaa. Nanti ya dipilah pilih dulu hehe
> Iya di tunggu @varvic_avenue btw minta Line nya kakak
PM yaa hehe