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Amin juga ah
Nambah deh satu orang lagi yg ngedoain kamu
Amin juga ah
Nambah deh satu orang lagi yg ngedoain kamu
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If they can't accept you for what you are, well...that's really their problem, not yours. Live your own life!
We live in an imperfect world,
we live in this world not like a magic that makes we appeared by it self,
we exist coz our parents...
And the important we live not alone...
Yes okay live ur own life... I agree with that,
But coz we not alone thats the point, u cant do that 100% coz ur not alone,
there is many others people that u must think about...
If u want to be 100% live on your life
so i suggest u to search a place that theres no one else except
u so u can do that without any bother
I do live in a world co- inhabited with millions of other people,and not living in my own bubble yet i manage to live my own life without any bother. That proves my point that yes, you can do it if you want to. Question you want it ? and if you do, are u willing to do what it takes ?
Aduhh trus gimana klo misal nyokap ampe sakit gara2 sedih mikirin itu trus?????trus mlah tambah parah trus kenapa2 lg... huhuhu ntr jadi gara2 gw ga mao ikutin apa mao dia soal cinta.duh jadi serba salah kan,mau maju kena mundur kena... mau be my self takut nyokap kenapa2 gw ga mao nyokap ampe sakit tapi mau ikutin mau mereka jg mlah gw yg kenapa2 krn ga betah apa diri yg mereka pilih hixxxx just kill me then!!
tul... bagaimanapun kita juga musti coba melihat dari sudut pandang mereka... pasti dlm pandangan mereka mereka sgt khwatir bgt takut anak nya kenapa2 melihat dr berbagai kejadian buruk yg melibatkan kaum gay blkgan ini pasti mrk sgt ketakutan atas hal itu misal takut anak nya di bnuh.trus mereka juga takut anak nya kena penyakit seksual berbahaya.di balik semua kecemasan org tua itu artinya mrk sgt menyayangi kita.uhh jadi serba salah.. mending ga milih dua2 nya kali yah... ga usah jadi gay n ga usah jadi normal ahhh win win solution ahauhauaha bisa gak yaa
aduh3...makasih banget yah...amin3...
gwa teh sebenernya pengen pisan ntar kapan tau punya anak, gwa ga tau gimana caranya...(ini maap lho ya klo kasar, tp gwa hanya mencoba terus terang) horny ngeliat ce aja ngga...hu3... ...yah...liat ntar lah ya...
gwa pingin jd papa yg baik, ngedidik dia dgn baik & benar, dan jadiin dia anak yg paling bahagia di dunia...
he3...mungkin agak muluk2 don't be afraid to dream...(asal ga mpe daydreaming aja, ha3...) :P