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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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  • str8_vicz wrote:
    di album E=MC2 paling suka lagu yg mna nih????

    Bye Bye,donk... cooooooool! a song dedicated to her father..
  • paling suka di album E=MC2

    1. I Stay In Love

    2. Love Story (musically brilliant.... coba dengarkan hentakan bass nya)

    3. Migrate
  • Dah pada baca kan di MariahDaily?

    Hmm...ada kemungkinan Mimi emang lagi pregnant neh..hehe
    Pinter banged ya Ellen,dia nanya soal "itu" ke Mimi dengan cara yang sangat cerdik.
    Dia cuma ngajak Mimi buat minum champagne..
    Dan,Mimi langsung kaget dan shock (orang yang lagi mengandung gak mungkin kan minum champagne..)
    Mimi bilang,"I can't believe you did this to me,Ellen",sambil ketawa..
    Mimi cuma alesan itu (jam 3 sore pas tapping) terlalu awal buat minum.

    Kayaknya ada kemungkinan niih... :D
  • paling suka di album E=MC2:

    1. I stay in love (We belong together part 2...)

    2. Cruise control (Gue suka Mariah mencoba reggae disini..)

    3. Side effects (Smooth abies..)

    4. Bye Bye (Liriknya ngena banget :()

    5. For the record
  • di album e=mc2 gw suka for the record.liriknya bagus uy..
    mimi jg bilang gini....
    Carey: "'For The Record' - the song, is one of my favorite songs on this album, it's one of those songs that the people who really are fans of mine, who really know my music really well, tend to gravitate towards because it's not only is it kind of a real-life story, but I've used a lot of my own songs in the bridge to tell the story. Towards the outro I say 'For the record, You'll always be a part of me, No matter what you do' - that's 'Always Be My Baby' and we kinda go through, you know, 'Can't nobody say / I didn't give my all to you,' the real fans who listen and then hear: 'I told you underneath the stars,' they'll know that's for them. I'm really happy that people are feeling the song."
  • gw baru sempet liat mimi perform di AMA di Youtube...
    gw heran....di comment masih ada juga yang bilang itu lipsynch...padahal dah jelas itu LIVE!!! apa pada budeg ya?
    ternyata mimi punya banyak haters, malah ada yang bilang mimi retire aja, whitney is coming (yang bener aje bu...!!!!)
  • namanya juga public figure..yah pasti banyak yang suka n ada juga yang benci...
    bener juga nih...terang2an itu live...masa dibilang lipsynch??? huh...parah nih..mungkin mereka gak bisa terima mariah live sebagus itu, makanya nebarin rumor lipsynch...
    ada2 aja..
    go mariah...jangan dipeduliin.. :)

    Mariah Carey isn't as selfish as many people would think.

    The possible mommy-to-be seems to have a heart of gold.

    Turns out Mimi has a great-aunt that lives in Venezuela.
    Unfortunately, though, auntie has been having some money issues and problems paying the rent on her house, which is a bit under $240 a month.

    The 67 year-old had missed payments and had fallen into a $1,500 debt on the rent.

    So, she decided to contact Mimi with the help of her son, who lives in Chicago.

    In return, Mimi bought her great-aunt the two-bedroom house in San Miguel.

    Nice to see Mimi helping out the family.

    Gotta take care of la familia!

    oo.. so kind she is..
    boo,, cma minta tolong soal utang,, malah dibeliin rumahh..
    betapa baiknya MIMI..

    Saint MIMI.. luv yaa..
  • riChi-riCh wrote:

    Mariah Carey isn't as selfish as many people would think.

    The possible mommy-to-be seems to have a heart of gold.

    Turns out Mimi has a great-aunt that lives in Venezuela.
    Unfortunately, though, auntie has been having some money issues and problems paying the rent on her house, which is a bit under $240 a month.

    The 67 year-old had missed payments and had fallen into a $1,500 debt on the rent.

    So, she decided to contact Mimi with the help of her son, who lives in Chicago.

    In return, Mimi bought her great-aunt the two-bedroom house in San Miguel.

    Nice to see Mimi helping out the family.

    Gotta take care of la familia!

    oo.. so kind she is..
    boo,, cma minta tolong soal utang,, malah dibeliin rumahh..
    betapa baiknya MIMI..

    Saint MIMI.. luv yaa..

    wah..wah..terharu ngebacanya...
    bener2 berhati emas..
  • ib3 wrote:

    wah..wah..terharu ngebacanya...
    bener2 berhati emas..
    wah kalo 1500 tentu mimi bisa bayar,apalah artinya duit segitu bagi multi millionaer kayak mimi.....di Emc gue cuma suka bye..bye,ISIL. emang masih kerenan emancipation of MIMI.......
  • Yang paling gw suka Bye bye, I Stay In Love ma Touch My Body
    btw dari kemaren gw nyari lagu Can't take that away koq ga dapet2 yah
    ada yang mau berbagi lagu dengan gw?

  • @pollux
    emang susah cari lagu itu.
  • Bentar lagi dah x-mas dan gw ingat... Album x-mas yg paling keren adalah > merry christmas < nya mariah carey.. Super keren.. berikut nya baru ada album "Noel" nya josh groban... <suka jg>
    Pokoknya album natal nya msh tetap keren smpai skrg biar dah 14 thn (1994)..
    Bwt gw Ga ada yg ngalahin "o holy night" versi mimi..
    Hehe gw suka.. Karena baguus buangeet..
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