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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Highlights Of The Year

edited December 2008 in BoyzRoom
Ini kan uda akhir taon gimana kalo kita bikin highlight tentang pengalaman masing-masing sepanjang taon ini?

Buat sharing aja...

Kalo bisa highlight tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan kalian sebagai gay


  • Gw mulai ya...

    Gw mulai menyadari kalo rasa itu telah pergi, yach...walopun ga benar-benar pergi. Gw ge pedekate ma seorang cewe, namanya Rini.
    Gw gagal dapet predikat juara kelas, cuma dapet nomer 2.

    An ups and downs month.
    Kadang-kadang seneng, tapi ga jarang gw jadi stress.
    Rini uda punya tunangan.

    Ga beda jauh ama februari.
    Gw tau Afkar uda jadian ama cewek gendut di 3 IPA 1.
    Untuk pertamakalinya gw keluar nobar bareng Afkar juga temennya di cafe.

    What a month!!!
    I started to be attracted with other guys, which I concluded that I’m not really into him anymore, eventough I sucked a cock for the first time in my life and that was Afkar’s.

    I do it again, yes, I sucked his cock for the second time. Other else is nothing more than lust, I dont really love him anymore, as I do before.

    Gw beberapa kali isiin pulsa buat dia, but still I got nothing from him.
    We meet rarely this month because school’s off

    I realised that he cheated me, he’ve been in a relationship with Ina since the beginning of the year, their relationship was disclosed, and the fat girl was just their game, it hurts...

    His dad is passed away, but I didn’t visit him as our relationship was cold.

    I’m in love with someone new during Ramadan.
    He’s so cute...
    I’m totally forget Afkar, busied with the new love.

    Afkar broke up with his girlfriend, but I’m still busy with the new guy.

    Beberapa kesempatan buat kenalan sama cowok itu gw sia-siain.
    Gw kembali dekat sama Afkar.
    Kita nonton bola bareng lagi.
    Dia maen PS kerumah.
    Just like before.

    Setelah sempat salah nama, akhirnya gw tau kalo nama cowok itu Arif, I love this guy so much.
    Gw masih sering keluar bareng Afkar, tapi sekarang kita cuma teman, dia juga uda punya cewe laen, but I don’t really care as I never really missed him anymore since he refuse to stay a night in my home.
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