we never knew each other, that's could be the first impression when i ask my friends bout me and him. though, actually we were closefriend, i love him, and
maybe he loves me too. temen2 aku bkal mikir gitu, of course, dlm sharian aq ga dkitpun coba dketin dia. i know its still the same old story, aq ga tau pa aq trlalu sensitif mpe ngerasain hal2 yg sbenarnya tdk bgitu pnting atau malah insensitive krna aq tdk pduli dg apa yg sbenarnya aq rasakan.
i wanna be close with him, but i just cant do it, i've tried it once but he acted like he dont care bout me, that really pushed me not to do that anymore. skrg, aq malah rasain klo dia jg pngen dkt ma aq, ntah bnar ato gak, tapi aq kerapkali cuekin dia, aq begitu krna aq slalu inget pesan dia
"jgn macem2 klo dkt ma aq"
krna itu aq jadi ga berani melangkah lbh jauh, cm brni nunggu dia dketin aq yang sayangnya ga pernah trjadi
semangat dan berjuang demi kebahagiaan u ^^
inget aja deh loe... LOL
we're not talkin' bout 'ken.ti' or something like that
thank you...
he never said love, but i think he has that kind of feeling for me
his body languange represents his lips...
hikz hikz hikz...
kamuhh thu...!!!!!
pasti ada storynya....
cerita2 dong.... ekke penasaran deh ... LOL