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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
gw sih takutnya sama nyi blorongnya...
ayah jangan...
bd : gimana ? cukup puas........??
masmacho : serius tuh sudah up 50 ??
derangga : kemana saja ??
lost : terobsesi apanya dari Leila S ?
Wadoooh, ekke ngga tahu deh.
Kalo dari kacamata Jij gimana???
Pemimpin Spiritual Tertinggi GMH,
Terry Sie
Visit Us at:
Life is like a book, everyday has a new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales on good deeds to remember...
Hope the new chapter of our "Book of Live" will be filled with good and happy stories...
Maksudnya si Aji Surya sebagai pengamat???
Emang dari dulu kok.
Santai aja.
GW dulu juga suka diperhatikan, tapi yah cuek aja, namana juga fans berat.
Kite kite sebagai artis khan kudu maklum...
Pemimpin Spiritual Tertinggi GMH,
Terry Sie
Visit Us at:
Life is like a book, everyday has a new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales on good deeds to remember...
Hope the new chapter of our "Book of Live" will be filled with good and happy stories...
Lho lho lho...
Khan bisa belajar jadi artis tho, bd???
Positive thinking ajijah...
Pemimpin Spiritual Tertinggi GMH,
Terry Sie
Visit Us at:
Life is like a book, everyday has a new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales on good deeds to remember...
Hope the new chapter of our "Book of Live" will be filled with good and happy stories...
(maklumlah minah...asal nemplok ajaaaaaa....hihihiihihihih)
Kalo pake topeng tuch kita kaga tahu siapa dibalik topengna.
Lha Gw aja kasih tahu siapa Gw kok, masih dibilang pake topeng???
Aji... jangan dibolak balik aaah...
Pemimpin Spiritual Tertinggi GMH,
Terry Sie
Visit Us at:
Life is like a book, everyday has a new page, with adventures to tell, lessons to learn and tales on good deeds to remember...
Hope the new chapter of our "Book of Live" will be filled with good and happy stories...
* Include me???? LOL
** include me (gaian?) hihihihihi
*** lho kok?
**** haiyah, itu nama gw bukan? klo iya, salah tuh. LOL
***** kok gw ga masuk golongan ini?