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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
duhhh lagunyaaaaa...... minggu ini banyak lagu menyayat hati dehhhh.... :P
itu kan cuma siggy, LOL
well, pertama kali emang sempet shock
tapi gw isa nerima kok, sekarang.
lagu itu memang dahsyat .....
Why do you still save the angerness in your life?
Please darling, release your anger and you will be happy!
I Guarantee that.
duuhh si nenek !!
i really have no idea what u girls are bitchin about ... 8) 8) 8)
(tak percayaaaa tapiii iniii terjadiii........xixiixixiixixiixi)
emberaann coong !! pas bangeett... 8) 8) 8)
hehehe...iam still human Bang !! tenang aja, emosinya masih terkontrol kog
hai hinoo !! tengkyu yaahh dah mampir, maaph ya warungnya masih acak adut...
lagu DIK yang mana pimp ??
Wes ta laahh !! ngomong di YM aja, ntar ada wartawan gossip lewat... 8) 8) 8)
(okayyyyy dehhhhhh madammmm................xixiixixiixiixixi)
I recently ended a friendship with someone whom I've been friends with for more than 5 years
I won't go into all the crap 'justifying me ending the friendship with her,
because it's all immaterial at this point
it's over, it's done with, I've burnt the bridge.
It doesn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would
but I know how much it hurt her.
and I don't feel sorry.because she deserves it !!
PS : gak sabar buat acara bbq-an bessoookk !!