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borrow vs. lend
sepertinya dalam bahasa indonesia kata pinjam bisa berlaku sebagai aktif dan pasif dengan menggunakan kata yg sama
contoh: Aku mau pinjam buku
Pinjamin buku buat saya donk.
dalam bahasa inggris: I want to borrow a book.
Lend me a book please.
Kalimat "borrow me a book" tidak masuk akal untuk org native speaker. Artinya akan dianggap loe diminta untuk meminjam dari pihak ketiga sebagai perwakilan dari loe si peminjam. Bukan sbg pemberi buku buat loe si peminjam yg dimaksud.
I hope this is clear, gue aja jadi pusing bacanya, lol.
ada lagi salmon yg pronounce-nya sa-mon
and oh! the utmost important, is for u to try to speak english in available occasion. try to hang out with an english speakin person.
i think the pronounciation case is relative, to the accent thats dominant.
like kangataz said, if u speak to the native speakers often, u will be familiar to the phrase they are using. watching movies does help u too in this situation.
quite infact, in my age of 17, i never went to an english course. not one. just learning through the media, and thats it. u'll nailed it
confirmed american here, salmon is pronunced sa-mon
nyokap gue paling kentel logat padangnya, kalo ngomong yg bikin gue dan kebanyakan org bingung adalah pembedaan dalam penyebutan kata2 yg di bhs indo mungkin bunyinya mirip.
Dalam bhs inggris kita diajarkan kalo huruf a itu sebutnya "ei..." ini menjadi kesalahpahaman kebanyakan org mengasumsi "eh"(seperti kata belok) dan "ei" adalah sama....padahal bunyi "eh" itu memiliki banyak perbedaan yg kalo udah sering loe sebut akan jelas bedanya.
contoh....kata bet(taruhan) dan bat(pukul). Bagi nyokap gue bunyinya sama2 aja "bet". padahal kenyataanya bet = bet, bat = b"eah"t, bunyinya panjang dan setengah kedenger "ah" dalam penyebutan yg panjang itu. harusnya ngga ada confusion kalo penyebutannya bener....
I don't want to sound haughty, but lucky for me, my parents have been enrolling their children in international or at least national plus schools. For those of you who don't know what a national plus school means, it is a school that offers you both the international and the local or national curricula.
During my primary school years or they call it 'elementary' in the US. I am more of the UK one. I was enrolled in a national plus school, so I did get the chance to learn English a lot, but I mostly speak Bahasa Indonesia with my friends. Coze you know, we thought that we were still learning subjects in Bahasa indonesia. So why not?
Then when I was promoted to secondary school, I moved into an international school. There I noticed that my English was as bad as someone who has never being taught English Grammar before. I knew the vocabulary, I knew how to spell things correctly. But I never knew how to say or write a sentence in a correct way.
Well, as I grew, I should say that I am capable of speaking in English in a correct way. I could not say perfect. My English teacher always says that even a native speaker of English (he is) may get an F in his/her English exam. He never even said that his English is perfect.
Then, as I've said before, I observe things. I observed how my cousins who have been like many of us here, been learning English from babies and yet could not nail it.
Based on my observations, I can share some things:
Firstly, you have to use it to communicate with the right person. Ask that person to correct you if you have said something wrongly. And try to say it correctly the second time
Then, NEVER learn GRAMMAR per se!!! I learnt Grammar in my primary school years and yet I still was not able to use it. My secondary school years, (using Singapore curriculum) the teachers did not teach us Grammar. They teach us how to construct our sentences correctly. Then, they would insert the grammar slowly but effectively.
Besides English, I also am learning German, Chinese and French. My own secret is, for example, When I have to choose between going with my friends or with my family. And I'll not be thinking using Bahasa Indonesia or English but in German or Chinese or French. It's like a self practice section every time you think. And If you don't know a particular word, just use Bahasa Indonesia.
Lastly, I would say, learn how the native speakers say the words. If they say a new word to you. For example the salmon thing. When they say sa-mon, you say sa-mon silently a couple of times. So that u're brain can take it. And when they say a sentence, you 'digest' how the sentence being constructed. How the word Salmon is being used.
For example, when my German teacher said: 'Soll er nach Hause gehen?'
I know the meaning of every single word, but when I am the speaker. I would probably be using it in the incorrect order. But as I've heard how it was being spoken in the correct order. I now know how to use it properly. And try to remember if you've said it with the correct accent. You might have a different accent, yes, but try to do something with your tongue or lips so it sounds better.
I put my tongue a bit downward when I speak English German and French. The European countries, I call them.
A bring my tongue forward for Bahasa Indonesia. coze we can here the 'r'. like when saying baRu. In English don't put your 'errrr'.
And put it flat when speaking in Chinese.
Hope these help!
Remember, English is very unique, very very unique.
hmmm.. untuk logat, coba2 latihan dengerin native speaker or at least try orang indo yang englishnya bagus, jadi gampang denger dulu. Dengerin baik2 setiap huruf disebut lalu coba2 atur lidah dan bibir km biar lebih gampang. or coba2 belajar accent singapore or malaysia, gunanya untuk perlancar lidah dulu. Then moved to American, kalo British, aku aja masi kadang ngaco2. hahaha.. Scotish yg keren... LOLz
Nothing Hill (tanpa text)...............
Logatnya Hugh Grant keren...............
Aksen Britishnya menggoda...............
Namun bahasa Inggris Amerikanya Julia Robert is good........
I hope You can try it.............
love your comments
dalam bahasa Indo kebanyakan dalam sebuah kata ngga ada emphasisnya. artinya semua suku kata disebut dengan kecepatan yang sama. Beda halnya dengan bahasa inggris, bahkan tetangga kita org filipinpun kalo ngomong bisa cepet lambat (babae = wanita buat mereka, penyebutannya baba- eh, babanya mesti lebih cepet).
jadi banyak common mistake org indo dalam penempatan emphasis yang salah... kata2 paling sering yg gue liat adalah
japanese dan japan.
jap- aniz, je - pan
kata japanese brenti abis jap. kata japan brenti abis ja. org biasa kebalik pas ngomong japan jap-en...wrong
emphasis = em -phasis
dynamic = dy-namic
termasuk di penyebutan nama
temen gw anak italy ada yg protes waktu dipanggil stefa-no...menurut dia yg bener ste-fano... gak penting banget sih nurut gw :roll: