BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Can people see that you are gay???



  • pilatme wrote:
    :( masak sih gue segitu macho-nya ?

    paling macho-nya dari blakang ( bawah ) tuh .... hehehehe
  • Awalnya Lvl 5 sih...tapi pas dicoba jadi Lvl 3....dan terus Lvl I think I'm Lvl 3
  • Awalnya Lvl 5 sih...tapi pas dicoba jadi Lvl 3....dan terus Lvl I think I'm Lvl 3

    Elo masih mending ada "level" nya...

    sedih deh gue....
  • @ Rais...
    loh kok bisa ya ga ada levelnya... :?
  • pilatme wrote:
    LEVEL 1

    Sudah tiga kali dicoba tetap :( masak sih gue segitu macho-nya ?

    No one would expect you as being gay because your actions never show even a hint of femininity. You carry yourself in a macho, masculine manner at all times. You're hung up on 'guy things' and if you dance at a club your feet and hands barely move. Your idea of a good time is probably watching professional wrestling.
    he.. he.... salah baca kali tuh... ato jangan2 kamu salah pilih.... ^_^ :P
  • Level $.....seru juga yah websitenya :wink: :wink:
  • gwe level 1 :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • level2.gif


    Hardly anyone would be able to pick you as a homo boy. All your actions are carefully crafted in a way that they never appear to be considered too fem. Only a fellow level 2 -- buddy might suspect you with the proper gaydar and it's just the way you like it.

    check out others:
  • Gozer wrote:
    Hi guys, I just found a quiz concerning about gay live. Click on the link : then choose : "guy quiz"
    This test will determine whether other people can see if u r gay or not.
    Oooh btw, I'm level 2 according to this test (there are 10 levels).
    How but the rest???

    Abe dan calberus dmn yah?
  • saodah wrote:
    Gozer wrote:
    Hi guys, I just found a quiz concerning about gay live. Click on the link : then choose : "guy quiz"
    This test will determine whether other people can see if u r gay or not.
    Oooh btw, I'm level 2 according to this test (there are 10 levels).
    How but the rest???

    Abe dan calberus dmn yah?

    panas... :twisted: :twisted:
    kyknya ada kuntilanak manggil gue :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • Gozer wrote:
    Hi guys, I just found a quiz concerning about gay live. Click on the link : then choose : "guy quiz"
    This test will determine whether other people can see if u r gay or not.
    Oooh btw, I'm level 2 according to this test (there are 10 levels).
    How but the rest???

    enggak usah test test-an lah... buta apa tuh orang kagak bisa liat gw gay atau enggak... ? LOL
  • Gozer wrote:
    Hi guys, I just found a quiz concerning about gay live. Click on the link : then choose : "guy quiz"
    This test will determine whether other people can see if u r gay or not.
    Oooh btw, I'm level 2 according to this test (there are 10 levels).
    How but the rest???

    enggak usah test test-an lah... buta apa tuh orang kagak bisa liat gw gay atau enggak... ? LOL

    kalau aku, udah keukeuh ngaku str8... tapi dari 'eye shadow' ku tak bisa dibohongin LOL
  • Gozer wrote:
    Hi guys, I just found a quiz concerning about gay live. Click on the link : then choose : "guy quiz"
    This test will determine whether other people can see if u r gay or not.
    Oooh btw, I'm level 2 according to this test (there are 10 levels).
    How but the rest???

    ga nemu quiznya....linknya udah kuklik,then i browse the forum for like 10 minutes and still i didnt find the quiz
    di mana sih???
  • ikutan ah,
    bentar test dulu :P
  • Emang thread bertahun tahun lalu masih eksis? Forum laen kan gak kayak forum kita yang unik ini
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