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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
for every cloud there's a silver lining
there's a heavy rain today....
so scary...
hope the silver lining will come soon...
*it's real :roll: *
I'm here, alone, waiting 4 him, whom I really love.
When will he come back?
Coz I miss him so much..
God, send an angel to take care of him.
And bring him back to me soon.
So I could love him, always..
Wah kakkoii sabar sabar aja ya, nggak lama lagi ketemuan kan, puas puasin deh tuh
Btw, blog lo yang baru itu tuh, bagus juga, emang lo sms ke siapa aja koi?
apa masuk dalam suatu ikatan "kita" dan bukan "aku" lagi itu berarti?
bukan hanya spending time and sharing things together, but become 2 in 1. belajar banyak hal, mengerti pasangan, menghadapi seseorang yang berbeda karakter dg kita, komitmen.
relationship is not just about sex or lust, but something more...
udah siapkah ngadepin smua itu?
when we fall in love, there's always brokenheart as the shadow...
udah siapkah ngadepin smua itu?
Love is a gift. a precious gift. and relationship makes it incredible...
when u started it, there's no "not ready yet for relationship" anymore...
u should face it, run once then u run and run and run again from it...
then u wouldn't grow up...
I love u, and i'll be waiting for you...
When u want to try build love n relationship with him, but he just leave u, would u be sad?
What else you could do but just cry and feel bad?
Then i realize i am just a stupid brat..
Itu terserah anda menangkap maksud dari sebait puisi kecil diatas..
duuh ada satu lagi banci yang KURANG KASIH SAYANG...!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Maklum mas, blum disekolahin.
Org ga mau crita apa2 tp dia maksa, eh malah marah2 ga jelas, udah pd liat kan di atas?
Maklum mas, kurang perhatian dan ksh syg.
Tolong di edit ya mas modie, punten. Hehe..