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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
kalo soal halibel pake jurus Hirviendo lg kekna gag bakalan bisa deh,,,soalna kan dy sebelum beku pengen pake ntu jurus tp gagal udah keburu beku duluan pedangnya...
tp mungkin kalo halibel punya jurus rahasia (misalna bisa second release jg ky uLqi atau apalaah gitu) bisa aja dy lolos dr es nya hitsu n malah bisa berbalik keadaan...
knp aizen gag nyuruh yammy?
krn yammy ntu espada yg paling bodooh cuma gede badan doaang!! hehehehee,,,
(inget kan waktu dy kejebak kena granat bom nya ishida?? or di bikin babak belur ama yoruichi dulu)
percuma aja kalo emang dy yg paling kuat (espada 0) tp bodoh,, bisa2 dikerjaain ama lawan2nyaa dong coz ga punya strategi dlm bertarung (si Luppi jg pernah bilang gt kan?),,,hhehehe
masih pintar uLqi & szayel!!!
tapi menurut gw sih aizen punya rencana licik d balik ini semuaa....
kan Vasto Lorde blm di keluarin.....
dari TOP 3 Espada kan blm ada yg dikonfirmasiin scara resmi sbg VAsto LOrde....
kalo ada Vasto Lorde di jamin para kApten pd KO smuaaa......
tinggal menunggu kedatangan VIZARD!!!!
tapi kalo ntu smua espada msih level Adjuchas maah paraa kapten sih bisa aja menang...
(btw, penasaran ama wonderweiss nih,,,apa dy salah 1 vasto lorde??....heheheh)
she's absolutely beautiful...
Sode no Shirayuki...
hope Rukia could finally achieve her bankai after Sode no Shirayuki's defeat...
iya dong kk,,,
BLEACH lg seru2na niiiiiiiiih...
filler anime nya jg loh
232. Sode no Shirayuki vs. Rukia! Confused Heart
Sode no Shirayuki VS Rukia! Kokoro no madoi
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
(tp yg ini blm ada subtitle na...hhohoho)
go rukiaa!!
juruz kidou na mantaap
hadou no san juu san,, Soukatsui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bakudou no roku juu ichi,, Rikujōkōrō!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hadou no nana juu san...Soren Soukatsui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sapa taw aj ternyata kekuatan terbesar Inoue yaitu Shun2 Rikkanya bentuk segi enam besar,,trus masing2 Rikka ngeluarin cahaya garis ke-oranye-an yang bentuk segi enam juga...trus pas musuhnya kena kaya tubuhnya diancurin di dimensi lain...
wuih,,keren tuh...
nunggu Rukia bankai ne...
kaga bankai bankai ne c Rukia...
kalo di game nya sih ada tuh
kekuatannya inoue yg kayak segi 6 cahaya orange....kalo kena musuh damage nya gede...kyak rejection gt,,,
yaa coba aslinya inoue bisa kayak gt juga yaah....
Bleach 371 Spoilers
The title is...
Starts from Barragan's flashback
Barragan is the king back then as well. Suddenly Aizen, Gin, and Tousen appeared before him.
王 おお~暇で暇でしょうがない所によくきた~お前らが来なかったら
Barragan: Oooh, you've come to a boring old place like this?
If you hadn't come, I intend to split my own forces into two and go to war.
オールバック この刀をみてくれ
Aizen: Please take a look at this sword
王 なんだ~?
Barragan: What is it?
オールバック ここから俺についていけば~色々かえてやるぞ~
Aizen: If you follow me from now on, I will give you things in exchange
王 貴様の作る世界などいらん~
Barragan: I don't want a world that you've made
オールバック あなたの世界はもうこんなですよ?
Aizen: Your world can become like this though?
The image (from kyouka suigetsu) become a world where Gin and Tousen kills all of Barragan's subordinates in one hit.
Barragan submits.
しかし オールバックを殺すのはワシ常にお前の命を狙ってやる~
Barragan: However, I will be the one to kill you. I will always be trying to kill you.
(TN: I think the flashback ends here)
俺が王なんだ~お前を殺すのはこのワシ!!! アイゼンソウスケ!!
Barragan dies and Aizen doesn't even spare him a look.
スターク No2が死んでも一言も無しか…
Stark: No.2 died and he didn't say anything...
ハリベル …
Harribel: ...
スターク やるせないね~ 弔い合戦じゃないですがこちらもそろそろはじめますか~
Stark: How dreadful. This isn't a battle for revenge, but let's get started over here too.
っていった所で完です あんま進まないね;;
It ends here. There's not much plot development.
----> Probably at the moment when Aizen was showing Barragan his sword, Gin and Tousen just stood quietly and did nothing, but it was Kyouka Suigetsu technique and it was already too late as the slaughter was currently taking place, so by the time of Aizen's invintation and Barragan's 'I don't need the world you're trying to create' the image was real - Barragan returned to his former world where all his subordinates had been atrociously killed.
spoiler mengatakan bahwa:
barragan tdnya a/ seorang KING di hueco mundo sampe sebelum aizen cs dateng...
gag sabar nunggu hari jumat niih buat liat yg full chapter....
jadi tambah seru ney..
ga sabar jadinya...
Y...jangan lupa posting disini ya...
sbenernya gag tau itu gagal apa nggak siih,,,
kan di shinigami golden nya cuma sekilas...
truz hasil spirit zabimaru nya jd kyk gt,,, heheehe
iya nih kyna masih lama deh back to hueco mundo nya...
skrg lg seru2nya di Fake Karakura Town - Battle niih...
The two (Rose and Love) don their masks to confront the attacking wolves.
Rose goes shikai as well, "Play (kanadero), Kinshara (golden sal tree)".
His sword turns into a whip from the guard down. It bears a flower on the tip, maybe a rose.
Roses uses technique "Golden sal tree, the 11th sonata, 16-day-old moon rose".
As the tip of the whip hits an opponent, he touches the whip as if he plays piano, and the tip makes an explosion.
Even though the wolves are getting beaten, there're so many of them that it seems endless, [the tip] comes in contact with wolves and they explode.
Love still getting bombed speculates that these wolves came out of Stark's guns' magazines, thus they are a huge mass of ceros.
Here Stark comments that they are not ceros, they're split pieces of his own soul, they're like brethren in arms and lot of them obeys him becoming his weapon, these wolves are Stark and Lillynette, they are Primera, Stark Coyote and Lillynette Gingerbell's ability. Stark says that the victory in this fight is already decided, but if they just go and run for it, he'll spare them and leave them be.
Love who already lost his sunglasses by this time says, "Don't underestimate us!", and retaliates.
Starks standing on top of a telephone pole says that he doesn't enjoy finishing his opponent off, but in this case he's going to have to do it. And in this moment he gets stubbed from behind.
The end.
Wooooogh!!! StaRRk di Tusuk dr bLkg?????
siapa yg nusuk yaak?????????
masa sihh the Primera Espada Mati secepat ini???
STARK dari awal cma ngluarin cero aja,,gak lebih.. :twisted: :twisted:
btw gimana nasib dua sejoli KYOURAKU n UKITAKE stlh dikalhin STARK??
tp itu ada jurus baru sTarrk looh..
yg serigala2 itu,,,
ternyata itu merupakan sebagian dr soul mereka (Starrk & Lilynette) yg di pecah n dlm bntuk serigala!!!
tp intinya siih,, cero2 juga ledakannya....
iya nih,,
kira2 itu siapa ya yg nusuk starrk??
sayang bgt baru tarung sebentar masa sTarrk langsung kalah siih??
kalo ukitake kan dadanya bolong gara2 wonderweiss.............
nasibna msh blm jelass...
& kyoraku msh baik2 aja kyna d bwh sana,,,kan abis ngobrol ama Lisa,,