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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
selama ini sih belom pernah...tapi pantes aja elo kesantet ama tuh org..gile keren bgt man....:D :twisted:
gua juga pernah dulu, waktu sma, sekarang ngak pernah lagi .
dulu gua suka ngumpulin pernak pernak code red, sampe kepikiran mau ke inggris, dan ketemu mereka. gara gara gua liat vidklip nya :oops:
enjoy aja, palingan juga bentar lagi ilang .
Gilaaaaaaaaaaaa.... itu mata sama bibir wow....'gw banget'
Gue ga tau lagi deh mau ngapain........ (lg bayangin)
Pic yang ke 2 itu kok bisa yah..cermin aja pecah lihat tuh 'doi'.
Mau dooooooong (kok gw jd kyk brondong sih)
:roll: :oops: :roll: :oops: :roll: :oops: :roll: :oops: :roll: :oops: :roll: :oops: :roll: :oops: :roll: :oops:
kalo mo liat pic dia lagi
gue dah lihat ....bukan lhat lagi deh.....mlotot nih mata.... dari mana tuh? elo dah ketemu tuh doi?
Wow..... ga kebayang deh..... mau dong, he he he he....
Bravo buat elo deh Mr^M........ ke toilet kantor dulu yah.... (abis liat gbr)
Ahhhhh...cuman cuci muka kok.
gila.. kalo gw dah ketemu mah.. ngapain juga gw pake pusinx2 segala..... gw bayar dah.. biar cuma bisa nge-date ama dia.. (no sex, just date)..
pheeww... pusink gw makin lama ama neh anak.. hehhe :goes to buy his dvds: pengen banget ngeliat film dia
I like the pic on your signature... very inviting, LOL.
anyway while u were in usa... have u ever bought gay dvd from the net? is it safe buying gay dvd from the net ?
It depends on what you mean by safe. Do you mean packaging it discreetly? Most gay merchandise are sent discreetly these days (gotta be careful, though, sometimes they get ripped by accident).
But I gotta give you this warning: Every company in the states that gets your address will sell it to others. So say you buy a gay dvd from a gay site. They will sell your address to gay magazines, other gay video stores, gay shops, etc. etc. and before you know it, you will receive catalogues or junk gay mails in your... mail. And I don't mean e-mail, I mean your HOME mail.
I personally never bought any gay dvd on the net, I'd rather download them. Even though those junk mails do have the option of not being sent anymore (you just tick on the box that says so or write on the postcard included, and send it back to them, no stamps needed), but there are so many of them, it's just annoying to do that all the time. I thought I've gotten rid of them, but last month, when my dad brought me my mails, there was one. And I was like, fuçk! Good thing my dad didn't snoop around in my mail.... 'cause he could and he would.
If what you meant by safe was the credit card transaction... I've never had any problems with that (IT'S SO CONVENIENT TO DO EVERYTHING ON THE NET... I miss civilisation, LOL). It probably happens to one in every... I dunno 100,000 people? or more? I wouldn't worry much about it. But make sure it's credible site or something, and has that little lock sign thingy or is certified or whatever.
Thinking of buying dvds of our little Johnny Hazzard??? LOL. Better burn me copies, LOL.[/quote]
Mr^Moonlight.... kalau aku dapat vcd/dvd ntar gue kasih elo, sebaliknya elo kalau dapet duluan kasih gue juga yah.
Soalnya kita sama2 'pusiiiiiiing'
Bingo! No need to ask them, it's right there. Ok so they may not sell it to a third party, but they will give it to their subsidiaries or other parts of their company selling other stuff.
But if you live alone, it shouldn't be any problem.
When I was in the states, I was like most people, a poor college-student, LOL. Didn't have dvds.
It's funny to see the Mr. Moonlight opening up like this. LOL.
yeah i know... but if u read that again.. even though it didnt say anything about home mail or email. but i kinda got the impression that it's going to be emails. from this sentence
as you can see.. they also mentioned about the possibilty for the deletion of my account information. so what do u think?
well i am not that rich either.. and yeah.. i feel quilty spending money on dvds. but hey this is johnny hazzard, we're talking about.. so yeah... i dont care... i am gonna find job in summer.. and work my ass off to get the money back :P
hheehe... i am more opening that i used to be? well.. blame johnny hazzard for being so damn hot...