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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Gay Life



  • vendi74 wrote: »
    masa hetero pacaran tanpa sex diakhiri dengan perkawinan, ada surat resmi, di akui masy.
    Masa pacaran homo? Selamanya hanya pacaran tanpa ada akhir, mungkin ini yg membuat banyak gay melakukan sex pranikah, emang di indo kan gak bisa nikah

    That's right, baby. Memang semuanya kembali ke individu masing-masing sih ya. I aware that, people have their own choice.
  • FAITH wrote: »
    It's not a matter of monogamous or being a slut/promiscuous ... it's a matter of RESPECT. Two or more consensual adults can do anything they want to do as long as it isn't an activity that related to a crime. If you think monogamous is your choice, go with that but you can't make others think and have the same lifestyle as you do. To those who enjoy promiscuity let them enjoy that lifestyle as well. Promiscuity is not a crime. It's just a different way to appreciate what life is about, similar to those who prefer monogamy. I've lived in many gayborhoods for so many years in many prosperous countries. One thing that makes different than other part of the world: They respect other people's choice of lifestyle more than any other culture. I have friends who live in both lifestyle. I respect them and we respect each other. Monogamous lifestyle isn't for everyone. You can't tell everyone to stick into that lifestyle just because you think it's the right one for you. After all, again ... it's a matter of RESPECT.

    Agreed with @ rawasari.
    Methinks that (sepertinya) penulis thread ini adalah orang yang sexually repressed.
    Emosi tinggi karena hasrat ( gay ) seks nya dipendam, mengingkari self-identity nya sebagai gay, marah karena penolakan ( rejection) dari sesama gay etc. Oh well..the possiblity is endless.


    Your nick seems described yourself. Gatahu deh, argumennya itu melulu. Di sini yang saya butuhkan argumen kamu tentang apa yang jadi ide saya, bukan malah mengomentari kepribadian saya. Tahu apa kamu soal saya kalau kenal aja baru beberapa saat di forum. Ga penting bahas saya, yang lebih penting itu justru thread ini.

    IAT, somebody told me not to fed troll, this is your chance to prove that you're not just troll.
  • Duwa sisi kecerdasan bertempur.. mas@colorof Vs mas@Setyasurya.
    Gweh pegang mas@colorof,,, hayoo yg lain pegang sapa??
    Pegangnya yg bener lho ya... gk pake ngelus2 :D
    Kalo cm ngecap penuh iri dengki ga pake otak, lebih baik minggir.... nonton ajah... :D
  • edited August 2012
    Live is a choice. Wanna be a slut? Be it! Wanna be a respectful gay? Be it!
    But bear in mind that each choice u make, have it's own risk.
    And bear in mind too, u r not living alone, u r living in a society. And every society has its own JUDGEMENT.
    Even u disagree with whatever judgement the society has, it is there! You just can't ignore it, and say to yr self WTF!!
    Unless u r really a dumb ass person.
    U R WHAT U R! Period.
    Wanna be a slut? Be the most notorious slut ever!
    Wanna be a respectful gay? Do the best u can, for the world and society! And let's be friend with me :)) :))
    Tapi teteeuupp... gue sih pilih jadi slut aja... habis enak ssiiii..
    Kontradiktif ya brok?? Kakakakaka........

    Welcome, welcome..
    Oke, let me just give u a big applause for your confidence to keep strong as who you are. =D>

    Yes, seperti kamu bilang, kalo masyarakat ngejudge ini itu, ya biarlah anjing mengonggong kafilah tetap berlalu. Benar kan?? Masalahnya ada beberapa yang ga terima (mungkin salah satunya saya), bahwa banyak kok gay-gay yang berprestasi dan memiliki potensial lebih yang bisa memberikan kontribusi ke masyarakat. Tapi mereka dengan gampangnya take down orang-orang seperti itu hanya karena ternyata dia gay. Saya tidak mengalami ini, tapi saya membaca di dunia berita :)

    Penilaian masyarakat mungkin SELAMANYA ga akan berubah tentang GAY. "GAY itu ga lazim, masak cowok campur cowok." Tapi yang perlu kita tunjukkan adalah BAGAIMANA CARA KITA MENUNJUKKAN KASIH SAYANG. Lha sekarang, tanpa harus saya paparkan, semua juga sudah tahu selama ini yang terjadi dalam gaylife dalam menunjukkan-kasih-sayang seperti apa..
  • Gue ikutan pegang mas@colorof, tapi klo megang sambil ngelus2 dikit boleh donk ah... :D,, gpp ta mas @colorof??
    Gue jd pengen 3-some deh sama @colorof & @setyasurya..
    Gmn caranya ya masbray? ;));;);;)
  • Guys, sedikit lagu mungkin akan mencairkan suasana..
    Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,
    Drifting through the wind
    Wanting to start again?
    Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
    Like a house of cards,
    One blow from caving in?

    Do you ever feel already buried deep?
    6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
    Do you know that there's still a chance for you
    'Cause there's a spark in you

    You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine
    Just own the night like the 4th of July

    'Cause baby you're a firework
    Come on, show 'em what you're worth
    Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
    As you shoot across the sky...

    Baby, you're a firework
    Come on, let your colours burst
    Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
    You're gonna leave 'em all in "awe, awe, awe"

    You don't have to feel like a wasted space
    You're original, cannot be replaced
    If you only knew what the future holds
    After a hurricane comes a rainbow

    Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed
    So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
    Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
    And when it's time, you'll know

    You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine
    Just own the night like the 4th of July

    'Cause baby you're a firework
    Come on, show 'em what you're worth
    Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
    As you shoot across the sky-y-y

    Baby, you're a firework
    Come on, let your colours burst
    Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
    You're gonna leave 'em all in "awe, awe, awe"

    Boom, boom, boom
    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
    It's always been inside of you, you, you
    And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough

    'Cause baby you're a firework
    Come on, show 'em what you're worth
    Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
    As you shoot across the sky..

    Baby, you're a firework
    Come on, let your colours burst
    Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
    You're gonna leave 'em all in "awe, awe, awe"

    Boom, boom, boom
    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
    Boom, boom, boom
    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

    (Katty Perry - Fireworks)

    Semoga beberapa menjadi paham apa yang menjadi fokus saya di sini. Oke, GAYS, let sing it together!

    Baby, you're a FIREWORK!!
    Come on, let your colours burst
    Make 'em go "Oh, Oh, Oh"
    You're gonna leave 'em all in "awe, awe, awe"

  • Gue jd pengen 3-some deh sama @colorof & @setyasurya..
    Gmn caranya ya masbray? ;));;);;)
    Tangkeepp perekk jabblaayyy.... x(:-t:-t
  • edited August 2012
    Wanna be a slut? Be the most notorious slut ever!

    Kyk Paris Hilton ya brok? The super rich duper slut of the world :D Jadi terkenal seluruh dunia.
    Klo cm dipake orang sekecamatan bekasi, truz gk jadi apa2, cm jadi persinggahan "burung2 terbang", kasian degh ya masbray??? =)) =))
  • Jiaaahh diye malah dangdutan sm katty perry :> :>
  • penasaran ne gue sama @colorof n @setyasurya... pasang poto donk di boyz album sono buruaaann... :>:>
  • Engga kyk forum tetangga brok, bisa attached MP3..

    Gwe jg mo dangdutan (tapi sm bang Rhoma Irama)...
    Sungguh mati aku pwenasyaaruwaann...
    (suaranya didangdutin kyk bang Rhoma)... kwkwkw =))
  • aku pegangin @ascareus aja
  • Colorof wrote: »
    aldibagimu wrote: »
    Colorof wrote: »
    Mungkin beberapa dari orang2 yang ada di GAYZforum ini udah sepet ngeliat tiap kali gue posting pasti soal "GAY IS NOT ABOUT SEX". Tapi gue nggak mau berhenti buat bilang: YAP! Kenapa hidup lo lo sia2in dengan selalu ganti2 pasangan?? Hey, man. I know its so easy things to stick your dick on asses, but think twice! Where is your value. Isn't that will some of proud things if you have a MORE value AS A GAY???

    Okelah, mungkin bagi beberapa kalian bilang bahwa SEKS adalah PELAMPIASAN kekesalan kalian karena kalian terlahir SEBAGAI GAY. Tapi please yoh.. Semua orang juga pasti pernah kecewa, tapi PELAMPIASAN tersebut ga SEHARUSNYA kan kemudian harus diakhiri dengan SEKS??

    Lihat tuh banyak banget temen-temen yang mungkin JATUH terkena "sesuatu" yang tidak pernah mereka bayangkan. MAKANYA.. Value, menjadi hal penting buat kita miliki. APA IYA, udah JATUH jadi GAY (jadi gay tuh bisa dibilang jatuh lo ya!) masih harus JATUH lagi tersesat ke liang-liang yang bagaikan labirin kamu ga bisa merayap ke atas. APA ITU YANG KAMU INGINKAN??

    Miris emang, mungkin bagi mereka yang udah expert di bidang GAY LIFE akan bilang tulisan ini NONSENSE, ya silakan aja sih. Ini forum, makanya gue berani berpendapat. Gue ga mau jatohin pihak-pihak tertentu. Ini cuma sekedar share idea doang, bahwa.. KEHIDUPAN GAY sebenarnya BISA kok penuh DENGAN KASIH SAYANG!

    Masyarakat itu paling gampang kalo NYACAT sesuatu. Prestasi suatu kelompok akan mudah DIABAIKAN ketimbang KECACATANNYA. Itu pula yang terjadi saat ini di GAY LIFE. Pesta seks, gonta ganti pasangan.. Seems like the temptation out of control. Masyarakat yang sensitif nyacat itu kemudian bakal membuat stigma tersendiri pada "kecacatan" yang ditampakkan oleh kelakuan gay yang ga bener. Mereka seolah menutup mata bahwa nyata-nyatanya, masih ada kok GAY yang berprestasi. Membuat beberapa GAY kemudian malas untuk "berprestasi" karena se-berprestasi apa pun mereka, sekali mereka ketahuan GAY, mungkin masyarakat yang akan mencemooh lebih banyak ketimbang yang tetep mengakui dan menyadari "wah, ternyata gay ga buruk-buruk amat ya"

    AKu ga bilang bahwa "its OK to be gay" atau "its disaster to be gay". It depends on how we see it in our positive side.

    NOw let me take YOU into this DREAMY world. Bayangkan kalo di dunia ini GAY diterima sebagai SESUATU yang LAZIM:

    Pasangan laki-laki berjalan dengan mesra, menyapa tetangga-tetangga sekitar disambut senyum yang hangat, masuk ke satu rumah. Di dalam mereka saling menyibukkan diri masing-masing. Salah satu memasak, salah satu sedang membetulkan kursi taman yang patah. Kemudian seorang nenek dari rumah sebelah mengantarkan kue untuk mereka cicipi. Kemudian malam harinya, para tetangga diundang untuk pesta BBQ di rumah. Kehangatan, kebersamaan terasa di situ. KEmudian saat pesta selesai, pasangan laki-laki tersebut kemudian masuk ke dalam kamar, menghidupkan lampu tidur. Salah satunya membaca novel yang baru separo ia baca, sedangkan satunya bersandar di bahunya sambil memeluk, mengais kehangatan malam yang dingin.

    Isn't it so beautiful.


    Seoarang laki-laki, berjalan layaknya teman menyusuri gang sambil tergesa-gesa seolah ada yang mengejar. Berulangkali BB-nya berbunyi, tulisan di dalamnya berbunyi "udah sampai mana?". Tak dibalasnya tapi kemudian ia mencapai ujung gang dan ditemuinya laki-laki dengan helm dan jaket hitam sedang nangkring di atas motor. Ia kemudian membonceng naik ke atasnya lalu dibawalah ia pergi. Ke sebuah losmen mereka kemudian berhenti. Melakukan sesuatu-yang-mungkin-tak-perlu-disebut-semua-juga-sudah-tahu. Kemudian pulang sambil tak ada kontak lagi. Esok harinya, laki-laki itu menerima pesan BB lagi. Menyusuri gang dengan tergesa-gesa lagi. Kemudian menemui lelaki yang berbeda lagi..

    See that, huh??

    AKu cuma pengen bilang bahwa, come on guys. Now its time to wake up. DOnt waste your life with UNCERTAIN WORLD. Bukankah.. CUKUP DENGAN SATU ORANG YANG KITA KASIHI hidup kita akan lebih berwarna dan berarti?? Apa mentang-mentang karena dunia GAY itu WARNA-WARNI, lantas pasanganmu juga bisa WARNA-WARNI. NO! Its not that point.

    Well, I've told you once more. This is just my idea that I shared to you to discuss. Kalau ada yang ingin berpendapat, berpendapatlah yang cerdas. Orang-orang yang baca di thread ini bisa menilai mana yang cerdas dan mana yang sekedar debat kusir. Debat aku suka debat, tapi debat yang intelek, jangan sekedar debat kusir yang ga ada ujung habisnya. Just try to make some argument!

    perasaan otak lu aja yg berfikir negatif ttg gay. image gay buat lu itu penjahat kelamin bgt. lo gak tau kl populasi co str8 lbh byk dr gay yg nyebarin virus hiv aids ke istrinya. itu menandakan kl cow str8 lbh biadab memakai penisnya ke sembarang lobang. gay tetaplah laki2 dmn mahluk sex yg plg demen gonta ganti pasangan ketimbang perempuan. semoga bs mencerahkan otak lu yg picik dan sok pintar itu.amin

    Kalo datang cuma mau ngomong otak picik, sok keminter, blablabla lainnya..

    Mending ga usah mampir deh bang. Terimakasih kunjungannya, tapi kalau masih mau lanjut komentar seperti itu, tidak akan saya tanggapi. Debat tapi debat yang sehat. Terimakasih.

    ky suara kentut
  • Colorof wrote: »
    rawasari wrote: »
    Colorof wrote: »
    Mungkin beberapa dari orang2 yang ada di GAYZforum ini udah sepet ngeliat tiap kali gue posting pasti soal "GAY IS NOT ABOUT SEX". Tapi gue nggak mau berhenti buat bilang: YAP! Kenapa hidup lo lo sia2in dengan selalu ganti2 pasangan?? Hey, man. I know its so easy things to stick your dick on asses, but think twice! Where is your value. Isn't that will some of proud things if you have a MORE value AS A GAY???

    Okelah, mungkin bagi beberapa kalian bilang bahwa SEKS adalah PELAMPIASAN kekesalan kalian karena kalian terlahir SEBAGAI GAY. Tapi please yoh.. Semua orang juga pasti pernah kecewa, tapi PELAMPIASAN tersebut ga SEHARUSNYA kan kemudian harus diakhiri dengan SEKS??

    Lihat tuh banyak banget temen-temen yang mungkin JATUH terkena "sesuatu" yang tidak pernah mereka bayangkan. MAKANYA.. Value, menjadi hal penting buat kita miliki. APA IYA, udah JATUH jadi GAY (jadi gay tuh bisa dibilang jatuh lo ya!) masih harus JATUH lagi tersesat ke liang-liang yang bagaikan labirin kamu ga bisa merayap ke atas. APA ITU YANG KAMU INGINKAN??

    Miris emang, mungkin bagi mereka yang udah expert di bidang GAY LIFE akan bilang tulisan ini NONSENSE, ya silakan aja sih. Ini forum, makanya gue berani berpendapat. Gue ga mau jatohin pihak-pihak tertentu. Ini cuma sekedar share idea doang, bahwa.. KEHIDUPAN GAY sebenarnya BISA kok penuh DENGAN KASIH SAYANG!

    Masyarakat itu paling gampang kalo NYACAT sesuatu. Prestasi suatu kelompok akan mudah DIABAIKAN ketimbang KECACATANNYA. Itu pula yang terjadi saat ini di GAY LIFE. Pesta seks, gonta ganti pasangan.. Seems like the temptation out of control. Masyarakat yang sensitif nyacat itu kemudian bakal membuat stigma tersendiri pada "kecacatan" yang ditampakkan oleh kelakuan gay yang ga bener. Mereka seolah menutup mata bahwa nyata-nyatanya, masih ada kok GAY yang berprestasi. Membuat beberapa GAY kemudian malas untuk "berprestasi" karena se-berprestasi apa pun mereka, sekali mereka ketahuan GAY, mungkin masyarakat yang akan mencemooh lebih banyak ketimbang yang tetep mengakui dan menyadari "wah, ternyata gay ga buruk-buruk amat ya"

    AKu ga bilang bahwa "its OK to be gay" atau "its disaster to be gay". It depends on how we see it in our positive side.

    NOw let me take YOU into this DREAMY world. Bayangkan kalo di dunia ini GAY diterima sebagai SESUATU yang LAZIM:

    Pasangan laki-laki berjalan dengan mesra, menyapa tetangga-tetangga sekitar disambut senyum yang hangat, masuk ke satu rumah. Di dalam mereka saling menyibukkan diri masing-masing. Salah satu memasak, salah satu sedang membetulkan kursi taman yang patah. Kemudian seorang nenek dari rumah sebelah mengantarkan kue untuk mereka cicipi. Kemudian malam harinya, para tetangga diundang untuk pesta BBQ di rumah. Kehangatan, kebersamaan terasa di situ. KEmudian saat pesta selesai, pasangan laki-laki tersebut kemudian masuk ke dalam kamar, menghidupkan lampu tidur. Salah satunya membaca novel yang baru separo ia baca, sedangkan satunya bersandar di bahunya sambil memeluk, mengais kehangatan malam yang dingin.

    Isn't it so beautiful.


    Seoarang laki-laki, berjalan layaknya teman menyusuri gang sambil tergesa-gesa seolah ada yang mengejar. Berulangkali BB-nya berbunyi, tulisan di dalamnya berbunyi "udah sampai mana?". Tak dibalasnya tapi kemudian ia mencapai ujung gang dan ditemuinya laki-laki dengan helm dan jaket hitam sedang nangkring di atas motor. Ia kemudian membonceng naik ke atasnya lalu dibawalah ia pergi. Ke sebuah losmen mereka kemudian berhenti. Melakukan sesuatu-yang-mungkin-tak-perlu-disebut-semua-juga-sudah-tahu. Kemudian pulang sambil tak ada kontak lagi. Esok harinya, laki-laki itu menerima pesan BB lagi. Menyusuri gang dengan tergesa-gesa lagi. Kemudian menemui lelaki yang berbeda lagi..

    See that, huh??

    AKu cuma pengen bilang bahwa, come on guys. Now its time to wake up. DOnt waste your life with UNCERTAIN WORLD. Bukankah.. CUKUP DENGAN SATU ORANG YANG KITA KASIHI hidup kita akan lebih berwarna dan berarti?? Apa mentang-mentang karena dunia GAY itu WARNA-WARNI, lantas pasanganmu juga bisa WARNA-WARNI. NO! Its not that point.

    Well, I've told you once more. This is just my idea that I shared to you to discuss. Kalau ada yang ingin berpendapat, berpendapatlah yang cerdas. Orang-orang yang baca di thread ini bisa menilai mana yang cerdas dan mana yang sekedar debat kusir. Debat aku suka debat, tapi debat yang intelek, jangan sekedar debat kusir yang ga ada ujung habisnya. Just try to make some argument!
    It's not a matter of monogamous or being a slut/promiscuous ... it's a matter of RESPECT. Two or more consensual adults can do anything they want to do as long as it isn't an activity that related to a crime. If you think monogamous is your choice, go with that but you can't make others think and have the same lifestyle as you do. To those who enjoy promiscuity let them enjoy that lifestyle as well. Promiscuity is not a crime. It's just a different way to appreciate what life is about, similar to those who prefer monogamy. I've lived in many gayborhoods for so many years in many prosperous countries. One thing that makes different than other part of the world: They respect other people's choice of lifestyle more than any other culture. I have friends who live in both lifestyle. I respect them and we respect each other. Monogamous lifestyle isn't for everyone. You can't tell everyone to stick into that lifestyle just because you think it's the right one for you. After all, again ... it's a matter of RESPECT.


    Well well well.. This argument really makes me feel better. IDK, but somehow it just prove that there's a gay guy that have a quality around. I accept and understand with your point, it's about respect, but as I mention before, here I just try to share some ideas. I'm not tryn to provoke the others to,"hey, dude, let's be this kind of person, so you can be like me.". No, I'm not gettin into it.

    Even it's about respect, but let just focus this argument to the effects that will make gay labeled in BAD MARK on society eyes. All of us want to be accepted by society, but there's still some attitudes that just seems make those acceptance is so impossible to be reached. That's why, even we have to respect with the people-who-do-as-they-want, we still must try to care with the environment.

    I can shout loudly like this just because facing the fact: gay around the world want to be accepted, but they just seems showin off that they're not ready to be accepted. Kalau udah gitu, ya udah dong, jangan protes kalau masyarakat menilai bahwa gay selamanya buruk.

    Anyway, I hope there's no other opinion that this discussion is about judgement or forcement for do somethin as the TS stated. I, once more, told you that I KNOW THAT PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHTS TO CHOOSE their OWN, but every choice, has some impacts. If there some bad impact, then we have to keep silent?? And just told them it's OK? How careless!


    You said this
    "Colorof wrote:
    I'm not tryn to provoke the others to,"hey, dude, let's be this kind of person, so you can be like me.". No, I'm not gettin into it.

    and this
    "Colorof wrote:
    AKu cuma pengen bilang bahwa, come on guys. Now its time to wake up. DOnt waste your life with UNCERTAIN WORLD. Bukankah.. CUKUP DENGAN SATU ORANG YANG KITA KASIHI hidup kita akan lebih berwarna dan berarti?? Apa mentang-mentang karena dunia GAY itu WARNA-WARNI, lantas pasanganmu juga bisa WARNA-WARNI. NO! Its not that point.

    What you stated above is such an oxymoron. You think you know what a respect is but the whole argument you wrote as the thread starter shows it is lacking the respect itself. It is lacking the respect to those who choose to be promiscuous. You are not provoking, you are ATTACKING those who choose to be sexually active. That is NOT a respect. People can think whatever they want to think. They can think gay people ruin the whole planet as they used to think female babies brought bad luck into the family. The point is not how others think, it's the fact that YOU EXCESSIVELY WORRY about what others think. Again, being promiscuous is not a crime. It's a fact and two or more consensual adults can do anything they want to do behind the door. A fact is a fact and you don't have to like it. However, that doesn't mean you can judge it simply because you don't like it.

    Morality and criminal offenses are set apart in modern society. You might live in a modern society but obviously don't think the way modern society do. You are sticking your neck out. Just because monogamy is the popular one in the society it doesn't mean you have the right to attack others who live in different lifestyle. Yes, every choice of conduct has its own consequences and what you need to do is to stay on your own business. You don't shift the burden of responsibility to those who choose to live with unpopular lifestyle as, again, it is not a criminal offense. So, stop scapegoating others, mind your own business and accept the fact that unpopular lifestyle isn't a crime. Peace!
  • FAITH wrote: »
    FAITH wrote: »
    It's not a matter of monogamous or being a slut/promiscuous ... it's a matter of RESPECT. Two or more consensual adults can do anything they want to do as long as it isn't an activity that related to a crime. If you think monogamous is your choice, go with that but you can't make others think and have the same lifestyle as you do. To those who enjoy promiscuity let them enjoy that lifestyle as well. Promiscuity is not a crime. It's just a different way to appreciate what life is about, similar to those who prefer monogamy. I've lived in many gayborhoods for so many years in many prosperous countries. One thing that makes different than other part of the world: They respect other people's choice of lifestyle more than any other culture. I have friends who live in both lifestyle. I respect them and we respect each other. Monogamous lifestyle isn't for everyone. You can't tell everyone to stick into that lifestyle just because you think it's the right one for you. After all, again ... it's a matter of RESPECT.

    Agreed with @ rawasari.
    Methinks that (sepertinya) penulis thread ini adalah orang yang sexually repressed.
    Emosi tinggi karena hasrat ( gay ) seks nya dipendam, mengingkari self-identity nya sebagai gay, marah karena penolakan ( rejection) dari sesama gay etc. Oh well..the possiblity is endless.


    @ Faith :
    I do think he is sexually repressed. Probably due to rejections, I suppose. Hence the lashing out on people who choose to enjoy sex and be sexually active.
    He is being an oxymoron ( with the heavy emphasis on 'moron' ) in which he asked for a respect, but in turn, disrespecting others who happens to choose a different path.

    His narrow mindedness is quite mind-boggling. Know that just because others choose the path that you don't think is right, it doesn't mean that they are in the wrong. If you want respect, start respecting others choice. Know that monogamy is not 'the right formula' for everybody.

    I choose to have a monogamous lifestyle with my partner, but that doesn't give me the right to say that everybody should follow suit, and that promiscuity and being sexually active is wrong !!
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