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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Coba pikir deh.... Biar tanggal and tahun lahir kita sama ama pacar kita tapi kalo ga saling cinta? Tai kucing...hubungannya bakal seumur tai larut.
Jadi saran aku, kalian lanjut lagi aja deh....oce ?
just my opinion lho
Tapi om Kangataz, dari cerita2 si om crocsx , doi itu masih cinta ama mantan bfnya. Buktinya, dia udah ngedate ama yg seumuran, tapi dia ga ngerasa sreg and tetep terbayang bayang ama mantannya itu.
walaupun sering x orang berjalan dgn feeling
yg namanya nge-date org yg lebih tua org tu jadi comfortable.... itu hubungan yg ngga sehat karena ada rasa ketergantungan. Org kaya gini perlu grow up, suatu saat mrk perlu sadar kalo relationship itu perlu hubungan timbal balik....
ngga bisa selamanya jadi daddy's boytoy....
kita beda umur 16 taon tuh ..... sama yg pertama
Hm... tergantung ?! Loe cinta gak ama dia....?!?! Loe bahagia gak ma dia ? Loe nyaman gak ma dia ?? Loe bisa jadi diri loe sendiri gak klo ma dia ?? Klo cinta, bahagia, nyaman dan bisa jadi diri loe sendiri..ya udah..lanjooot !! itu saran gw... gak usah mikir ini itu...
Itu saran gw lho...
Sebenarnya ini mah seperti yg selalu aku bilang, km coba deh tanya hati kecil kamu...
"Cil...Cil.... Kira-kira aku lanjut atau nggak yah ma dia ?!?!" hehehe
OOOO JEEZ.....!!!!! listen, im not a f**king brainless boytoy, and gw tau yg namanya relationship tu pasti butuh timbal balik, and im so taking care of myself ga ada deh yg namanya ketergantungan, klo nge-date aja gw selalu pengen bayar sendiri, its just because obrolan kita tu selalu nyambung and he still the brightest, most sophisticated, and wise guy i've ever met...... and also sexy at the same time.... god! im screwed.....
OOOO JEEZ.....!!!!! listen, im not a f**king brainless boytoy, and gw tau yg namanya relationship tu pasti butuh timbal balik, and im so taking care of myself ga ada deh yg namanya ketergantungan, klo nge-date aja gw selalu pengen bayar sendiri, its just because obrolan kita tu selalu nyambung and he still the brightest, most sophisticated, and wise guy i've ever met...... and also sexy at the same time.... god! im screwed.....
Your problem is you think that your life and his life is eternal, that he is always with you and you are always with him - and the world is perfect. Let me tell you, darling, it's NOT.
I have told you before, that somewhat we don't know if we pass another day, another season, another if you said:
"Well I am very young and he is far older than me..and twenty years from now, he is a grand pa and I am a mature and still young enough man."
Since you always think you are brainy, please calculate your chance that you and him will survive the next 20 years. You cannot say for sure you will still live and he will still live as well.
You sacrifice your present happiness for a fear of an assumed future discomfort. Now think for yourself if you are clever enough or not.
What we have, our foverer is OUR TODAY. Just like the smiles of our friends, our family - THEY are ours just for this second, this minute. There's always a possibility that they perish much sooner than what we thought they will be.
Ok brainy boy, now think of that.
Ya ambruk ganteng amat...udah kalo lu kagak mau..buat gue ajeee!! hehe becanda om...
Saran lagi boleh kan?
Coba deh kamu pejamkan mata... bayangin dia udah ga pernah contact kamu lagi... lalu kamu ketemu dia di jalan ama cowok asia lainnya mesra bergandengan tangan atau rangkulan bahkan cipokan!!!!
Kalau kamu cinta doi, kamu pasti terbakar api cemburu yg amat sangat, kamu menyesal menjauhin dia, kamu baru sadar ternyata semua kegelisahan ini ga ada gunanya. Dan menyesal itu ga enak bangget!
Makany om, bijaksanalah mengambil keputusan...jangan ampe menyesal ntar... oce om?
Sekedar saran loh om...bukan bermaksud menjudge atau apapun...
Gw jadi malu. :oops:
Well, of course, it needs time to make such a BIG decision. Take your time, tapi jangan terlalu lama juga. Ex-bf elu lumayan ganteng menurut gw, dari skala nilai 1-10, dapet 7,5 deh. Soalnya gw lebih suka yang rambut hitam kayak orang mediteranian/latino rata2..hehe. Tapi kalo ada yang kayak gitu naksir gw, mungkin gw bisa demam juga hehe.
Ok, hope you can make the best decision out of our suggestions here. Good luck!!