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Britney Spears...Grammy submission @p92



  • Gileeee....

    ini album kok keren bgt ya!

    pada coba denger "Shattered Glass".. & "Phonography"
    gw suka banget!! tp, suka smua segh.. hahaha~~

    for me, "Circus" is better than "Blackout"
  • kok gw merasa gak ada beda ya black out ama circus??? (gw suka blackout ya...) huhu tapi temanya ok kok....tinggal nunggu christina tahun depan.... hehehe tapi setipe nih bedua (CA and Brit) albumnya, tekno2 gitu.......
  • Circus Full Lyric..

    Artist : Britny Spears
    Title : Circus

    There’s only two types of people in the world
    The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe
    Well baby I’m a put on a show kind of girl
    Don’t like the backseat, gotta be first

    I’m like the ringleader
    I call the shots (call the shots)
    I’m a firecracker I make it hot
    When I put on a show

    I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
    Spotlight on me and I’m ready to break
    I’m like a performer the dance floor is my stage
    Better be ready hope that you feel the same

    All eyes on me I’m in the center of the ring
    Just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon’ trip
    Just like a Circus
    Don’t stand there watching me
    Follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go we can make a dance floor
    Just like a Circus

    There’s only two type of guys out there
    One that’s can hang with me, and one that scared
    So baby I hope that you can prepared
    I’ll run a type shoot, so BEWARE!

    I’m like the ringleader
    I call the shots (call the shots)
    I’m a firecracker
    I make it hot

    When I put on a show
    I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins
    Spotlight on me and I’m ready to break
    I’m like a performer the dance floor is my stage
    better be ready hope that you feel the same

    All eyes on me I’m in the center of the ring
    just like a Circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon’ trip
    Don’t stand there watching me
    Follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go we can make a dance floor
    just like a Circus
    (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho)

    Let’s Go!
    Ah ah ah aaah ah let me see what you can do
    Ah ah ah aaah ah .. Im womanizer(?)
    Like .. like like a Circus, yeaah
    Like a what?
    Like .. like like a Circus

    All eyes on me I’m in the center of the ring
    Just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon’ trip
    Just like a Circus
    Don’t stand there watching me follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go we can make a dance floor
    Just like a Circus

    All eyes on me I’m in the center of the ring
    Just like a circus
    When I crack that whip, everybody gon’ trip
    Just like a Circus
    Don’t stand there watching me follow me, show me what you can do
    Everybody let go we can make a dance floor
    Just like a Circus
    Ah ah ah aaah ah
  • If U Seek Amy Full lyric......

    Artist: Britney Spears
    Title : If U Seek Amy


    Oh baby baby
    Have you seen Amy tonight?
    Is she in the bathroom
    Is she smokin' up outside

    Oh baby baby
    Does she take a piece of lime
    For the drink that Imma buy her
    Do you know just what she likes

    Oh Oh
    Tell me have you seen her
    Because I'm so
    I can't get her off of my brain

    I just want to go to the party she gonna go
    Can somebody take me home
    Ha ha he ha ha ho

    Love me hate me
    Say what you want about me
    But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
    Love me hate me
    But can't you see what I see
    All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy


    Amy told me that she's gonna meet me up
    I don't know where or when and now they're closing up the club

    I've seen her want to drive before she knows my face
    But it's hard to see with all the people standing in the way

    Oh oh
    Tell me have you seen her
    Because I'm so
    I can't get her off of my brain

    I just want to go to the party she's gonna go
    Can somebody take me home
    Ha ha he ha ha ho

    Love me hate me
    Say what you want about me
    But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
    Love me hate me
    But can't you see what I see
    All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

    So what you want about me
    But can't you see what I see
    So what you want about me

    So tell me if you've seen her
    Cause I have been here forever
    Oh baby baby
    If You Seek Amy tonight
    Oh baby baby
    We'll do whatever you like
    Oh baby baby baby
    Oh baby baby baby


    Love me hate me
    So what you want about me
    But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
    Love me hate me
    But can't you seek what I see
    All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
    Love me hate me so what you want about me (yeah)
    Love me hate me
    But can't you see what I see
    All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

    So what you want about me
    But can't you see what I see
    Oh So what you want about me

    All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
  • akhirnya...

    liriknya 1 album udh gw dapet..
    hehehe... kecuali rock me in.. sigh
  • iya masukin ke mp3 nya. gmn cara nya? kalok boleh kirim lewat message aja ya. keep up date blog nya keren banget. udah boleh saingan tu ma
    ini album emang keren! sama ama yang in the zone. lebih malah!
  • edited November 2008
    sandx wrote:
    iya masukin ke mp3 nya. gmn cara nya? kalok boleh kirim lewat message aja ya. keep up date blog nya keren banget. udah boleh saingan tu ma
    ini album emang keren! sama ama yang in the zone. lebih malah!

    Kirim lwat message?, mksdnya?.. masukin picture gw pakenya I-Tunes, masukin artworknya..
    gw kan denger laguny pake I-tunes..
    hahaha~~ impossible lah.. ini blog cuma buat ngisi waktu senggang.. hahaha...
    yupz! tp, gw lh suka Blackout dr In The Zone,d.. tp, in the zone bgs jg.. ah~~ bagus smuaaa.... keinget "Toxic" hehehe.. demen gw am "Shattered Glass" am "Phonography"
  • masukin gmbr album ke ipod ya? di itunes laguny u klik kanan trus klik tulisan yg paling atas file apa gitu...coba aja
  • Masih ada yang kurang nich lagunya, he3x...
    8. Blur
    12. My Baby
    13. Radar
    16. Quicksand
    18. Trouble

    Anyway, thanks y buat link nya, jadi ud ga penasaran lagi hrs nunggu sampe awal Des'08, he3x...
  • shendy82k wrote:
    Masih ada yang kurang nich lagunya, he3x...
    8. Blur
    12. My Baby
    13. Radar
    16. Quicksand
    18. Trouble

    Anyway, thanks y buat link nya, jadi ud ga penasaran lagi hrs nunggu sampe awal Des'08, he3x...

    Lhoo.. kan ad tuh ad yg link 1 albumnya, Blur,my baby am radar udh ad..
    quicksand am trouble emg blum ada.. smua bonus i-tunes blum muncul..
    Blur plg jelek dr smua..
    Radar mirip yg dulu cm remix dikit.. hehehe
  • Link ROCK BOY (Circus Bonus):

    LINK QUIKSAND (Circus European I-Tunes Bonus Track)

    LINK TROUBLE (I-Tunes Bonus Track)

    silahkan menikmati


  • Duh kk linkya yg 'shattered glass' dah keapus

    Ada yg punya lagi nga???
  • sandireza wrote:

    Duh kk linkya yg 'shattered glass' dah keapus

    Ada yg punya lagi nga???

    Shattered Glass ya.. one of my fave song.. hehehe..

    Enjoy =)
  • radar? sama ma yang Blackout gak ya? kalok sama ma :cry:

    kill the lights nya blm ada ni. minta link nya dunk
  • sandx wrote:
    radar? sama ma yang Blackout gak ya? kalok sama ma :cry:

    kill the lights nya blm ada ni. minta link nya dunk

    radar.. lil' bit different dr blackout.. so sebut aj remixnya.. hehehe

    Kill The Lights ad segh d blog gw.. hehehe..

    Kill The Lights(HQ) -
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