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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Audrey ga tau
Bianca Karina = Lung Adaptability
Caitlin orang biasa
Charlie Andrews = Enhance Memory
Claude = Invisibility
Connie Logan = Appearance Alteration
Dallas P pernah denger, lupa brow...
Damon ga tau
Debbie R = artis dulu maen d ptualangan serina :P :P
Echo Demille = Sound Manipulation
Eric T pnah denger, lupa juga brow..
Felicia B = Disintegration Touch
Flint = Pyrokinesis
Gael C agent kompeni, orang biasa
Hanna Gittelman = Electronic Data Communication
yoi, bibirnya ga nahan
dulu dia gondrong loh, jadi kek ga cakep2 amat
skrg udh pangkas jadi hot abis
snen ini udah mule lg kok brow
Untk list lngkap krakter Heroes, klik
Plh bgian TV Shows, trus cri Heroes, tpat ny character A/B.
Pic nya Santiago
Powernya Accelerated Probability, bisa memprediksi peluang dan situasi
demen banged adegan di pesawatnya
Crang! !
Bgi" dunk crta ny.
Jngn sndrian.
Mw tw nh.
Lhoo...mang blon nonton? Donload aja di link ini :
english subtitlenya :
mending nontn lgs lha, ga mantabz kali kalo di critain doang 8) 8)
UWAAAAA............ Terimakasih banyak bung Nocturnal............... *histeris n menggila*
penasaran ama latar belakang ny gabriel a.k.a. sylar niy..
btw c claire sgitu benci ny y ama sylar?
peter jg karakter ny haus kekuatan gtu, sok paling bener, gmw dgrin org..
duh, kok gag suka ama peter y.. hehehe..
Nathan plan at work, one by one heroes is captured. Tracy, Mohender, Matt, Claire, Peter, and Hiro.
Hiro make a secret base for Ando and planted both of them with GPS.
Nathan, Angela and Noah are in one side.
Sylar was on hunt for his father. Met his step father who turn out to be his uncle ????
While at his father house, he got ambushed by Nathan's team, but taken all of them down, except one for tortured..........
Claire got released by Nathan, and escaped to help others at plane.
Peter now must touch people to get abilites.
He uses Mohender power to fight at the plane, accidentally got Tracy power and broke the plane wall.
And it's going down....................
Mohender, Hiro, and Matt escaped together. And matt got into trance.
Peter and Claire together, but Noah got her and let him escape. Then he teamed up with Tracy.
Ando and Daphne got together to find Matt and Hiro.
Peter now only got one power at a time to copy. He got new one, he lost the old one.
Sylar met a new hero/vilain. His name is Luxe and his power is kind of microwave thing. The went together to find Sylar father.
Matt foresaw some events, Hiro in India, Daphne got shot, himself with gun, and one man screaming (?)
Tracy and Peter laid trap to got Nathan, but Nathan ambushed them.
Daphne got shot, and she's dead? Claire once again returned to her home to lead a 'normal' life.
Tracy got caught again. And she was taken to custody.........
Hiro, Peter, MOhender, and Matt got together for a revenge.
SOmeone unknown texted Claire to fight back..
To be continued...........
Make me hod my breath you know.......... too bad Peter's power got nerfed.