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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
he eh... aja d...
trus kita mesti gmn??? :evil: :evil: :evil:
eh itu berlaku utk org indo nyank di indo aja kan ya ... secara gue kan kagak idup di indo
yg post topic ini jg bkn tgl di indo.... :shock: :shock: :shock:
(semoga) bukan tetangga gue kale ah .... :oops: :oops: :oops:
loe d loe cek dulu..
klo emank mau mending loe ceramah di mesjid ato di gereja aja...
disini ga perlu!!
maksudnya kalo mrk mau ceramahi kita bukan aku yg mau ceramah
OOT ah.. =P
Btw, pai su cen ama nyi blorong itu masih sodara jauh ya?
Canda loh, peace2
* Quote:
My husband and I have been married 49 years. We are the parents of five grown daughters, one of whom is a lesbian. I speak with passion concerning our experience, which is marked by intense sadness because of the alienation my daughter and others like her continue to suffer, especially at the hands of the Catholic Church.
Our daughter is in a long-term loving relationship. She and her partner have pledged their fidelity to one another in a commitment ceremony. They are the parents of a son, a fine young man of heterosexual "inclination" who is a full-time college student. Our daughter is a college graduate employed as a counselor; her partner is a registered nurse. Together, they also care for three mentally challenged adults in their home.
From the time our daughter was about 15 until she was a young adult, she was suicidal. She was struggling with the painful emotions of being "different," thinking she was mentally ill, and terrified. She was hospitalized on at least three occasions, during which time we, too, were very much afraid. Adolescents often fear the consequences of "coming out" to family and friends because of the built-in ridicule, hatred and discrimination.
Our daughter says that even when she was 7 or 8 years old, she had the feelings of being different from her sisters and other girls her age. Sexual orientation is not chosen. It is primarily determined by genetics and hormones. When God created humankind in God's own image and likeness,
God saw that it was good.
It was not until our daughter could come to terms with who she was and that God created her this way that she was able to accept herself.
We find it strange that any reference to persons of homosexual orientation is always reduced to sexual acts. They are sexual beings like the rest of us, but as with their heterosexual counterparts, spend very little time in actual genital activity. Have you asked a married couple lately how often they engage in sexual intercourse? Gay and lesbian people are productive members of society. They work at meaningful vocations eight or more hours a day, spend time eating and sleeping, shopping, doing chores, watching TV, reading, studying and doing a myriad of other activities. And yes, they raise children - sometimes adopted, hard-to-place children with special needs. Once in awhile, they make love.
Regardless of what the "experts" say, there are no "former" homosexuals. Many gay and lesbian persons marry in an attempt to live as society expects; however, many of these marriages end in disaster. They cannot live a lie. Our lesbian daughter cannot change her sexual orientation any more than our four heterosexual daughters can change theirs.
Because of and through our daughter, we have met many other gay and lesbian people, wonderful human beings. We all know many gay and lesbian people, although we may not realize it. They are our doctors, nurses, teachers, chefs, artists, musicians and, yes, even nuns and priests. The gay priests we have been privileged to meet are among some of the holiest and most talented. (Please do not confuse homosexuality with pedophilia. They are not the same. And most pedophiles are heterosexual.)
Our daughter and other same-sex couples we know mirror our own ideal of marital love. She and her partner are loving parents and are supportive to other members of their families. We feel blessed to have her as our daughter. Although it was a difficult and painful time while she was finding out who she was, and there were times when we asked God to "take this cup away," we now thank God for sending her to us. Her life is truly a gift, and we will continue to support her and the gay community as well as try to change society's attitude toward them.
I don't recall Jesus saying anything about homosexuality, although it's been with us since antiquity. He said nothing about sex, either, but he did have a lot to say about love and removing the plank from one's own eye before talking about the speck in another's.
As part of my own education, I did extensive research on homosexuality. I suggest those who have a problem with the issue do the same in an effort to further understand and rid the mind of flawed ideas as well as hurtful, vindictive judgments. The archbishop and others are wrong on this issue. I am not guilty of mortal sin. It is not a sin to love my daughter and work for justice on her behalf.
Mary Jean Smith lives in Chetek, Wis.
(mau luh kali cid... banjir jir..., terus eluh jadi kecebong ?? hihiiiiiii.....)