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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
jadi maluuuuuuuu :oops:
but give a damed how i feel :roll:
ada ya dinikmati ajalah
...... welkom to de klub ... bro ...
satria sok abg tapi nanggung... mestinya da klub bro... bukan de klub
hey there ... i'm kev, new to the area here. 19 in Arkansas, US. Mixed-race here half American and half Indonesian, went to highschool in Indonesia. So I do apologize if I need to write in english. :oops:
I wanna share my opinion and idea regarding being out ...
Well ... it happened to me too when I was in Indonesia. Seems that Indonesian gay are still being prisoned by its culture and traditional things so they aren't able to be out regarding their status. I grew up in American culture&surroundings which we can say it's almost 'free' in every single thing. When I moved to Indonesia couple years ago, I met some difficulties. I used to be out in America (i'm out to anyone but my family; they know I'm gay but they just don't wanna talk about it and pretend I'm str8) but when I was there, my life was totally changed! Most people are being discreet ... there still lots of homophobic ppl out there (dammit!). Well, my suggestion is that just feel confident of yourself. You can't deny that you're gay can you? Guys, life is short, do whatever you wanna. Trust me.
And about da 'Love in first sight'. Yeah, I do believe in it. If it happened to me, I would just ask the guy whether or not he's gay. I don't wanna hold that feeling so it would hurt or makes me totally curious. Just ask; especially to the one you really suspice as gay. "Hey, are you gay?" If he's gay, then you're gonna talk more, but if he's not, he's just gonna deny it. Isn't that easy?
No offense guys ... sorry if it is. But that's what i'm gonna do.
Go Gays!
Kejar aja spt str8 ngejar cewek. Cari alasan apapun.
Alasan ma banyak: berteman, hobby sama... apapun.
Kalo gak tertarik ama hobbynya ya pura2lah tertarik. Str8 pun melakukan yg sama ama cwek. Bahka cwekpun begitu jga kalo suka ama cowok.
anyway, here's da key.
if he's gay, then he would give you a positive sign for it. if he's not, then there are some possibilities:
1. he would consider it as a joke (you're acting as a gay man)
2. he would just leave you
3. he would say : "Oh, ok. I'm cool with gay ppl as long as you don't hit me up")
4. he would say : "Oh my fuckin god. S-h-i-t! Fuck off, you faggot!" <= no gays would expect this lol but it happened to me before! lol
... hehehe .... boleh khan ... ? ... ( kali kali aja gue nya yg salah ketik )
ngatain gw yach....!!!
nyindir gw yach.....!!!
ih kamu sensi amat yach ...... iya khan yach ..... yach - yach - yach ....
hehehehehee...... nyatanya emang gt gw ini....
pengen bgt,tp tak berani berekspresi...(ber-ereksi x ya..)
well kev i thing it is not that easy, i think if he gay too i don't think he'll make a confation ("pengakuan", bener gak seh nulisnya), may be you dont know that all gay here (not all exactly, mostly) are undercover, they will not easily blow up they cover to stranger, (i think). it' verry2 dangerous. i have an experience i know a guy (i dont' know him, never talk to him, but often see him ride a motor cycle passing my house, actually he is my neighbour, one day my mother house hold (ibu kost, gt) talking with her neighbour and she actidently find that he is a gay, and the word is (not good to be listened), i heard them talking. i wonder how if she know that in her house thers a gay too, (my be i'll be kick off).
it's not a big deal, but it's a verry large deal to me.
i dont know my be, i just leave it.
yes you right i can't. life is short in deed. but that dosent meent i have to make a fool of my self, my be you think that (im fool, but you begin to live here you'll understand), fool is better than a freak, here gay = freak.
sorry if there is ppl here angrry.
i dont like gambling ok, im a person who prefer chose (surely = kepastian)
but thx 4 your suggestion.