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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Klo emang kedepannya km emang mau ngejalanin hidup sebagai gay, kan bisa ngadopsi... banyak kok anak2 diluar sana yg lebih butuh pertolongan di banding kita buat anak mulu buat nambah-nambahin penduduk dunia... sumpek !!
Kita kan ga mungkin Selamanya muda. Mimpi gw nanti kalo gw dah tua gw punya cucu2 yg lucu2.
Muluk ga sih?
Tp klo mau punya anak kita jg mesti inget kalau punya anak jangan cuma untuk kepentingan kita sendiri, tp kita juga punya tanggung jawab sama mereka, jd kalau mau punya anak dg cara apapun harus bener2 punya tujuan yg mulia ya .
betul bgt!! kaum gay juga harus bisa menciptakan keluarga yg harmonis..
(tapi klo di indo susah kayaknya)
Gay and Lesbian Parenting Choices: From Adopting To Choosing The Perfect Father
by Brette McWhorter Sember
Creating a family is one of the greatest joys a couple can have, but gay and lesbian couples face unique challenges when they wish to become parents together. Gay & Lesbian Parenting Choices provides a complete explanation of the many ways gay or lesbian couples can create a family and the legal hoops they must jump through as part of the process. Written by an attorney in an-easy-to-understand style, this guide provides a comprehensive look at the options available to gay couples and offers advice and information on how best to proceed.
Different types of adoptions international, domestic agency, state agency, private, and facilitator-led are discussed, in addition to open versus closed adoptions. Special emphasis is paid to the considerations and concerns gay adoptive parents face, such as how to tell whether an agency is gay-friendly and whether both partners can adopt simultaneously or must use a two-part process. Advice is offered on finding an agency and dealing with the home study.
Gay & Lesbian Parenting Choices also considers the wide variety of assisted family-building choices, including donor sperm and insemination, egg donors and surrogates, as well as new technologies on the horizon. Consent laws, fertility procedures, choosing donors or surrogates, finding fertility clinics that are gay friendly, and advice about how to make sure your family is legally protected is also covered.
Other parenting options such as foster care and adopting your partner's child are included, in addition to family protection measures such as wills and medical consents, getting cooperation from schools, finding support for your family, and talking about your family with your child.
This complete guide helps gay and lesbian prospective parents choose the path to parenthood that will work best for them and offers advice and support as they journey towards becoming a family.
menurutku,selama kita sehat tidak mandul ya...lebih baik punya anak dari "benih" sendiri.soal adopsi,hal itu tindakan terakhir setelah semua "usaha" telah dilakukan.
sekarang kan dah ada program bayi tabung.ini cocok buat pasangan gay/lesbi.tapi kalau terbentur soal biaya ya...ini cuma saran.
"rasa" antara mengadopsi anak dengan mempunyai anak dari "benih" sendiri, sangat jauh berbeda lho!
dampak luasnya,terhadap keluarga.misal,orang tua yg sangat mengharap cucu dari darah daging sendiri.
haha loe terlalu narsis seh makanya mo incest anaknya sendiri....
Kayak clay aiken yah ?
lebih bingung lagi ditanya pertanyaan usil.. "pa, aku datang dari mana?"