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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Definisi menarik berarti memang sangat relatif ya. Di sini seperti yang mungkin lu tau semua orang ingin jadi putih, hidung mancung dan mata biru (dengan kontak lensa).
Tidur gue lumayan nyenyak sekarang. Terimakasih sudah bertanya.
Tapi apa memang sex dengan laki-laki memang lebih daripada perempuan menyenangkan? Karena gue belum pernah melakukan dengan keduanya.
Thanks dah jelasin artinya kepoparah, baru denger nih soalnya.
Oh man, I feel awful, if you haven't done it, then good for you. Gue nya aja yang memang anak bandel kali yah.
I feel bad talking about sex with you, I feel like I'm pushing you nearer to temptations, and I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry.
b. I don't have any. I have social anxiety and it kept me from experiencing the temptations of the gay real world.
c. Someone with a good, level-headed personality. Haven't got any luck in obtaining one though.
Berat juga ya kalo jadi bisex, godaannya dobel -_-
Ada segi baiknya juga sih, pilihannya jadi lebih banyak...'s like a two-edged sword for me (so classic).
emg bgitu ye kalo beginner...mau tau aja....
Soalnya gw jg bgitu... tertarik ma cerita2 mereka yg ud pengalaman...:) hehehe sayangnya temen yg mau berbagi baru satu doang...masih byk rasa penasaran yg belum terpuaskan...hehe
haha lucky u..
gw jg tuh ngerepotin...nanya2 apa pun curhat jg lg...maklum gw g punya temen gay...bingung deh mo curhat ma sapa..akhirnya ada salah satu member sini yg berbaik hati mendengarkan curhat gw...hihihi klo tampang g pngaruh soalnya jaga privasi masing2...
oiya gpp kalii blabbering...kalo ada org yg kyk gw kan jd merasa bersukur ada yg mo sharing ttng khidupan kalian...menarik kok bsa buat pembelajaran agar terhindar dari lubang yg sama...meskipun pasti ada yg kontra bodo amatlah...
Elo elo gue gue...WHO THE HELL R U???...
Hehe maaf2 esmosi...kbawa dunia luar yg seenak udel menjudge org...
Thanks for sharing!. Untuk soal bisex, mang kalo pikir2 susah2 gampang, but I like to see it from a more positive side, that you can actually fall in love with anybody, boy or girl. That you're in love with a soul, regardless of the gender.
Cuma menurut pengamatan gue nih, kayanya orang bisex itu susah deh untuk dapetin cewek. Girls kayanya kebanyakan lumayan anti sama bisex (I've learnt my lessons), they don't want to share/compete with other guys. tapi kalo gays kayanya ok2 aja tuh yah, bener ngak sih?
ok then, well.... hm... I wouldn't say that gay sex is definitely better than straight sex. I think I just didn't know what to expect (I had my reservations before). There's a lot more to it than I thought.
and sekalian sharing buat @loveblue dan @ambigu juga,
(I'm trying my best not to be too explicit nih, plus nyadar banget kalo gue tuh juga masih terbatas bgt pengalamannya.)
But I'll let you know one more secret (Moderator, please don't kick me out of this forum because this).
Even now, I'm still not that comfortable with guy's penises. I don't find them in anyway a turn-on. I used to run a mile if I see one flapping about, Like in the gyms in this country, there are no doors or sometimes, no cubicles, in the guy's shower rooms, and I'm fine with that because you can easily ignore them. But then the guys would just go all naked in the changing room, and take their sweet time to get dressed. Sometimes they even talk to me or their friends while their stuff is hanging there. I used to make up a lot of excuses to not spend any extra second in there.
Like there was this one time, I was sitting on the bench putting on my shoes, when this guy just started to talk to me, one foot on the beach with his legs wide open a yard away from my face. And I've only met that guy from the body-combat class just before that because we needed to be in pairs for a couple of moves.
Anyway he turned to me, kept talking about stuff (I couldn't remember anything for the life of me!) while his "junk" was...just.. dangling... there.. right in front of my face. Ok, my friends said that he is straight and he's just comfortable with his body. But I didn't care, I was so traumatised that I ended up moving to another gym.
Funny enough I bumped into him a couple of months later, and he was with his girlfriend, but you know, the whole time we were saying hi and talking a little bit, guess what I was thinking of?! EXACTLY!!
klo gitu g ada bedanya dunia luar ma dunia ini selalu tentang mereka....
You called it "his junk"?wkwkwk
that's annoying....kalo nggak ada itu keberlangsungan human being terancam lho...hehe
bikin anak udah g nikmat...jadi males deh bikin anak...-,-a
uhmmm what r u thinking of?sorry I can't read ur mind... just want to make sure....v-.-