BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

sekejap yg penuh makna dan cerita....



  • Lost_in_confusion. And now, i'm in a big confuse. Among the feels that crush me into pieces and among the situation that bring me to think fast. What should i do? Then which way that i must take.... Arrrrgggggg i'm so lost in confuse now...
    Setelah kebingungan semaleman, setelah terjebak dalam perasaan galau, gw harus berpikir cepat dan segera mengambil keputusan, Dan keputusannya ..... Nekaaaaaddddddd maoooo berangkaaaatttttt!!!!! arrgggggghhhh :twisted: :D :lol: :? :) :( :cry: :P
    (perasaan campur aduk.......xixiixixixixi)
    report on the way wuhhhhh.... Lagi di kereta neh,Perjalanan 12 jam baru gw tempuh 7 jam masi 5 jam lagi baru nyampe, selama perjalanan kerjaan gw cuma merokok doang. Dah abis dji sam soe sebungkus, boring bangettttt dan gw dah ga sabar pengen segera nyampe...
  • Lost_in_confusion. And now, i'm in a big confuse. Among the feels that crush me into pieces and among the situation that bring me to think fast. What should i do? Then which way that i must take.... Arrrrgggggg i'm so lost in confuse now...
    Setelah kebingungan semaleman, setelah terjebak dalam perasaan galau, gw harus berpikir cepat dan segera mengambil keputusan, Dan keputusannya ..... Nekaaaaaddddddd maoooo berangkaaaatttttt!!!!! arrgggggghhhh :twisted: :D :lol: :? :) :( :cry: :P
    (perasaan campur aduk.......xixiixixixixi)
    report on the way wuhhhhh.... Lagi di kereta neh,Perjalanan 12 jam baru gw tempuh 7 jam masi 5 jam lagi baru nyampe, selama perjalanan kerjaan gw cuma merokok doang. Dah abis dji sam soe sebungkus, boring bangettttt dan gw dah ga sabar pengen segera nyampe...

    huehuehuehueheue sabar dong...... eh mang selama itu yah perjalannya?
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    huehuehuehueheue sabar dong...... eh mang selama itu yah perjalannya?
    uuudaaaahhhhh.... :P
  • nekad juga akhirnya

    gimana ujiannya?
  • giripeni wrote:
    nekad juga akhirnya

    gimana ujiannya?
    ujiannya kan tanggal 22... :P
    (jadi gw nekadddddddd........xixiixixiixixiix)
  • giripeni wrote:
    nekad juga akhirnya

    gimana ujiannya?
    ujiannya kan tanggal 22... :P
    (jadi gw nekadddddddd........xixiixixiixixiix)

    gak marah dia kamu melakukan ini
  • giripeni wrote:
    giripeni wrote:
    nekad juga akhirnya gimana ujiannya?
    ujiannya kan tanggal 22... :P
    (jadi gw nekadddddddd........xixiixixiixixiix)
    gak marah dia kamu melakukan ini

    eh ini lage ngomongin semar itu yah ...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    me? I'm just ordinary guy, no dark-twisted-black-secret kind of guy
    me 2 ...... 8) 8) 8)
    but that's not what I heard circling around here for some time now....
    just what did you hear ... ??? ... substantiated news .... ??? 8) 8) 8) 8)
    well, it came from all around me, so I wouldn't call it rumors

    tabi dah pinter ngedit yah .... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  • satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    me? I'm just ordinary guy, no dark-twisted-black-secret kind of guy
    me 2 ...... 8) 8) 8)
    but that's not what I heard circling around here for some time now....
    just what did you hear ... ??? ... substantiated news .... ??? 8) 8) 8) 8)
    well, it came from all around me, so I wouldn't call it rumors

    tabi dah pinter ngedit yah .... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    nah, itu bukan ngedit, tapi membeberkan kebenaran
  • satria wrote:
    giripeni wrote:
    giripeni wrote:
    nekad juga akhirnya gimana ujiannya?
    ujiannya kan tanggal 22... :P
    (jadi gw nekadddddddd........xixiixixiixixiix)
    gak marah dia kamu melakukan ini

    eh ini lage ngomongin semar itu yah ...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    want to know deh...

    Kak giripeni... Selama ga ganggu jadwal kul sih gpp... Hehehe
  • satria wrote:
    giripeni wrote:
    giripeni wrote:
    nekad juga akhirnya gimana ujiannya?
    ujiannya kan tanggal 22... :P
    (jadi gw nekadddddddd........xixiixixiixixiix)
    gak marah dia kamu melakukan ini

    eh ini lage ngomongin semar itu yah ...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    want to know deh...

    Kak giripeni... Selama ga ganggu jadwal kul sih gpp... Hehehe

    I thought you were supposed to be having good time and won't be having any chance to get on line huhauhauhauhauhauhaa
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    me? I'm just ordinary guy, no dark-twisted-black-secret kind of guy
    me 2 ...... 8) 8) 8)
    but that's not what I heard circling around here for some time now....
    just what did you hear ... ??? ... substantiated news .... ??? 8) 8) 8) 8)
    well, it came from all around me, so I wouldn't call it rumors

    tabi dah pinter ngedit yah .... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    nah, itu bukan ngedit, tapi membeberkan kebenaran
    tabi usil deh, kan kasian om sat... :P
    (om sat yang sabar yak... Xixixixixixixixi)
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    me? I'm just ordinary guy, no dark-twisted-black-secret kind of guy
    me 2 ...... 8) 8) 8)
    but that's not what I heard circling around here for some time now....
    just what did you hear ... ??? ... substantiated news .... ??? 8) 8) 8) 8)
    well, it came from all around me, so I wouldn't call it rumors

    tabi dah pinter ngedit yah .... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    nah, itu bukan ngedit, tapi membeberkan kebenaran
    tabi usil deh, kan kasian om sat... :P
    (om sat yang sabar yak... Xixixixixixixixi)

    hueuehuehuehe kok tabi usil? tabi only deals with cold hard facts, nothing more nothing less
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    me? I'm just ordinary guy, no dark-twisted-black-secret kind of guy
    me 2 ...... 8) 8) 8)
    but that's not what I heard circling around here for some time now....
    just what did you hear ... ??? ... substantiated news .... ??? 8) 8) 8) 8)
    well, it came from all around me, so I wouldn't call it rumors

    tabi dah pinter ngedit yah .... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    nah, itu bukan ngedit, tapi membeberkan kebenaran
    tabi usil deh, kan kasian om sat... :P
    (om sat yang sabar yak... Xixixixixixixixi)

    hueuehuehuehe kok tabi usil? tabi only deals with cold hard facts, nothing more nothing less
    tabi kayaknya tw banget tentang om sat... Tabi salah satu korban om sat yak? Ato malah om sat salah satu korban tabi? :P
  • taurus_bi wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    satria wrote:
    taurus_bi wrote:
    me? I'm just ordinary guy, no dark-twisted-black-secret kind of guy
    me 2 ...... 8) 8) 8)
    but that's not what I heard circling around here for some time now....
    just what did you hear ... ??? ... substantiated news .... ??? 8) 8) 8) 8)
    well, it came from all around me, so I wouldn't call it rumors

    tabi dah pinter ngedit yah .... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    nah, itu bukan ngedit, tapi membeberkan kebenaran
    tabi usil deh, kan kasian om sat... :P
    (om sat yang sabar yak... Xixixixixixixixi)

    hueuehuehuehe kok tabi usil? tabi only deals with cold hard facts, nothing more nothing less
    tabi kayaknya tw banget tentang om sat... Tabi salah satu korban om sat yak? Ato malah om sat salah satu korban tabi? :P

    tabi korban perasaan lost...... :oops: :oops: :oops:
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