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waduh....belon2 udah marah2...hahahaha...santai aja bro..hahaha
yah..dimaklumin lah...hahahaha
yah gua sih ga marah boz cuman warnig buat si banci kaleng aja. sapa tau mulutnya lg kumat trs penyakit ayan dia kumat jg...komentar postingan dengan tulisan sampah kan bikin gua mangkel jg. makanya gua warning dl sebelumnya.
gua sih respect sm opini2 stp orang asal tuh orng ga nyinggung gua aja, atau ga bs pakek bhs manusia yg lbh sopan lah
hahahaha...udah deh...siemin aja...ntar klo capek kan brenti sendiri...
keep posting your opinion ya...kan masing2 orang boleh punya pendapat masing2...ini negara bebas kok...santai aja...hahaha
yup setuju
1. Michael,,, gw kehilangan michael yg cool n charming, penampilannya biasa aja, tp hebat bisa ngapal lirik yg rapet2 ky gt. (7/10)
2. Allison,, gw selalu suka ney cewek, tp emang bukan zonanya dy.. (7/10)
3. Kris,, kris without gitar? ternyata suaranya ok juga, charmingnya tetep keluar. good night for him. (8/10)
4. Lil, not in her comfort zone,,, klo menurut gw penampilan terjelek dy so far.. (7/10)
5. Adam... satu kata ANEH. gak ada countrynya sama sekali, ekspresinya jg teatrikal bangedh, jd ky dibuat-buat,, not his week afterall (6,5/10)
6. Scott... always with piano,, dah soulmate.. tp gw setuju sm Paula, jd gak surprise, predictable.. so so (7/10)
7. Alexis,, lebih suka versi Brooke walo versinya Brooke jg gak bagus2 amat. gak cocok sm lagunya.. (6,5/10)
8. Danny,, satu yg gw salut sm dy, dy sering milih nyanyiin lagu cewek semenjak holywood week, maksudnya supaya gak bisa dibandingin sm penyanyi aslinya dan it works. tp kali ini awal lagunya gw gak suka, tp pas masuk pertengahan n reff wow tekniknya dy keluar, overall just ok. (7/10)
9. Anoop,, way way way better than last week. Gw lebih suka anoop nyanyiin lagu slow ky gini. persis ky holywood week, daripada My Prerogative sm Beat It. Sumpah kereen, jd berpikir ulang nempatin dy di bottom 2,, (8/10)
10. Megan.. hmm klo dibandingin sm Kellie Pickler y jelas kalah, wong terang2an Kellie penyanyi country. y pasti ada di zonanya dy lah, tp untuk ukuran org yg lg sakit flu, ok performance bwt dy, tapi sakit gak bisa dijadiin alasan jg,, yg pasti she's in dangerous zone.. (7/10)
11. Matt.. Penutup yang sangat bagus.. perpaduan JT sm Buble.. Berlebihan gak? sedikit berlebihan sey, tp emg malam ini dy keren. (8/10)
yg pasti country week selalu jd minggu sulit buat kontestan. dan ini terbukti dimana 3 front runner mengalami malam yg sulit. tp mereka akan tetep selamat. prediksi gw bottom 3. Alexis, Megan, Anoop. Anoop bakal selamat soale penampilannya bagus, n yg keluar feeling gw Alexis, secara Megan di backup sm VFTW. tp semoga salah, biar miss caw caw yg keluar.
Malam ini adalah Country Night! Dengan mentor dari Randy Travis, Hmm gw sebenernya emg kurang suka dgn adanya country night seperti season2 yg lalu, tp teme ini emg selalu ada ya mo bagaimana lg, dan seperti tahun2 sebelumnya sepertinya Country Night banyak finalis yg cukup keteteran… So, gimana penampilan mereka malam ini? Simak aja…
1. Michael Sarver - Ain’t Goin’ Down Till the Sun Comes Up by Garth Brooks
RJ: It was a cool song choice but it didn’t show your vocal capabilities.
KD: We got to see your personality. We missed the big notes.
PA: You had fun and we had fun. This is the genre that suits you so well.
SC: It should have been good. I couldn’t understand a single word you sang. I thought it was a bit clumsy.
gw: Walau kelihatannya ‘root’ Michael adalah Country, tapi sayang penampilannya kali ini gak asik, apalagi tampil pertama yg biasanya bakal pulang besok… (6/10)
2. Allison Iraheta - Blame It on Your Heart by Patty Loveless
KD: I am starting to think you could sing the alphabet and sing it well. You made that song your own. Every week you are getting better and better.
PA: Another rock solid performance. No one will ever take away the power to your voice. You will go far in the business.
SC: I thought it was good, it did look like you were struggling remembering some of the words. Rock solid.
RJ: I thought it was dope.
gw: Well, surprisingly good! Kaget juga Allison makin bagus aja, setelah minggu lalu yg cukup mengecewakan good job girl. (7/10)
3. Kris Allen - To Make You Feel My Love by Garth Brooks
PA: I am pleasantly surprised. I thought it was a pure vulnerable performance.
SC: I thought that was terrific. Great choice of song.
PA: You went out on a limb. Tender moments from Kris.
KD: It was very Kris Allen.
gw: Dibanding minggu lalu, gw suka Kris yg bawain gitar, kali ini terlalu Slow… Boring.. hmm tp bwat gw sex appeal nya ito loh megang bgt (7/10)
4. Lil Rounds - Independence Day by Martina McBride
RJ: Very interesting and ambitious song choice. When you hit the chorus you opened up and it got a little better. It didn’t look comfortable on you.
KD: We know you are a great singer. The second half of the song we did get the Lil we are used to. It wasn’t your best but good for standing your ground. PA: Your vocals are spot on.
SC: It kind of came over as a one of those girls that was forced to sing that at a wedding.
gw: Country is really not her style! Sayang banget ngeliat Lil Rounds bawain lagu ini maksa banget jadinya… tp gw dah ngira kl dia bakal ga bgs di tema ini, dr season2 yg tahun lalu bnyk kok balck diva yg tampil jelek di tema ini, salah satu yg apes mandisa finalis season 5 langsung tersingkir di tema country padahal talent nya wow (7/10)
5. Adam Lambert - Ring Of Fire by Johnny Cash
KD: Adam does country music. All a little strange. I got my drama but it was strange but I kind of liked it.
PA: You are someone who stands out and is true to who you are. It was a great choice of song.
SC: What the hell was that?
RJ: It’s current, it’s young, it’s fresh, it’s hot.
gw: Yuck! Is this Country? Sorry Adam… bawain lagu ini seperti lagu2 Timur Tengah dgn Sitar, tp america kek nya still love you, so what... (5/10)
6. Scott MacIntyre - Wild Angels bu Martina McBride
PA: Tonight was another impressive performance. The piano may be a bit of a crutch though. Mix it up a little bit.
SC: Your performances are too similar. Choose better songs.
RJ: I am looking for the hot crazy vocals and I am not seeing them.
KD: We want you to up your game. Really deliver it.
gw: Lagi2 Scott masih belum memberikan performance yg luar biasa… standard. (6/10)
7. Alexis Grace - Jolene by Dolly Parton
RJ: You didn’t hit the notes quite well. There was some pitch issues.
KD: I think you lost your edge. It was a little flat for me.
PA: That song was more effective for you than the others think.
SC: I thought it was ok. It was a little bit sound a like. We will forget that performance in 10 minutes.
gw: yah lagi2 salah satu favorit gw tampil kurang bagus. Dibanding Brooke White yg bawain lagu ini season lalu, Alexis masih kalah nih. (6/10)
8. Danny Gokey - Jesus Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood
KD: When you hit your stride it is like none other. The front half wasn’t spectacular.
PA: I love when artists build a story. I think you were brilliant. I think Carrie would buy that record.
SC: You have to have a little bit of light and shade. My only problem is what you are wearing. You are going on a polar expedition and it is 80 degrees in LA.
RJ: The verses, you have to support them.
gw: Danny Gokey ini seperti Elliot Yamin part.2 Vocal keren, tapi kayaknya kurang Star Quality… asik juga sih benernya, tapi masih kalah dgn minggu lalu.kontestan idol yg jg pernah bawain single ini di country night lakisha jones tp hasilnya maksa, lagi2 paula koment nya aneh. tp danny msh jd fav gw. (7/10)
9. Anoop Desai - You Were Always On My Mind by Willie Nelson
PA: Anoop is back. I am so proud of you. The love fit you with this song.
SC: You went from zero to hero. That was one of my favorite performances of the whole night.
RJ: You can really sing. You proved it. I liked the arrangement.
KD: Very hard to do what you did tonight. What you did tonight was amazing. Best performance of the night.
gw: This is Really Cool! Keren banget… fantasia jg pernah nyanyiin lg ini dan bgs bgt, tapi awas Anoop, watch your attitude! (8/10)
10. Megan Corkrey - Walking After Midnight by Patsy Cline
RJ: I thought it would have been a train wreck but I was impressed. It was kind of good.
KD: Perfect song, perfect look. You’re a winner.
PA: You are a fighter. You were fantastic tonight.
SC: You should have the flu every week. You were better this week than last week.
gw: Hehe.. masa sih Simon? Org kok disuruh sakit. Sayang Megan kurang maksimal, emang mendingan sih dr minggu lalu. Tapi Vocalnya emang keren! (7/10)
11. Matt Giraud - So Small by Carrie Underwood
KD: There ain’t nothing small about you. Amazing, I love you.
PA: Your a authentic performer. You’re piercing through so many people’s hearts.
SC: I don’t think you have had enough credit with your vocals. Tonight you out sang Danny. Great vocals. Terrific performance.
RJ: Favorite performance of the night. You got it going on.
gw: Kembaran Michael Buble ini.. hehe.. tampil sebagai penutup! Dan emang keren sih! Tahu gak kalo Matt Giraud udah ngeluarin 2 Album? hehe… (8/10)
So, sapa yg bakal tereliminasi?
Ini prediksi Bottom 3: Michael Sarver, Lil Rounds, Alexis Grace.
gw jg sedih hrs nulis dua nama fav gw di prediksi gw sendiri hehehehhe....
tapi emg penampilan mereka apa ya maksa ihhhhhhhhgggghhh dasar country night.
Haha.. pasti pas bagian Ryan nanya dy surprise gak sama komentar juri, trus dy jawab enggak. Awalnya gw jg kaget dy jawab gt, tp menurut gw dy dah merasa berusaha keras, jd y mungkin dy pikir hal itu pasti terjadi. oke oke aja bwt gw, walo emang agak kelewat pede. tp dy emang dah berhasil buktiin klo juri gak salah pilih.
ngaco nih kasih info nya... yg bener
03. Kris Allen : To Make You Feel My Love = Garth Brooks
09. Anoop Desai : Always On My Mind = Willie Nelson
Semoga Megan terus bertahan...Megan is really unique and so good.
ngaco nih kasih info nya... yg bener
03. Kris Allen : To Make You Feel My Love = Garth Brooks
09. Anoop Desai : Always On My Mind = Willie Nelson
Semoga Megan terus bertahan...Megan is really unique and so good.
ngaco nih kasih info nya... yg bener
03. Kris Allen : To Make You Feel My Love = Garth Brooks
09. Anoop Desai : Always On My Mind = Willie Nelson
Semoga Megan terus bertahan...Megan is really unique and so good.
dan yang pasti America still love Kris, and I love him either. kyaaaa~~~~ kris, love u, love u.....
btw, country rada aneehh, mgk ga biasa di telinga gw. ga enjoy dengernya.
1. Michael - 8
2. Allison - 8
3. Kris - 9
4. Lil - 7
5. Adam - 7
6. Scott - 7
7. Alexis - 7
8. Danny - 8
9. Anoop - 10
10. Megan - 5
11. Matt - 9
Bottom three:
Megan, Scott, Lil
SETUJUUU... !!!!! Kris damn cute...
n ANOOP juga bakal selamet, coz emang semalem mereka plus matt G yg jd bintang.
SETUJU jg, gw gak suka sama country, satu2 musik country yg menurut gw enak cuma Rascal Flatt, eh itu country bukan y?
:twisted: :twisted: