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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Klo dijual murah, jangan-jangan udah limbah...hehehe
Tapi tenang, kan masih bisa di rework...
di recond pak... mungkin signal nya dah kurang bagus... artinya, buat apa 20cm tapi susah dapet signal, alias lembek... he he he
lumayan lucu lah yg ini.. :P
ada bocoran dari direktorat pajak: buang sperma sembarangan kena cukai, pacaran ama bule kena pajak ganda, bea masuk dan pajak ekspor, tapi bisa dapet restitusi kalo putus LOL
mau dong jadi petugas bea cukai... secara, tiap ari pasti memantau orang yang ejakulasi... trus, ngumpulin sperma berserakan deh.... duh.... nikmatnya dunia, ha ha ha...
- gay bebas fiskal krn membantu mengurangi kepadatan penduduk
1 jan 2009 stright2 peruntuh iman kena wajib militer 12 bulan di perbatasan, maka dari pada ...mendingan..
trs mo lu apa-in tuh peju ... ??? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
ahh legaa untung penis gue flexible.. pas di tagih pajak gw lemesin aja si DD < 10 cm nah klo penagih pajak nya pergi tegangin lg deh > dr 20 cm ahauhaua
siapa tau bisa jadi bahan dasar energy alternatif.... he he he. buat pengganti energy fosil.
ada 3 barisan ulat..
baris pertama paling depan ada 3 ulat
baris kedua belakangnya ada 2 ulat
baris terakhir paling belakang ada 1 ulat
pas ditanya ulat yang paling depan, mereka bilang baris paling belakang ada 1 ulat (bener dong) tapi ulat paling belakang bilang kalo baris paling depan ada 6 ulat... Kenapa coba bisa kayak gitu???..
karena ulat itu boong.......
:shock: (ajig ni garingan gak penting abis!!)
-When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one. ~Epitaph of Leonard P. Matlovich, 1988 (Thanks, Marlene)
-The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision. ~Lynn Lavner
-Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? ~Ernest Gaines
-Homosexuality is god's way of insuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with children. ~Sam Austin
-If homosexuality is a disease, let's all call in queer to work: "Hello. Can't work today, still queer." ~Robin Tyler
-War. Rape. Murder. Poverty. Equal rights for gays. Guess which one the Southern Baptist Convention is protesting? ~The Value of Families
-If time and space are curved, where do all of the straight people come from? ~Author Unknown
-I'd rather be black than gay because when you're black you don't have to tell your mother. ~Charles Pierce, 1980
-Jesse Helms and Newt Gingrich were shaking hands congratulating themselves on the introduction of an antigay bill in Congress. If it passes, they won't be able to shake hands, because it will then be illegal for a prick to touch an asshole. ~Judy Carter
- think God is a callous bitch not making me a lesbian. I'm deeply disappointed by my sexual interest in men. ~Diamanda Galas
-Soldiers who are not afraid of guns, bombs, capture, torture or death say they are afraid of homosexuals. Clearly we should not be used as soldiers; we should be used as weapons. ~Letter to the editor, The Advocate
-There's this illusion that homosexuals have sex and heterosexuals fall in love. That's completely untrue. Everybody wants to be loved. ~Boy George