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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
sama aja kaya anak yang orang tuanya str8
skg ortu str8, kok anaknya bisa gay? hayo
masalahnya ngak sesimpel itu... justru yg jadi pikiran gw... gmana tuh anak ntar di masyarakat! jadi bahan ejekan... anak adopsi...ama pasangan gay...syuku2 tuh anak kalo kuat/pemberani.... kalo ngak? bisa nangis... depresi.. dan yg gw plg takutin malah akhirnya ngebenci ortu angkat-nya sendiri karena gay.. dll....
yaa lingkungan yg mana dulu, kalo di indonesia memang sulit gue akuin.... tapi kalo di tempat lain dan dalam 20-30 tahun ke depan gue rasa bukanlah sesuatu yg ngga mungkin,
10 tahun baru adopsi...bakal diejekin mungkin sekitar anak itu umur 12 tahunan, jadi 22 tahun dari skg, pliss donk ah masa sih org2 dalam 22 tahun bakal ejek-mengejek soal masalah gay
em, kalo ada yg ngeledek juga yg skg nanti bakal udah jadi nenek2 dan kakek2, dan temen2 gue di indonesia yg seumur gue kebanyakan suportif semua kok(bahkan agama mrk kuat), maka itu gue punya keyakinan kalo it's going to be jaman skg udah ngerti apalagi karena film2 seperti "arisan" terbukalah mata2 mrk ttg dunia gay
nah lo :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Klo bener itu foto dia, cakep loh huahahaha....
oops uve got bf already hehe
demikian sekilas info
I’m not trying to discourage you or anything, this is just my view on the matter.
One of the things I said was that it would be awefully selfish of gays and lesbians to have/adopt kids. Because when they do so, they are only thinking about themselves, the fact that they would like to have kids. They turn a blind eye on the fact that most people are not as tolerant or accepting of GLBTs.
When we think about it, who are the most ruthless most cruel creatures in the world? Children… little kids to be exact. Of course all of us must remember how it was like when we were younger, we all made fun of each other, and for kids, it’s a form of showing superiority over others. Of course, us adults see it as jokes, but these “jokes” have deep, permanent, psychological effects on kids.
Some kids lose their self-esteem and grow up with that feeling of insecurity all their lives. They are the ones labeled “losers”.
As for a more tolerant and accepting world… that is a very optimistic way of looking at the world. Even big cities have their fair share of bigots… Those who look at the GLBTs with disgust. Wherever you are, there will ALWAYS be those kinds of people, ALWAYS (unless someone created some utopian GLBT land).
What do these people teach their kids? Hate and disgust for GLBTs. And this hatred and disgust is planted deep in their minds.
Now, imagine you have a kid. And you and your boyfriend are totally out (even if you weren’t, people would still smell something fishy… and I don’t mean that kind of fishy smell). When one of those GLBT-hating kid learn about it, what do you think they would do? Throw confettis and cheer for your kid? Hell no, they would make fun of him every chance that they can get, day after day, making sure that your kid understands that having gay parents is the most terrible and embarrassing thing in the world. And having shown superiority over your kid, other kids in his class would conform to what they think is more superior and thus right.
And your kid would grow up an angry kid, not only hating himself, but maybe hating you as well.
Again, I don’t mean to discourage you, I just wanna show the worst case scenario. If you two do indeed decide to adopt a kid, I really hope you think it really really through. Having a kid is not just about you and your boyfriend, but also the kid himself.
Bila ada yang lain yang memiliki masukan, t1m pikir ini dapat menjadi topic yang sangat menarik untuk dibicarakan. Mungkin sedikit berat, tapi ini cukup penting.
On a lighter note, I wanna wish kangataz a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Selain Fei yang berulang tahun beberapa saat yang lalu, adakah anggota lainnya yang memiliki ulang tahun dalam waktu dekat ini?
gw ngak tao.. yah// pola permikiran gw tuh.. gw mesti mikir the worst scenario so biar bisa di-antisipasi dr skg....
anyway.. justru gw ngerasa kalo anak2 di ejek pas waktu kecil malah jadi susah.. gw tao org gede mungkin kebanyakan dah bisa nerima... tp anak kecil? mereka mana tao apa2.. nah kalo anak kita2 di ejek2 terus.. biisa berdampak ama ke-jiwaannya....
kemaren gw baru liat tv.. ada protes dr umat xtian ttg spongebob. katanya untuk men-support gay di anak2..
cuma opini gw loh.. no hard feelings plz
EDIT: Baru baca postingan TIM! gw stuju banget ama dia...
sip! gw dukung!!!!
soalna gw juga mau
well, balik lagi ke masalah kasih sayang kita sama anak tersebut..
kalo kita bisa jelaskan dengan baik, dsb..why not?
even saran dari MrMoonlight dan Tim juga reasonable..
but every dog has its day..
and I am one of those who are willing to adopt children..
lha ini kan berita lama dan udah gue bilang ini palsu udah gue report orgnya, buktinya udah ngga jalan kan?
anyway friendster gue di sini
semua yg testimonial di sono kenal ama gue personally, jadi there's no mistaking, bete bgt sama yg palsu itu, gue sampe berantem lewat e-mail huahuahua
Anyway, bf gue hari ini decided to quit his job! That's a big move, tapi I think it is the biggest reason to his stress, there was never a single day he came home from work and said he had a nice day. So bakal bingung sementara, mungkin dia bakal perlu some monetary help dari ortunya, wish him luck! Wah udah ada kabar, bossnya ngga pengen dia pergi, malah mungkin gajinya bakal dinaikin hehe!
Tampaknya capricorn2 belakangan ini sedang membuat BIG decisions dalam hidupnya(bf gue quit his job, tante gue "cerai"). Gue juga capricorn nich, decision gue apa yach yg drastis?
PS: thanks for ur B'day wish T1m!
hehe betul
1. gue udah punya bf jadi di BF cuman mau ngerumpi
2. Fotonya cuman satu, gue ngga yakin kalo itu bener dia, gue aja photonya banyak di friendster
Well I think it's only fair that I should say something about myself in return. kangataz, we're connected in the 3rd degree, so t1m - seseorang - seseorang - kangataz. LOL.
btw, in the "hometown" part, where are those other cities you mentioned?
not exactly! gw kemaren baru ngeliat lagi org yg pake foto lo! cuma gw loepa ambil link-nya
ya sudah lah kata moderator friendsternya juga something like this would happen, apa boleh buat....
bf gue juga bilang let it go aja, abis dia juga sering gbrnya dicuri org, asal gue jgn dituduh palsu aja di BF ini
(easy to say >_< )