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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
knp shock ga jelas?
karena kau uda punya harapan yg berlebihan n ketakutan yang kegedean.
coba klo jgn punya harapan dulu yg "luar biasa". pasti bakal enjoy pas ketemuan, bakal lebih "mengalir"
granted, ini bener banget. Padahal ga jamin orang tinggal di luar more than 10 years bisa bagus bahasany [kaya orang yg gua kenal], tergantung individunya.
pertarungan antar 4 golongan LGBT huehuehue seru si kyknya...hehe
Maaf, kelepasan ngomong, kalo ngomongin pacar msh suka langsung otomotatis kepikirannya cewek.
Tapi jujur, gue kalo cowok, bukan bermaksud racist yah, entah gimana bawaannya lebih tertarik dengan cowok indo dibanding bule, kalian tuh manis manis, lucu lucu dan sexy sexy :-p. Jadi selama gue disini, gue kayanya enggak bakal "main" ama "boys" dulu deh. temen2 co gue disini kebanyakan bule soalnya, ada yang gay juga tapi, gue kaga gimana2 tuh.
@rpgs_player and @LoveBlue
Makasih yah atas pujiannya. Bukan "merendahkan diri untuk meninggikan mutu nih", tapi sebenernya inggris saya msh jauh dari perfect, masih byk banget salahnya, cuma kayanya memang gue nya aja yang "muka tebal" banget. banyak orang kaya kalian tuh sebenernya inggris dah lumayan banget, cuma mungkin urat malunya masih belum putus kali yah, lol
Aduh makasih yah. I'm so happy to meet another BigBangTheory fan. Bisa pm2an ngomongin ini nih :-), I've told you about my 2 fav. characters, pm me yours, ok?
ha ha ha, bisa aja nih..
After my experience in Jakarta last year (with the gay sex and the fact that I enjoyed it so much!), I no longer consider myself straight or curious straight :-).
It was so good, that If having sex with gay guys are all like that, I think I WANT to be gay! (although I'd miss boobs though, he he he)
@George Kalalo
Boleh tanya kenapa enggak berani?
#kepoparah itu apa yah?
Kejam ih, dah tau gue kaga terlalu ke update dgn istilah2 gaul, atau bahasa daerah, malah ditambah2in, ha ha ha.
Iya nih, gara2 pertanyaan elu, I started to ask more questions myself.
Would I survive without having gay sex? now that I know that how great it is, I'd be very sad if I won't have any more of that, but yeah, I think I'd survive (Heck I I had survived for many years before, surely I can do that again)
Would i survive without having sex with women? hm, I'm not so sure.
I would say that even if in the end I ended up with a guy, I probably wouldn't stop looking at pretty girls every now and then, lol.
Au ah, pusing.
Kayanya mang dah bukan jamannya lagi deh untuk kotak2in orang ke straight, bisex, atau gay. I'll take it as it comes aja deh.
Eh udah donk, jangan dikorek2 lagi, gantian kali ceritanya, kalo lu gimana:
a. Are you 100% gay?
b. what's your experiences like so far?
c. What do you look for in a guy? (Sukanya cowo tuh kaya apa dan kenapa?)
Yupe, for me, no competition what so ever! Indo guys win everytime!
Temen2 co gue disini tuh keren2 pula, blue/green eyes, tall, handsome, educated, fun, sporty, well build, tapi enggak berasa gimana2 tuh.
P.S.: How are you doing? It's been a while since we talk. Are you sleeping better now?
Hey, you're more than welcome to join in any time! The more the merrier!
Answering your questions:
a. I don't consider myself being brave for wanting to experience the gay world, it's really just me being curious. Plus like I mentioned before, I haven't been successful with the ladies lately.
b. No, at the moment I am not in any relationship with girls, nor guys as a matter of fact!
Boleh cerita ngak kenapa kamu ngak berani ato ngak pengen coba? Gantian sharing donk please, gue berasa kaya lagi di ruang interogasi nih, he he he.