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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
My mum : "Really? Do you have any boyfriend right now?"
Me: "yup... his name is... a, b, c, d,... z"
My mum: "oh my... okay... do you have someone special?"
Me: "yeah..."
My mum: "who is he?"
Me: "dad... :oops: "
(tapi nggak segampang itu ~_~, Love You Mom)
Aku: "Mum, I'm a gay
My mum: sigh... (relief)... my son, you are so gifted... and i think you are born gay because it is god's way of insuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with woman and children :):)
Mum : "So what gito loh ?"
I was going to post exactly the same comment! Keduluan dik Ch1m0x! :P
Iki ngguyu opo wedheni to? (Emoticon:"takkuutt!!")
ya emancipation of gay : gay diakui di indo n boleh hidup bebas ga usah nutup2in n dianggap tabu lagi........
(ini sih bukan emancipation tapi HOPE of gay)
kami GAY Indonesia
mengakui Hak2 kami sebagai Kaum Gay
Hal2 yang menyangkut rasa jijik dan rasa penyisihan terhadap kami
harus segera dihapuskan
dalam tempo waktu sesingkat2nya
Gini kale yak ??
ihhhhh ..